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Some of the common minor ailments which can be treated at home are listed below:

Eye Infections Ear Ache COMMON COLD Sinusitis Sore throat Cough Chest pain Asthma High blood Pressure

Anaemia Tooth Ache Diarrhoea Indigestions Head ache Backache Retention of Urine Fever

- Eye infections cause burning pain in the eyes, watering of the eyes - Light makes the pain worst. - Sticky pus & cause eye lids stick. - Eyes become red. Treatment:- Find out the cause. - If the conditions acute clean the eyes carefully and put antibiotic eye drops or ointment,. - Close the eyes with soft bandage. - Refer the Patient without delay. - Give aspirin to relieve pain.

- It is a common problem in children. - Trouble may be in the external error middle ear. - Middle ear infection is common and serious. Treatment :- Observe the ear for any discharge like watery or serious or pus. - Observe for any throat infections. - Examine for the pain. - Observe for other complaints like cold, too much wax. - Chronic condition may cause deafness. - So immediate appropriate care should be necessary.

Clean the Ear gently. - Instill antibiotic ear drops 4 times a day. - Give aspirin tablets for 3days. - For children below 3 yrs., with middle ear infection can start penicillin injections and paracetamol tablets. - If any Foreign body or wax, should not try to treat the condition. This may worst the condition further. - Refer the case immediately to the hospital

- The patient has a watery discharge from the nose, with sneezing and itching. - Symptoms come on suddenly and frequently. - The person may be allergic to dust, feathers, pollen or same food item..

Treatment: - Give antihistamine tablets. - Tell the patient to try to observe what causes the allergic reaction and try to avoid contact with that item. - If there is no improvement, refer the patient.


- This is a common Complaint of cold. - The patient is suffered severely with pain and tenderness in the bones just above or below the eyes. - Severe head ache; Pain increase when the patient bends forward. - There may be thick mucus or pus in the nose; - Discharge smells badly.

Treatment : - Tell the patient to take steam inhalations with Jandubam. - Decongestant tablets or nose drops for relief; Give Tab. Aspirin or paracetamol to relieve pain. - If there is no improvement after 3 days, refer the patient.


- Due to tonsillitis throat may be red, and tonsils are swollen and pus discharge. - The patient feel difficult to swallow; Fever and cough present.

Treatment : - Give aspirin for 3 days to relieve pain and fever; - The voice should be rested and no smoking allowed. - If no improvement after 3 days, refer the patient.


Cough :

Chest pain :

- Cough is the most common symptom of respiratory disease.

Treatment - If the cough is dry, steam inhalations and taking extra fluids will help to loosen mucus. - Expectorants may be given. - Advice the patient not to smoke, if he is smoker; - If suspect TB refer the patient.

- May be occur for pneumonia, pleurisy, TB, and Fibrosis.

Treatment :- Give Tab. aspirin for 4 days, if no improvement refer patient for hospitals.

Asthma: - The patient feels dyspnea (Difficulty in breathing). - Wheezing. - Cough and Cyanosis.
Treatment : - If not severe give ephedrine or theophylline. Give a lot of liquids and steam inhalations. - Patient needs calm and quite environment. - Refer the case to the hospital.

High blood Pressure:

- The blood pressure may raise due to several reasons. - If the patient is suffering continuously with high B.P. - The following symptoms should be observed. - Head ache; - Fatigue and dizziness; Palpitations. - The patient should take pills regularly in order to keep well. - Health teaching regarding same conditions. - If patient is overweight, he should lose weight by avoiding sweets, and fatty foods and eating less staple foods. - Use Sunflower oil for cooking; - Use little or no salt in cooking or do not add salt to meals. - Dont take strong coffee; - Avoid smoking and alcohol; - Learn to relax more and take moderate exercise.

Treatment :

- Causes includes hook warm, malaria and malnutrition. - Patient may looks pale. - Patient Complaints of feeling tired and weak. - Giddy or faint. - Swelling of feet. Treatment : - Treat the patient according to the condition. - Health education regarding food i.e., green leafy vegetables, fresh vegetables, meat eggs, pulses, jaggary honey etc.

Tooth Ache:- - Tooth ache may occur due to bad oral hygiene, infections, or in dental caries. Treatment : - If there is no cavity, no swelling or fever give saline or Potassium Permongate (Kmno4) mouth wash and health teaching about oral Hygiene. - If there is fever give aspirin and mouth washes 3 times a day. after 3 days if no improvement, refer to a doctor. Diarrhoea :- It is a common complaint. The Causes are - poisoning;- Malnutrition;- Intestinal infections;Intestinal tumors;- Emotional disturbances. Treatment : - Treat for the dehydration without delay; - Give rehydration drinks frequently; - Plenty of liquids, which should be boiled and served warm ; - Rehydration drinks are weak tea, rice water, soups, coconut water etc..

Indigestions: - In this patient may feel stomach pain, heart - burn, flatulence, regurgitation of fluid and constipation. Treatment - Health teach should be given to patient regarding avoidance taking improper food. - Avoid eating quickly or swallowing without chewing the foods; - Avoid taking too spicy or fatly foods or too much alcohol; - Maintain to take balance diet according proper timings. Head ache : - Pain may be present on forehead at temples, or back of the head or on sides. It is due to lack of sleep food, nervous tension worry, eye strain, indigestion, constipation, and menstruation. Treatment : - Rest in a quit, darkened room without food or drink for 2 hours. - Paracetamol or Aspirin with strong coffee or tea should be take. - Massaging the back of neck, forehead and shoulders may release tension. - If other reasons treat for appropriate cause.

Backache: - You should note the sex, age, general health and occupation of the person. Treatment : - The patient should take complete rest on a firm bed. Local heat and aspirin may relieve pain for 4 days. - After 4 days if no improvement refer to doctor. Retention of Urine: - This may occur due to fall from high place or urinary infections. Treatment : - Patient may listen the running tap sound or you can pour water on the lower abdomen slowly by one feet height; - Refer the patient to doctor if no progress.

Fever: - Fever may arise due to many reasons. It may be due to malaria, filarial, Polio, Typhoid or any other infections etc., signs and symptoms are body pains, Raise of temperature, Headache, Fatigue.

Treatment : - Give Tab. paracetamol 500 Mg. 3 times a day for 4days (Adults). - Take rest; - Take Plenty of fluids and fruit juices; - Soft diet should be taken fatigue.


The health worker should know various minor disorder and their treatment. The various minor disorders are eye infections, earache, fever, cold, cough, back pain, retention of urine, etc.


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