AN1141 - USB Embedded Host Stack Programmer S Guide

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USB Embedded Host Stack Programmers Guide

Author: Bud Caldwell Microchip Technology Inc.

Supports USB embedded host applications Handles device enumeration and configuration Supports multiple class or client drivers Support for hosting multi-function devices Support for root-port power control Provides a simple Application Program Interface (API) Provides a simple Client Driver Interface (CDI) Uses a table-driven method to implement the hosts Targeted Peripheral List (TPL) Support for control, interrupt, bulk, and isochronous transfers.

The Universal Serial Bus (USB) provides a common interface that greatly simplifies how an end user connects many types of peripheral devices to a personal computer (PC). Beyond just the PC, many embedded systems can take advantage of the USB as a way to connect to a wide variety of peripherals. Unlike a PC, an embedded host is only required to support a predefined set of peripherals. Microchip provides sample firmware that enables hosts, using supported Microchip microcontrollers, to control some of the most commonly requested types of USB peripheral devices (see References). For cases in which host firmware is not available to control the type of device required, the Microchip USB embedded host firmware stack provides an easy-touse framework that simplifies the development of USB 2.0 compliant embedded hosts. This application note describes how to implement a client driver for a USB peripheral using the Microchip host framework. Use of this framework simplifies implementation of firmware for an embedded host and makes it much easier to control almost any type of peripheral device desired.

Does not support hubs Supports a single USB root port Number of client drivers supported limited only by available memory

The USB firmware stack was developed for the following hardware: USB variants of the PIC24 and PIC32 families of microcontrollers.

Working knowledge of C programming language Familiarity with the USB 2.0 protocol Familiarity with the USB class or device to be hosted. Familiarity with Microchip MPLAB IDE

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For complete program and data memory requirements, refer to the release notes located in the source installation directory.


The USB host firmware stack source is available as part of Microchips complete USB Embedded Host Support Package. Perform the following steps to complete the installation: 1. 2. Download the installation file from the Microchip corporate web site: Execute the installation file. A Windows installation wizard will guide you through the installation process. Before continuing with the installation, you must accept the software license agreement by clicking I Accept. After completion of the installation process, you should see a new entry in the Microchip program group. The complete source code will be copied into the selected directory. Refer to the release notes for a complete file manifest, the latest version-specific features, and limitations.


The Microchip USB embedded host stack firmware uses the following I/O pins:



Usage USB D+ differential data signal USB D- differential data signal Senses USB power (does not operate bus powered) Power input for the USB D+/Dtransceivers Enables or disables VBus power supply


PIC MCU I/O Pin D+ (IO) D- (IO) VBUS (Input) VUSB (Input) VBUSON (Output)



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This application note is a programmers guide. It describes how to use the USB embedded host stack firmware when a sample application is not available to perform the desired task. However, several Microchip sample applications are noted in References. These applications are available for download from

Application Layer
The application layer is the firmware necessary to implement the devices desired behavior. It is customer designed and implemented code, although it may be based on Microchip supplied sample code. The application layer communicates with a USB device through one or more USB client drivers, and uses any other firmware in the system, as necessary.


The USB embedded host firmware stack can be thought of as consisting of 3 layers, as shown in Figure 1.

USB Client Driver

Each USB peripheral device implements a particular function (printer, mouse, mass storage device, etc.). Some devices may have multiple functions. A USB client driver enables the embedded hosts application firmware to control a single function of a USB peripheral device that is connected to the host. Multi-function devices will usually be controlled by multiple client drivers. The client driver should model the function in an abstract way, so that the host application does not need to comprehend the details of how the device works.




USB Host Layer

The host layer provides an abstraction of the USB, supplying the following services:

USB Client Driver

USB Client Driver

USB Client Driver

Performs device identification Performs device enumeration Manages client drivers Provides a simple interface to communicate with a USB peripheral device

USB Host Layer

When first connected to the bus, the host layer will read the descriptors (data structures defined by the USB 2.0 and its associated supplements) from the device to determine what type of device it is and what function(s) it supports. Then, it will check the TPL to see if the device can be supported. If it can be, the host layer will initialize the appropriate client driver (or drivers).

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Client Driver Architecture
This section provides an overview of the client driver architecture. As shown in Figure 2, the application usually contains a main loop (arrow #1) that controls the overall state of the firmware stack . From within this loop, it must call a USB tasks routine to maintain the state of the host layer (arrow #2). There is also an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) contained within the host layer that services interrupts as they occur on the bus. The ISR communicates with the host layers state machine. To communicate with the USB device, the application would call one or more of the clients API routines (arrow #3). In response, the client driver will most likely call into the host layer to start the tasks necessary to implement the request (arrow #4). After the client driver API routine returns, the application must continue to call the USB tasks routine (arrow #2) to allow the task to complete.


A client driver provides a set of functions, data structures, and definitions that allow the application to control the device. This interface is the API (Application Program Interface). The exact design of the client drivers API is specific to the peripheral (or class of peripherals) to be controlled, and is determined by the drivers designer.




3 Client Driver

4 Host Layer


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In addition to calling host-layer interface routines (see Host Layer API and Client Driver Interface); the client driver must provide two callback functions to interface with the host layer. The first function is required to initialize the client driver. The host layer will call it when a device of the appropriate type has been connected and configured. The host layer will call the other routine when events occur on the USB about which the client driver may need to know. A code identifying the event, along with any additional data required, will be passed into the event handling routine. These two callback functions, along with the other functions and definitions provided by the host layer, make up the CDI by which client drivers access the USB and communicate with their associated devices.


