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(aE 9065 ‘Summer 2008 Examination 20809 3 Hours/80 Marks seatNo. []_ || | Instructions ; (J) All questions are compulsory. (2) Answer each next main question on a new page. {3) Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. (4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. (5) Assume suitable data, if mecessary. (6) Mobile Phone, Pager and any other Electronic Communication devices are not permissible in Examination Hall 1, a) Attempt any four 8 a) State limitations of 8085 microprocessor. b) List four advantages of 8086 microprocessor 6) State the function of STC: and AAA instructions of 8086. 4) State one instruction each for arithmetic multiplication and division, «) State the function of Assembler and Linker. b) Attempt any two : (4x2=8) 2) Draw 8086 architecture block diagram. b) How 20 bit physical address is generated in 8086 processor ? ©) Explain following assembler directive DB and EQU. 2. Attempt any two (2x6=12) 4) State the functions of following blocks in 8085 microprocessor i) ALU ii) ‘Timing and control iif) Instruction register 6} Comment on various flags and their use in 8086 system. ©) What are the advantages of segmented memory and memory segmentation ? How memory segmentation is achieved in 8086 system ? PTO. 9065 Marxs 3. Attempt any three : (3xd=12) a) Write 8086 programme to multiply two 8 bit BCD numbers, draw flowchart give explanation and comments b) Write 8086 programme to arrange numbers in ascending order. ©) Describe reentrant procedure with schematic diagram, What are other procedures ? 4) Differentiate RCR and RCL instructions on basis of their operation, with example. 4 4, Attempt any two (2x8=1 4) Write algorithm, flowchart and programme for 8086, to find largest number among the block of data ) Compare and contrast between memory mapped 1/0 and VO mapped 1/0, ©) Describe following prefix and string instruction with suitable example REP MOY SB. 5. Attempt any two : (2x6=12) a) Explain string related instructions of 8086. b) Write algorithm, flowchart and programme for 8086, to transfer a block of data from one location to other. ©) Interface 4 Kbyte of RAM to 8086, using 2 KB RAM chip and 74L$138 decoder. First RAM should start at address 000004. 6, Attempt any three 12 4) Write 8086 program explanatory algorithm programme flowchart for finding 2's complement of a 16 bit number. ») Describe direct with segment NEAR CALL instruction with suitable example, ©) With suitable example, explain in details the parameter passing in register in 8086 assembly language procedure, 4) State the function of program counter and stack pointer of 8085,

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