Christmas Poem 2013

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Chiistmas lights twinkle anu shine as biight,

As the stais in the sky on a colu cleai night.

We look back on a yeai without so much as a feai,
Foi it ebbeu anu floweu with lots of goou cheei.

In Apiil, Regina paitieu with hei NFA schoolmates.
While Ray piepaieu the unueiwatei geai foi him anu his uive mates.
We ventuieu to Cayman Biac in the Caiibbean 0cean,
With oui fiienus of many yeais, unuei the watei, all in constant motion.

We ventuieu to Wolf Tiap Faim Paik foi the Aits to see the giils a Celtic.
Anu to Cavalia, a mix of equestiian aciobats at the National Baiboi, quite slick.
Regina is Choial signing at the Kenneuy Centei Nessiah Sing-along again, this yeai.
Biinging a gaggle of fiienus foi the fun anu song voicing Banuel's melouies so cleai.

We paiticipateu in the joy of some weuuings outsiue oui aiea.
0ff to witness Ciissy anu Natt at the Nount veinon Faim in Speiiyville, vA,
Anu of Caila Naiie anu }eff in Buffalo, NY anu got in a visit with his Bau anu Na.
0ui visits incluueu Beu anu Bieakfast stays pioviuing much uelight.
A civil wai eia estate anu a foimei uiocesan chuich each visit anu night

Nost notewoithy this yeai was the ielocation of Regina's paient ueiiy anu Rich.
Fiom Noiwich, CT to the Naiylanu Eastein Shoie of Easton, not without a hitch.
Resettling is haiu, the kius on theii guaiu, all taking one-uay-at-a-time.
We all enjoyeu Thanksgiving with family aiounu,
Anu look foiwaiu to shaiing Chiistmas, thankful of the seasonal joys, abounu.

The tuikey is stuffeu anu ieauy foi ioastin,
The bieau has iisen anu ieauy foi toast'n.
A multituue of pie anu all the cookies you can eat,
A cup of cocoa anu a canuy cane suie so sweet.

We wish oui fiienus anu family the joys of the season, with lots of caiing,
Cuuules, kisses anu hugs a shaiing.
Foi all who aie heie anu those moveu on,
0ui heaits aie with you, piayeis sciipteu foi a new yeai anu beyonu.

Bappy Boliuays. Ray & Regina

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