A client driver will normally include some form of state machine to manage the device. This state machine can be maintained in either of the following ways: Event-driven Polled To support a fully event-driven implementation, the application must enable transfer events and define an event handling routine (refer to the USB_HOST_APP_EVENT_HANDLER and USB_ENABLE_TRANSFER_EVENT configuration options). Sections Event-Driven Client Drivers and Polling-Based Client Drivers describe these two methods in more detail. Sections The Client Drivers Event-Handling Routine through Implementing a Polled Client Driver describe how to implement each method. The main differences between the two methods are the direction and order in which the calls are performed and in how the tasks are split up. As mentioned above, the application will normally contain a main loop that controls the over-all state of the firmware stack from which it will call a USB tasks routine that maintains the state of the host layer. This is the same in both the polled and event-driven cases. Also in both cases, the ISR, contained within the host layer, services interrupts as they occur on the bus and communicates with the host layers state machine. To start some activity, the application will normally call one or more of the client drivers API routines as described in Client Driver API. To complete this activity, the state machine must be maintained using either the polled or event-driven methods.

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When using the event-driven method, the state machine of the client driver is managed by the client drivers event-handling routine so actions that require some time to complete can continue while the application is busy doing other things. In Figure 3, the applications main loop (arrow #1) must regularly call the host layers USB tasks routine (arrow #2). When some activity has completed on the USB, the host layer will call the client drivers event-handling callback routine to notify it of the event (arrow #3). It will also provide any data necessary to correctly interpret the event. If necessary (and supported), the client driver can then call the applications optional event-handling routine to notify the application (arrow #4). Client-specific events (passed to the application or to another driver layer for multi-layered clients) may or may not correspond one-to-one with USB events that are passed to the client driver by the host layer. In some cases the host layer may pass many events to the client driver before the client driver passes a single event to the application, if it does so at all. In other cases a call to a client drivers API routine may immediately result in a call back to the applications event-handling routine. The exact usage is up to the client drivers designer and the needs of the USB peripheral to be controlled. The key feature of an event-driven client driver is that transitions from one state to another occur in response to an event on the USB and are managed by the client drivers event-handling routine. This results in tasks being split up between events, so that each event will start the next portion of some activity that will result in another event or the completion of the activity. It also results in calls occurring back up the stack, from the lower layers toward the application in response to a call to the USB tasks routine.




4 Client Driver 2

3 Host Layer


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When using the polled method, the client drivers state machine is maintained by the drivers own tasks routine that should be considered part of the client drivers API.


As described in the preceding sections, a client driver consists of the following: Device-specific (or device class-specific) API Logic necessary to implement the API and manage the drivers state machine Two call-back functions that are used by the host layer to initialize the driver and provide notification of events that occur on the bus




3 Client Driver

2 4 Host Layer

As shown in Figure 4, the applications main loop (arrow #1) must regularly call both the host layers tasks routine (arrow #2) and the client drivers tasks routine (arrow #3). The clients tasks routine will manage transitions in the drivers state machine by calling host layer (CDI) routines to check the status of the bus (arrow #4). As actions complete, the client drivers tasks routine will update state data to reflect events on the USB. The application must then call one of the drivers API routines (arrow #5) to check on the status of whatever activity on which it is waiting to find out when actions have been completed. The key feature of this method is that calls are directed down the stack. Actions can be started by API routines, when called by the application or actions can be started later by the clients state machine. The state machine must then have states that wait for some activity to be started or that start the activity themselves. Either way, it must also have states that check for the activity to be completed, usually by calling host layer CDI routines.

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Client Driver Table
Since an embedded USB host may need to support several different types of devices, it may need several different client drivers. This may be the case even if the embedded host has only a single USB host port. In fact, some peripheral devices can have multiple functions, so more then one client driver may be active at one time. In order for the host layer to be able to manage multiple client drivers, it must be able to call multiple routines using the same function signature (one for each driver). To support this, a table driven method is used. Since the set of client drivers supported will almost certainly be different for each embedded host, the application must implement this table. Each entry in the table corresponds to a single client driver and contains pointers to the drivers initialization and eventhandling call-back routines (see Client Driver Architecture). For additional flexibility, each table entry also contains an initialization value that can be used to modify the drivers behavior. Figure 5 illustrates the relationship between the client driver table and the client drivers.

The dotted arrows showing the EventHandler pointers have been partially removed to avoid cluttering the diagram.



Client Driver Table


Client Drivers
HidClientInit(DWORD flags) { switch(flags) { MsdClientInit(DWORD flags) case 0: { switch(flags) case 1: { MyClientInit(DWORD flags) case 0: { case 2: switch(flags) case 1: { } case } 0: case 2: case 1: } HidClientEventHandler() { } case 2: } MsdClientEvenetHandler() }{ } } MyClientEvenetHandler() { }

P->Initialize(0) P->EventHandler(...) P->Initialize(1) P->EventHandler(...) P->Initialize(2) P->EventHandler(...) P->Initialize(FLAG1) P->EventHandler(...) P->Initialize(0) P->EventHandler(...) P->Initialize(FLAG2) P->EventHandler(...)

1 2

3 4 5

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When a device is attached, the host layer reads its descriptors and determines whether the device can be supported. If it can be supported, the device will be configured and made ready for the driver to use. Then the host layer indexes into the appropriate entry in the client driver table and calls the client drivers initialization routine using the Initialize pointer, and passing to it the initialization value given in that entry of the table. The driver can then perform any initialization activities that are necessary. Later, when events occur on the USB, the host layer calls the event-handling routine using the EventHandler pointer in the same entry in the client driver table, passing it data that identifies the event (as described in Client Driver Architecture). More than one entry in the table can correspond to a single client driver. The initialization value can be used to modify the behavior of the driver, depending on which entry in the client driver table was used. This is useful for writing an adaptive driver with behavior that varies according to the specific device or type of device. For example, a Human Interface Device (HID) client driver may need to support a keyboard, a mouse, or a joy stick. The host layer may use a different entry in the client driver table, depending on which of those three devices is detected. If a different initialization value is used for each entry (e.g., 0, 1, and 2 in Figure 5), the client driver can behave appropriately for the type of device.

