Investigating Child Abuse

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Texas Child Protective Services is the point of contact for reports of abuse, neglect and
exploitation of vulnerable children. Among other things, caseworkers must determine if a child
is in danger and should be removed to a safer place.

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Call comes A CPS investigator CPS researches the Once abuse or If finally removed,
to CPS. visits the home of family for prior neglect is CPS decides where
the suspected history of abuse or confirmed, the the child should go:
victim and neglect and CPS investigator foster care or a
interviews child determines if there consults with relative. If abuse is
and parents or is enough evidence supervisor to bad enough, CPS
caregivers. to confirm determine what to might require the
allegation. do: remove child or permanent removal
monitor the home. from caregiver.
Source: Texas Child Protective Services ALBERTO CUADRA : C H R O N I C L E

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