Popular World Heritage Sites in Vietnam

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Popular World Heritage Sites In Vietnam List of main tour destinations in Vietnam Travelling Guide as listed out by UNESCO

are considered as World Heritage Sites. Those 7 o ular World Heritage Sites in !ietnam are as follo"s# $. Complex of Hue Monuments: Com le% of Hue &onuments a cultural heritage site' located at Thua Thien Hue ro(ince lies along the )erfume *i(er in the Hue City. The city constitutes cultural' economic and olitical center of the ro(ince. &a+or tourist attractions surrounding Com le% of Hue &onuments are ,m erial Citadel' Tu -uc Tomb' .hai -inh Tomb and &inh &ang Tomb.

2. Ha ong !a": Ha ong !a"' a natural heritage site is a art of /ac /o 0ulf is situated in North1East region of !ietnam. ,t co(ers the sea area of Halong City along1"ith Cam )ha To"n and a art of !an -on island of 2uang Ninh )ro(ince. E% loring Halong /ay' tourists

"ill find a ne" "orld of legendary stone islands "hich changes sha e de ending on the angle and light.

3. Hoi #n #n$ient To%n:

Hoi #n 4ncient To"n' a cultural heritage site located on the coastal lain of 2uang Nam )ro(ince is an old to"n do"n the Thu /on *i(er at about 35 6m south of -anang City. &a+or tourist attractions of Hoi 4n 4ncient To"n is Chua Cau' 4ncient Wells' Old Houses' 4ssembly Halls' Lantern &anufacturers and &useums.
7. M" Son San$tuar":

&y Son Sanctuary' a cultural heritage site' is set in small (alley that belongs to -uy )hu Commune at about 75 6m south"est of -anang City and 756m from Hoi 4n City. ,t consists of 38 e ita hs and 7$ monuments.
9. P&ong '&a()e !ang 'ational Par*:

)hong Nha1.e /ang National )ar6' a natural heritage site' located at Central !ietnam in 2uang /inh ro(ince. &a+or attractions are some ty ical ca(es li6e )hong Nha 0rotto' Tien Son 0rotto' Son -oong Ca(e and many others.
:. Central Se$tor of t&e Imperial Citadel of T&ang

ong +

Hanoi: ,t is a natural heritage site of Hanoi that co(ers area of $;.3<9ha archeological areas including $; Hoang -ieu Street and numerous relics of Hanoi Citadel. &a+or tourist sites include Hanoi =lag To"er' .inh Thien )alace' Hau Lau and many more.
7. T&e Citadel of t&e Ho ,"nast":

,t is a cultural heritage site situated in !inh Loc -istrict of Thanh Hoa )ro(ince. ,ts main tourist attraction laces are 4ncient house' /inh .huong Tem le' 0iang )agoda and many more.

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