Targeted Peripheral List

A full USB host, such as a PC, must be able to install the client drivers for USB devices for which the host was not originally designed. However, an embedded host is only required to support a fixed set of USB peripheral devices or classes of devices. This set is defined by the embedded hosts TPL (Targeted Peripheral List). USB peripheral devices are identified in the TPL in one of two ways*: VID-PID combination Class-Subclass-Protocol combination VID is the vendor ID number (provided by the USB Implementers Forum to identify the device maker). PID is the product ID number (provided by the maker of the device). USB peripheral devices are all assigned to a particular class of devices (or identified as vendor-specific). Each device class can have a number of subclasses and each subclass can support one or more protocols that it may use. Both the VID/PID and Class-Subclass-Protocol (CL-SC-P) numbers are provided to the host in the peripheral devices descriptors (tables of data contained on the device). Refer to the Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 2.0 for details about the USB device framework (see References).

* Embedded hosts can support client drivers for specific devices, and for classes of devices, as well. However, a true USB On-The-Go (OTG) device must specify supported devices individually by VID and PID. Refer to the USB On-The-Go Supplement for details on USB OTG devices (see References).

The Microchip USB embedded host firmware models the TPL as a table that associates the device identifier (either VID-PID or CL-SC-P combination) with an entry in the client driver table. When a device is attached to the USB, the TPL table is searched to determine if a device is supported, and to identify which client driver will be used to control the device. Figure 6 illustrates the relationship between the TPL and client driver table.

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Client Driver Table Targeted Peripheral List

Device Identifier VID:PID CL:SC:P VID:PID VID:PID CL:SC:P CL:SC:P CL:SC:P Flags 0 TPL_CLASS_DRV TPL_SET_CONFIG 0 TPL_CLASS_DRV TPL_CLASS_DRV TPL_CLASS_DRV Config 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Client Driver 0 3 0 4 5 1 2

P->Initialize(0) P->EventHandler(...) P->Initialize(1) P->EventHandler(...) P->Initialize(2) P->EventHandler(...) P->Initialize(FLAG1) P->EventHandler(...) P->Initialize(0) P->EventHandler(...) P->Initialize(FLAG2) P->EventHandler(...)

1 2

3 4 5

A bit (TPL_CLASS_DRV) in the Flags field of each TPL table entry indicates if the Device Identifier field contains a Class-Subclass-Protocol combination (if set) or a VID-PID combination (if not set). Associated with each Device Identifier is an index into the client driver table. This index is used to locate the corresponding entry in the client driver table and access the client driver as described in Client Driver Table. The TPL also contains other information providing an optional ability to select the initial configuration of the peripheral device if the TPL_SET_CONFIG flag is set in the flags field. (Otherwise, the Config number is ignored and the initial configuration is chosen starting at the lowest configuration number (1) and stopping at the first configuration that can be supported.)

Referring to Figure 6, notice that more than one entry in the TPL table can reference a single entry in the client driver table (for example, the first and third entries). This allows multiple, specific devices of the same class to use a single client driver for that class by specifying each devices VID-PID combination. Alternately, an entire class of devices can be supported by specifying a CL-SC-P combination (for example, the second entry). Also, if more then one entry in the client driver table points to a single client driver (as shown in Figure 5 in Client Driver Table), a single class driver can be used to support several specific devices by VIDPID combination or various classes (or subclasses) of devices by CL-SC-P combination. Any required changes in driver behavior based on variations between devices and subclasses or protocol differences can be indicated using the client drivers initialization value, given in the client driver table entry. Together, the TPL and client driver tables provide a highly flexible mechanism through which an embedded host can support practically any combination of peripheral devices and client drivers desired.

The TPL is searched starting at the top so that the first matching entry found will be given priority if more then one entry might match a single device. This can be useful for supporting multiple configurations of a single device or device-specific behavior with a fall-back to general class behavior. A client drivers initialization routine has an opportunity to fail, causing the search to continue.

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This section describes the steps necessary to design and implement the firmware for an embedded USB host using the Microchip framework. Overview: 1. 2. 3. 4. Implement the main application Implement the USB client driver(s) Implement the TPL and Client Drivers Tables Configure USB stack options

Implementing the Main Application

Using MPLAB IDE, create a new application for the supported microcontroller. (Refer to the MPLAB IDE online help for instructions on how to create a project.) Implement and test any application-specific non-USB functionality desired. To support the USB FW stack, the applications main function must call USBInitialize, once before any other USB activity takes place. After USBInitialize has been called, the application must call USBTasks in its main loop.



// Initialize the USB stack. USBInitialize(0); // Main Processing Loop while(1) { // Check USB for events and // handle them appropriately. USBTasks(); // Perform any additional // processing needed. }

As described in USB Embedded Host Firmware Architecture, the interface between the application and the client driver is completely up to the designer of the client driver. However, if an event-driven implementation is chosen, the application should implement an event-handling routine to receive events from the USB stack and any client drivers (see the USB_EVENT_HANDLER data type). If this is done, client drivers can be designed to call the application and pass events to it similar to the way the driver receives events from the USB stack. If not, the client driver must contain API routines to provide any status information required. The application can also receive events from the host layer, such as the VBus events shown in Example 2.

