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Industrial Application

Packed Bed: In air treatment Fluidized bed: In petroleum refineries

Packed Bed: In air treatment (Scrubbers)

Packed bedis a hollow tube pipe or other !essel that is filled with a

packin" material#
Packed Bed Scrubbers ha!e been used effecti!el$ to remo!e a wide ran"e of

air pollutants in man$ industrial and municipal applications

Packed Bed Scrubbers are used to remo!e inor"anic "ases odors fumes and

"as streams that contain hi"h p% le!els

&'ample : Sulfur dio'ide chorine and fluorine "as ammonia and ammines

Factors to consider in calculatin" remo!al efficienc$ are:

(# )# *# +# ,# 0# 2#

contaminant flow composition contaminant solubilit$ chemistr$ that will react with contaminants reaction speed %-. (hei"ht transfer unit) factors re/uired for specified remo!al efficienc$ li/uid1to1"as ratio !elocit$

Fluidized bed: In petroleum refineries process

Petroleum refineryis anindustrial process plantwherecrude

oilis processed and refined into more useful products such aspetroleum "asoline diesel fuel (!aluable)
3nown as Fluid catalytic cracking(F44)1

1widel$ used to con!ert the hi"h1boilin" hi"h1molecular wei"hth$drocarbonfractions ofpetroleumcrude oilsto more !aluable product
-he F44 process!aporizesand breaks the lon"1chainmoleculesof

the hi"h1boilin" h$drocarbon li/uids into much shorter molecules b$ contactin" the feedstock at high temperature and moderate pressure with a fluidized powderedcatalyst#
-he s$stem breaks apart lar"er 4(+ molecules into 4+ and 45

molecules or into 4, and 42 molecules#

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