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II- Account Of Secured Advances Allowed on the security of materials brought to side

educt Quantity !uantity outstandin &ull rate Quantity utili"ed in g including assessed outstandi wor# !uantity by the ng from measured brought to ivisiona previous since site since l Officer bill previous previous 1 bill bill ' $ % educte d out at which advance is made , *p to date Amount advance Authority vide ivisional Officers written order /o0 1 ate0 12 .easons for non-clearance of advance when outstanding more than three months

escription of (aterials )

*nit +

III - Certificate and Signature

Total Amount outstanding as per this bill (C) Amount outstanding as per entry (C) or previous bill

Entries in column to of Account I are based on measurements Deduct Recorded by Shri 3 S oshi4 55 6(758

Figure (E) in words Rupees

On 19-12-2012 in M ! "o 1## $SS% & "o 1 C'ec(ed 100 ) by S'ri * Shri 3 S oshi4 55 6(758 $" A%* +I,C* An(les'-ar Certified t'at in addition to end .uite a/art from t'e 0uantities of -or( actually e1ecuted as s'o-n in column 2 Account I* some -or( 'as been actually done in connection 3it' se4eral items and t'e 4alue of suc' -or( $after deducting from t'e /ro/ortionate amount of secured ad4ance If any ultimately reco4erable on an account of t'e .uantities of materials used t'erein is in t'e case lese it on ad4ancement as /er column 5 of Account 1 made or /ro/osed to be made for t'e con4enience of t'e contractor or antici/ation of and sub6ect to t'e results of measurements* -'ic' -ill be as soon as /ossible Certified $I% t'at t'e /lus .uantities of materials s'o-n in column 5 Account II about 'a4e been actually broug't by t'e site of t'e -or( and t'e Contractor 'as not /re4iously recei4ed and ad4ances on t'eir security $ii% t'at t'ese materials of an im/eris'able and nature are all re.uired by t'e contractor for use in t'e -or( in connection -it' items for -'ic' notes finis'ed -or( 'a4e been agreed u/on and $iii% t'at a formal agreement signed and e1ecuted by t'e contractor in accordance -it' /aragra/' 525 of t'e /ublic 3or( ,e/artment Manual is recorded in t'e ,i4isional Office

,ated signature of Officer /re/aring t'e bill Certificate "o 2 and 5 must be signed by an Officer of or abo4e t'e ran( for sub ,i4isional Officer 0

I9: ;0 5<5:*=I>5 5/?I/55. 6(758 :ontractor /A - ?0I0 0:04 A/@A5SBCA.

Signature of the

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