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BOOL MyApplicationEventHandler ( BYTE address, USB_EVENT event, void *data, DWORD size ) { // Handle specific events. switch (event) { case EVENT_MY_CLIENT_ATTACH: // Do anything necessary when your device attaches. break; case EVENT_MY_CLIENT_DETACH: // Do anything necessary when your device detaches. break; case EVENT_VBUS_SES_END: // Turn off VBus. break; case EVENT_VBUS_SES_VALID: // Turn on VBus. break; default: return FALSE } return TRUE; }

To identify this function to the host layer (and to Microchip-supplied client drivers) define the USB_HOST_APP_EVENT_HANDLER macro in the USB configuration header (see Configuring the USB Stack Options) to equate to the functions name.





Refer to the USB_EVENT data type full details on which events are pre-defined and what data (if any) is associated with each event. The application must also implement the TPL and Client Drivers Tables and make calls to the API routines of client drivers as necessary to control any supported USB peripheral devices. However, this is most easily done after all client drivers have been implemented.

Implementing the USB Client Driver(s)

As described in USB Embedded Host Firmware Architecture, the purpose of a client driver is to provide a simple, abstract model of the function of a USB peripheral device, and implement an API by which the application may control it. The design of this API is completely dependent on the device (or class) to be controlled. However, to implement the API, the client driver must interface with the USB Host layer through its CDI. (Refer to Host Layer API and Client Driver Interface.) The following examples show how simple read and write API routines might be implemented.

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BYTE MyClientRead( BYTE DevAddr, void *Buffer, UINT32 Len ) { BYTE RetVal; // Make sure we're in an initialized state if (myClientData.Initialized != TRUE) return USB_INVALID_STATE; // Make sure the right device address was given. if (DevAddr != myClientData.DevAddr) return USB_INVALID_STATE; // Make sure we're not busy already if (myClientData.RxBusy) return USB_BUSY; // Set the busy flag, clear the count and start a new IN transfer. myClientData.RxBusy = TRUE; myClientData.RxLen = 0; RetVal = USBHostRead( DevAddr, USB_IN_EP|MY_EP_NUM, (BYTE *)Buffer, Len ); if (RetVal != USB_SUCCESS) { myClientData.RxBusy = FALSE; // Clear flag to allow re-try } return RetVal; } BYTE MyClientWrite( BYTE DevAddr, void *Buffer, UINT32 Len ) { BYTE RetVal; // Make sure we're in an initialized state if (myClientData.Initialized != TRUE) return USB_INVALID_STATE; // Make sure the right device address was given. if (DevAddr != myClientData.DevAddr) return USB_INVALID_STATE; // Make sure we're not busy already if (myClientData.RxBusy) return USB_BUSY; // Set the busy flag and start a new OUT transfer. myClientData.TxBusy = TRUE; RetVal = USBHostWrite( DevAddr, USB_OUT_EP|MY_EP_NUM, (BYTE *)Buffer, Len ); if (RetVal != USB_SUCCESS) { myClientData.TxBusy = FALSE; // Clear flag to allow re-try } return RetVal; }

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The purpose of the client drivers initialization routine is to initialize (or re-initialize) the client driver when a supported device is attached and configured. It must implement the function signature defined by the USB_CLIENT_INIT data type.



BOOL MyClientInit ( BYTE address, DWORD flags ) { BYTE *pDesc; // Initialize state data memset(&myClientData, 0, sizeof(myClientData)); // Save device the address, VID, & PID myClientData.DevAddr = address; pDesc = USBHostGetDeviceDescriptor(address); pDesc += 8; myClientData.vid = (UINT16)*pDesc; pDesc++; myClientData.vid |= ((UINT16)*pDesc) << 8; pDesc++; = (UINT16)*pDesc; pDesc++; |= ((UINT16)*pDesc) << 8; pDesc++; // Set Client Driver Init Complete. myClientData.Initialized = TRUE; // Notify the application that my device has been attached. USB_HOST_APP_EVENT_HANDLER(address, EVENT_MY_CLIENT_ATTACH, NULL, 0); // Do anything else necessary. return TRUE; }

For some types of peripheral devices, the client drivers initialization routine will need to do something to start the interaction with the peripheral device, such as starting a control transfer or reading the first block of data. For other peripherals, it will be sufficient to notify the application that the device has been attached and the application will perform the initial action. In some cases, a later event (possibly unrelated to the USB) will start the interactions with the peripheral. Exact actions taken will depend entirely on the peripheral device being used and the application being implemented.

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As described in USB Embedded Host Firmware Architecture, client drivers can be designed to be event driven or polled. For an event-driven client driver, the event-handling routine maintains the state of the driver by performing any necessary actions to transition from one state to the next. The following example of a simple event-handling routine checks to make sure that the client driver is in an initialized state then handles either the detach (EVENT_DETACH) or transfer done (EVENT_TRANSFER) events. In both cases, the routine updates state variables and notifies the application. This example also event-specific data. demonstrates the use of



BOOL MyClientEventHandler ( BYTE address, USB_EVENT event, void *data, DWORD size ) { // Make sure we're in an initialized state if (myClientData.Initialized != TRUE) return FALSE; // Make sure it was for our device if ( address != myClientData.DevAddr) return FALSE; // Handle specific events. switch (event) { case EVENT_DETACH: // Notify the application that the device has been detached. USB_HOST_APP_EVENT_HANDLER(myClientData.DevAddr, EVENT_MY_CLIENT_DETACH, &myClientData.DevAddr, sizeof(BYTE) ); myClientData.Initialized = FALSE; return TRUE; case EVENT_TRANSFER: if ( (data != NULL) && (size == sizeof(HOST_TRANSFER_DATA)) ) { HOST_TRANSFER_DATA *pTrans = (HOST_TRANSFER_DATA *)data; if (pTrans->bEndpointAddress & USB_IN_EP ) { myClientData.RxBusy = FALSE; myClientData.RxLength = pTrans->dataCount; USB_HOST_APP_EVENT_HANDLER(myClientData.DevAddr, EVENT_MY_CLIENT_RX_DONE, &pTrans->dataCount, sizeof(DWORD) ); } else { myClientData.TxBusy = FALSE; USB_HOST_APP_EVENT_HANDLER(gc_DevData.DevAddr, EVENT_MY_CLIENT_TX_DONE, &pTrans->dataCount, sizeof(DWORD) ); } return TRUE; } break; default: break; } return FALSE; }

