Apology Letter Example

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William Holmes Director Major Productions 2029 Victoria Avenue Oakland, ME 012 !

"une 1#, 2010 Harr$ Dennison Mana%er &olossal 'ndustr$ Enter(rise 29 )lorence *treet +e,raska &it$, 'A 1210 Dear Mr- Dennison Re: Apologies for Declining Invitation ./ank $ou so muc/ 0or $our kind invitation to $our esteemed com(an$1s #9t/anniversar$ dinner and dance on Au%ust 20, 2010- Please acce(t m$ /eartiest con%ratulations on $our com(an$1s u(comin% cele,ration- Ho2ever, allo2 me to decline t/is invitation 0or ' /ave a (rior ,oard meetin% sc/edule 2/ic/ re3uires m$ (resence to (resent t/e com(an$1s vision 0or t/e ne4t 0inancial $ear- Hence, it is an e4tremel$ crucial meetin% t/at ' cannot avoidPlease acce(t m$ sincere a(olo%ies- '0 circumstances /ave ,een ot/er2ise, it 2ould ,e m$ /onor to ,e (resent at $our com(an$1s (resti%ious event- ' s/all look 0or2ard to anot/er occasion to 0oster a closer colla,oration ,et2een our t2o com(anies (ersonall$./ank $ou 0or $our kind understandin%5es(ect0ull$ $ours, William Holmes William Holmes

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