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The detach event (EVENT_DETACH) occurs when the associated device is disconnected from the USB. When this happens, this clients event handling routine notifies the application by sending a client-specific event (EVENT_MY_CLIENT_DETACH) to the applications event-handling routine. It then clears its Initialized flag to indicate that this device is no longer valid. It clears the flag after notifying the application because the application may need to call other API routines to process the detach event and other API routines would normally test the Initialized flag to ensure that the driver is in a valid state before allowing an operation to proceed.


In the examples shown, both the client drivers initialization and the event-handling routines called the applications event-handling routine to send it client-specific events. To define client-specific events, the USB_EVENT data type must be extended. This data type is a C language enum with several predefined values. All of the predefined values are less then the EVENT_USER_BASE value (except EVENT_BUS_ERR, which is defined as UINT_MAX to make it the highest possible value). This allows new event values to be easily defined using the following technique.

Instead of defining its own detach event the (EVENT_MY_CLIENT_DETACH), event-handling routine could also have propagated the EVENT_DETACH event to the application. The choice us up to the designer of the client drivers API.

The transfer done event (EVENT_TRANSFER) occurs when a previously started transfer on a given endpoint has completed. In the case of this client driver, it is assumed that only one endpoint is used so the actual endpoint number is not checked. However, the routine does check the direction bit (which is part of the endpoint address) to determine if it was a transmit (Tx) or receive (Rx) transfer that just completed. It then updates state variables and notifies the application. It is up to the application to start another transfer if and when it is required. In this case, the routine updated state variables before notifying the application, because the Tx and Rx API routine may very well be called in response to the client-specific events. The routine returns TRUE when an event was handled and FALSE in all other cases. This indicates to the host layer that the client driver has successfully handled that event.
Note 1: Code executed within the context of the event-handling routine must not block. 2: Refer to the USB_EVENT data type for a complete list and description of all predefined events. (See Host Layer API and Client Driver Interface.)

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// The application can add a non-zero offset // to my client's events to resolve conflicts // in event number. #ifndef EVENT_MY_CLIENT_OFFSET #define EVENT_MY_CLIENT_OFFSET 0 #endif

#define EVENT_MY_CLIENT_ATTACH (EVENT_USER_BASE + EVENT_MY_CLIENT_OFFSET + 0) // Indicates that my device has been attached. // data: NULL // size: 0 #define EVENT_MY_CLIENT_DETACH (EVENT_USER_BASE + EVENT_MY_CLIENT_OFFSET + 1) // Indicates that the device has been detached from the USB. // data: Points to a BYTE that contains the device address. // size: sizeof(BYTE) #define EVENT_MY_CLIENT_TX_DONE (EVENT_USER_BASE + EVENT_MY_CLIENT_OFFSET + 2) // Indicates that a previous write request has completed. // data: Pointer to a variable containing the actually number bytes written. // size: sizeof(DWORD) #define EVENT_MY_CLIENT_RX_DONE (EVENT_USER_BASE + EVENT_MY_CLIENT_OFFSET + 3) // Indicates that a previous read request has completed. // data: Pointer to a variable containing the actually number bytes read. // size: sizeof(DWORD).

There are two key features of this technique. First, since the client-specific events are all defined by adding offsets to a pre-defined member of the USB_EVENT enumeration (EVENT_USER_BASE), they will all be given the data type associated with that value. This ensures that all client-specific events are of the correct data type. Second, since a secondary offset with a default value was included in each events definition, the entire set of events can be easily shifted to a different range of values within the USB_EVENT enumeration. This allows applications to easily resolve conflicts between the event definitions of different client drivers by defining the secondary offset (EVENT_MY_CLIENT_OFFSET in this example) as an appropriate value to prevent overlapping events. This is especially useful when a device includes more then one client driver or when a client driver will be shared across multiple products.


If a polled model is preferred over the event-driven method, it can be easily implemented. Instead of using an event-handling routine like the one shown in The Client Drivers Event-Handling Routine, a polled client driver would implement a central tasks routine to manage state transitions. This routine would check the state of the host layer and take different actions, based on the current state of the client driver. It would need to be called regularly, along with the USBTasks routine, and would become part of the client drivers API. Example 8 demonstrates simple read and write functionality, similar to the event-driven example shown in The Client Drivers Event-Handling Routine.

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void MyClientTasks ( void ) { BYTE deviceStatus; BYTE errorCode; // Make sure we're in an initialized state. if (myClientData.Initialized != TRUE) return; // Check device status. deviceStatus= USBHostDeviceStatus(myClientData.DevAddr); // Make sure our device hasn't been disconnected. if ( deviceStatus != USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED ) { myClientData.Initialized = FALSE; return; } // Perform state-specific tasks. switch (myClientData.State) { case STATE_IDLE: break; case STATE_WAITING_TRANSFER_DONE: if (USBHostTransferIsComplete(myClientData.DevAddr, MY_RX_ENDPONT, &errorCode, &myClientData.RxLength) { if (errorCode) { // handle errors } myClientData.RxBusy = FALSE; } if (USBHostTransferIsComplete(myClientData.DevAddr, MY_TX_ENDPONT, &errorCode, &myClientData.TxLength) { if (errorCode) { // handle errors } myClientData.TxBusy = FALSE; } if ( !( myClientData.RxBusy || myClientData.$TxBusy) ) myClientData.State = STATE_IDLE; break; default:// invalid state! myClientData.State = STATE_IDLE; break; } }

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In both the polled and event-driven examples, the read and write API routines check the appropriate busy flag (myClientDriver.TxBusy or myClientDriver.RxBusy). If not busy, the API routine sets the appropriate flag and (in the polled case) transitions to the STATE_WAITING_TRANSFER_DONE state. One important difference between the polled and event-driven techniques is that the event-handling routine is called directly when the transfer has finished, and the polling routine must call USBHostTransferIsComplete CDI routine to determine when the transfer has finished.

Implementing the TPL and Client Driver Tables

As described in USB Embedded Host Firmware Architecture, the TPL and client driver tables determine which devices (or classes of devices) an embedded host will support, and which client driver(s) will be used for each. Since this choice is application-specific, these tables are considered part of the application.

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The client driver table is implemented as an array of structures of the CLIENT_DRIVER_TABLE data type, which is defined as follows:




The Initialize member is a pointer to the client drivers initialization routine and the EventHandler member is a pointer to the client drivers event-handling routine. These data types for these callback routine pointers are defined as follows:



( BYTE address, DWORD flags );


typedef BOOL (*USB_CLIENT_EVENT_HANDLER) ( BYTE address, USB_EVENT event, void *data, DWORD size );

A driver must implement routines that match these function signatures such as those shown in the examples in The Client Drivers Initialization Routine and The Client Drivers Event-Handling Routine. Prototypes for these routines should be given in the client drivers public API header file so that the application can use them in the Client Drivers Table, as shown by Example 10.

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CLIENT_DRIVER_TABLE usbClientDrvTable[] = { { // HID Client Driver: Mouse USBHostHidInit, // Initialization Routine USBHostHidEventHandler, // Event Handler Routine 0 // Initializaton Parameter }, { // HID Client Driver: Keyboard USBHostHidInit, // Initialization Routine USBHostHidEventHandler, // Event Handler Routine 1 // Initializaton Parameter }, { // HID Client Driver: Joystick USBHostHidInit, // Initialization Routine USBHostHidEventHandler, // Event Handler Routine 2 // Initializaton Parameter }, { // Mass Storage Client Driver: Bulk Only USBHostMsdInit, // Initialization Routine USBHostMsdEventHandler, // Event Handler Routine FLAG1 // Initializaton Parameter }, { // My Client Driver USBHostMyClientInit, // Initialization Routine USBHostMyClientEventHandler, // Event Handler Routine 0 // Initializaton Parameter }, { // Mass Storage Client Driver: CBI USBHostMsdInit, // Initialization Routine USBHostMsdEventHandler, // Event Handler Routine FLAG2 // Initializaton Parameter } };

Example 10 demonstrates how to support six different types of devices using three client drivers. (See Figure 5, in Client Driver Table.) 1. The HID class driver in this example would be an adaptive driver that supports the following types of devices: a) keyboard when its initialization routine is passed 0 b) mouse when its initialization routine is passed 1 c) joystick when its initialization routine is passed 2 The mass storage class driver would support the following protocols: a) Bulk-only protocol when FLAG1 is passed to its initialization routine b) CBI (Command Block Interface) when FLAG2 is passed. The third My Client driver uses the examples in this document.


These examples are just for illustration. Refer to the appropriate USB device class specifications for details on HID, mass storage, and other device classes. Refer to the application notes listed in the References section for details on the client drivers provided by Microchip.

By default, the host layer expects the client driver table array to be named usbClientDriverTable. If another name is used, it must be identified by defining the USB_CLIENT_DRIVER_TABLE macro (see Example 11).




#define USB_CLIENT_DRIVER_TABLE \ myClientDriverTable



The client driver table is never searched. It is only accessed using the indices given in the TPL table. So the host layer never needs to know its exact length.

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The TPL table is an array of structures of the USB_TPL data type. Each structure contains members for the device identifier, the initial configuration, the client driver table index, and a flags field. The USB_TPL structure is defined as follows: The device member is a DWORD-sized union that can hold either the VID-PID or CL-SC-P device-identifier number combinations. The other fields are each one byte in size, with the flags field being a union of the individual flags bits. The bConfiguration member allows the devices initial configuration to be specified in the TPL table when the bSetConfiguration flag is set. The ClientDriver member is the index into the client driver table for the device identified and is how the TPL table associates a particular device (or a class of devices) with a particular client driver. The bfAllowHNP flag, when set, instructs the host layer to enable Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP) and is only valid for true USB OTG devices. The bfIsClassDriver flag is set to when a CL-SC-P ID combination is used and the ClientDriver index is for a class driver. When this flag is cleared, a VID-PID combination must be used in the device field. The driver can be device-specific or a class driver of the correct type for the device identified. Since the TPL table is searched from the beginning whenever a device is newly attached to the USB, the length of the table must be identified to the host layer. This must be done by defining the NUM_TPL_ENTRIES macro.



typedef struct _USB_TPL { union { DWORD val; struct { WORD idVendor; WORD idProduct; }; struct { BYTE bClass; BYTE bSubClass; BYTE bProtocol; }; } device; BYTE BYTE union { BYTE struct { BYTE BYTE BYTE }; } flags; } USB_TPL; bConfiguration; ClientDriver;






By default, the host layer expects the TPL table array to be named usbTPL. If the array is named anything else, it must be identified to the host layer using the USB_TPL_TABLE macro.

bfAllowHNP : 1; bfIsClassDriver : 1; bfSetConfiguration : 1;





The TPL table is usually initialized statically. To simplify initialization of the device identifier field, the INIT_VID_PID and INIT_CL_SC_P macros are available.



{((v)|((p)<<16))} {((c)|((s)<<8)|((p)<<16))}

#define INIT_VID_PID(v,p) #define INIT_CL_SC_P(c,s,p)

The following initialization macros (which can be ORd together) are also available to simplify initialization of the flags field.



0x01 0x02 0x04 // Flag to enable Host Negotiation Protocol // Flag to identify a class driver // Flag for setting the configuration


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Example 14 depicts the example TPL table that, when combined with the example client driver table (see Implementing the Client Driver Table), shows how a system could support any of the following: An application-specific HID-class device (VID = 0x04D8, PID = 0x00EF) A mass storage class device using the bulk-only protocol (CL = 0x08, SC = 0x06, P = 0x50) A second configuration (probably with reduced resource requirements) of the same application-specific HID-class device, as listed in the first line (VID = 0x04D8, PID = 0x00EF, Configuration = 2) A vendor-specific device (VID = 0x04D8, PID = 0x00EE) A mass-storage class device using the CBI (Control/Bulk/Interrupt) protocol (CL = 0x08, SC = 0x06, P = 0x01) A HID-class keyboard (CL = 0x03, SC = 0x00, P = 0x01) A HID-class mouse (CL = 0x03, SC = 0x00, P = 0x02)



USB_TPL MyUsbTplTable[NUM_TPL_ENTRIES] = { // VID & PID or Client // Class, Subclass & Protocol Config Driver { INIT_VID_PID( 0x04D8, 0x00EF ), 0, 0, { INIT_CL_SC_P(0x08, 0x06, 0x50), 0, 3, { INIT_VID_PID( 0x04D8, 0x00EF ), 2, 0, { INIT_VID_PID( 0x04D8, 0x00EE ), 0, 4, { INIT_CL_SC_P(0x08, 0x06, 0x01), 0, 5, { INIT_CL_SC_P(0x03, 0x00, 0x01), 0, 1, { INIT_CL_SC_P(0x03, 0x00, 0x02), 0, 2, };


}, }, }, }, }, }, }


The VID number shown in the example is for Microchip. The PID numbers shown are just examples and do not necessarily correspond to any particular devices.

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Configuring the USB Stack Options
This section highlights several key configuration options that must be used correctly to ensure proper operation of the USB Embedded Host firmware stack. These options, when required, must be defined in the USB configuration header file. This file must be in the projects include-file search path and should be considered part of the application (see Host Layer API and Client Driver Interface). The following is a list of USB stack options:

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Purpose Precondition Valid Values Default: Example

This macro identifies that the USB firmware stack is being used for an embedded host application. None This macro does not need to have a value assigned to it. Defining it is sufficient. Not defined


This macro identifies the number of entries in the embedded hosts Targeted Peripheral List (TPL) table. It is necessary to define this because the host firmware must search the TPL table whenever a device is attached to the bus to determine if it can be supported. None This macro must be defined as an integer constant that identifies the number of entries in the TPL table. Not defined

Precondition Valid Values Default: Example

Purpose Precondition Valid Values Default: Example

This macro identifies the name of the applications optional event-handing call-back routine. If the application does not implement the routine, this macro should be left undefined. None This macro must equate to the name of the applications event call-back routine or be left undefined. Not defined
#define USB_HOST_APP_EVENT_HANDLER myClientEventHandler


This macro causes the USB embedded host firmware stack to include support for the EVENT_TRANSFER event when built. If this macro is not defined, the EVENT_TRANSFER event will never be sent to any client drivers or to the applications event handling routine. Applications that do not require this event, and do not include any client drivers that require this event, can leave this macro undefined to reduce the size of the USB firmware. None This macro does not need to have a value assigned to it. Defining it is sufficient. Not defined

Precondition Valid Values Default: Example

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This macro determines how many EVENT_TRANSFER events (or transfer error events) the USB host firmware can queue up before calling a client drivers event-handling routine. Increasing this value will allow the firmware to support greater latency between calls to the USBTasks routine at the potential expense of real-time response and a slight increase RAM usage. This macro is ignored if USB_ENABLE_TRANSFER_EVENT is not also defined. 4 If used, this macro must be defined as a non-zero integer value. If not defined, this macro will be assigned the default value. It is recommended that it never be assigned a value less then the default value. Not defined

Precondition Default Value Valid Values

Default: Example


Some families of Microchip microcontrollers support multiple methods of buffering USB data (refer to the appropriate data sheet). A USB endpoint may have a single buffer for data transferred to-or-from that endpoint; or it may have two buffers, between which the controller alternates in a ping-pong fashion when transferring data. This macro determines which method is used. The chosen microcontroller must support the method selected.
USB_PING_PONG__NO_PING_PONG Disables ping-pong buffering USB_PING_PONG__ALL_BUT_EP0 Disables ping-pong buffering for Endpoint 0, enabling it for all others USB_PING_PONG__EP0_OUT_ONLY Enables ping-pong buffering for Endpoint 0, disabling it for all others USB_PING_PONG__FULL_PING_PONG Enables ping-pong buffering for all endpoints

Precondition Valid Values

Default: Example

Not defined

Since only Endpoint 0 is used when operating as an embedded host (when USB_HOST_ONLY is defined), the USB_PING_PONG__FULL_PING_PONG and USB_PING_PONG__EP0_OUT_ONLY options are equivalent (both enabling ping pong buffering) and the USB_PING_PONG__NO_PING_PONG and USB_PING_PONG__ALL_BUT_EP0 options are equivalent (both disabling ping pong buffering). In general, it is recommended to enable full ping pong buffering unless it is not supported. For PIC32 processors, this value USB_PING_PONG__FULL_PING_PONG. should always be set to


When defined, this macro includes support for interrupt transfers when the USB embedded firmware stack is built. If it is not defined, interrupt transfers may not be supported. It can be left undefined to reduce program size, if interrupt transfers are not required by any device, or class of devices, listed in the TPL table. None This macro does not need to have a value assigned to it. Defining it is sufficient. Not defined

Precondition Valid Values Default: Example

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When defined, this macro includes support for isochronous transfers when the USB embedded firmware stack is built. If it is not defined, isochronous transfers may not be supported. It can be left undefined to reduce program size, if isochronous transfers are not required by any device, or class of devices, listed in the TPL table. None This macro does not need to have a value assigned to it. Defining it is sufficient. Not defined

Precondition Valid Values Default: Example


When defined, this macro includes support for bulk transfers when the USB embedded firmware stack is built. If it is not defined, bulk transfers may not be supported. It can be left undefined to reduce program size, if bulk transfers are not required by any device, or class of devices, listed in the TPL table. None This macro does not need to have a value assigned to it. Defining it is sufficient. Not defined

Precondition Valid Values Default: Example

Purpose Precondition Valid Values Default: Example

This macro determines how many times a device is allowed to NAK a bulk transfer before the USB host firmware will be considered an error. This macro is only valid if USB_SUPPORT_BULK_TRANSFERS is also defined. This macro must be defined as non-zero integer value. Since some bulk devices can NAK thousands of bulk transfers before being ready to supply data, this number can be quite high. 10000
#define USB_NUM_BULK_NAKS 10000


This macro determines how many times the USB host firmware will allow a device to NAK a control transfer before it will be considered an error.

For compatibility with the widest range of USB devices, it is recommended not to use this option.

Precondition Valid Values Default: Example

None This macro must be defined as non-zero integer value. A value of 3 is recommended. 3

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This macro determines how many times the USB host firmware will allow a device to NAK an interrupt OUT transfer before it will be considered an error. (When a device NAKs an interrupt IN transfer, it is just an indication that it does not have any data to send.) None This macro must be defined as non-zero integer value. A value of 3 is recommended. 3

Precondition Valid Values Default: Example

Purpose Precondition Valid Values Default: Example

This macro determines how many times the USB host firmware will retry a control transfer to a device before it will be considered an error. None This macro must be defined as non-zero integer value. A value of 3 is recommended. 3

Purpose Precondition Valid Values Default: Example

This macro defines how many times the host will try to enumerate the device before giving up and setting the device's state to DETACHED. None Any integer value, although small numbers are recommended. 3

For the latest details on the USB stacks configuration options, refer to the API document included with the source files.

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The CDI provides functions to read and write data to or from a peripheral devices endpoints, perform USB control transfers, access device descriptors, control device configuration, perform general device control and receive status information. The CDI also defines the function signatures of the client drivers initialization and event-handling call-back routines. Refer to the release notes distributed with the embedded host firmware source files for full details on the CDI.

Microchip provides sample firmware for the most commonly requested classes of devices (see References). However, even in cases where no sample implementation is available to control a specific USB device, the Microchip USB embedded host firmware stack provides a powerful and easy-to-use framework for developing embedded host applications using supported Microchip microcontrollers. This document explains how to implement client drivers for this framework to allow an embedded host design to take advantage of the power, flexibility, and availability of USB devices.

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Software License Agreement
The software supplied herewith by Microchip Technology Incorporated (the Company) is intended and supplied to you, the Companys customer, for use solely and exclusively with products manufactured by the Company. The software is owned by the Company and/or its supplier, and is protected under applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED IN AN AS IS CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE APPLY TO THIS SOFTWARE. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT, IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.

Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 2.0 OTG Supplement, Revision 1.3 Requirements and Recommendations for USB Products with Embedded Hosts and/or Multiple Receptacles Microchip MPLAB IDE In-circuit development environment, available free of charge, by license, from Microchip Application Note AN1140, USB Embedded Host Stack Microchip Application Note AN1142, USB Mass Storage Class on an Embedded Host Microchip Application Note AN1143, Generic Client on an Embedded Host Microchip Application Note AN1144, USB HID Class on an Embedded Host Microchip Application Note AN1145, Using a USB Flash Drive on an Embedded Host



The source code for the Microchip USB embedded host stack firmware is offered under a no-cost license agreement. It is available for download as a single archive file from the Microchip corporate web site, at:

After downloading the archive, check the release notes for the current revision level and a history of changes to the software.

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Rev. A Document (02/2008)
This is the initial released version of this document.

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Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions. There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchips Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property. Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code. Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as unbreakable.

Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchips code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act.

Information contained in this publication regarding device applications and the like is provided only for your convenience and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications. MICROCHIP MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, RELATED TO THE INFORMATION, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ITS CONDITION, QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR PURPOSE. Microchip disclaims all liability arising from this information and its use. Use of Microchip devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the buyers risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Microchip from any and all damages, claims, suits, or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Microchip intellectual property rights.

Trademarks The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, Accuron, dsPIC, KEELOQ, KEELOQ logo, MPLAB, PIC, PICmicro, PICSTART, PRO MATE, rfPIC and SmartShunt are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. FilterLab, Linear Active Thermistor, MXDEV, MXLAB, SEEVAL, SmartSensor and The Embedded Control Solutions Company are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. Analog-for-the-Digital Age, Application Maestro, CodeGuard, dsPICDEM,, dsPICworks, dsSPEAK, ECAN, ECONOMONITOR, FanSense, In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, ICEPIC, Mindi, MiWi, MPASM, MPLAB Certified logo, MPLIB, MPLINK, mTouch, PICkit, PICDEM,, PICtail, PIC32 logo, PowerCal, PowerInfo, PowerMate, PowerTool, REAL ICE, rfLAB, Select Mode, Total Endurance, UNI/O, WiperLock and ZENA are trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. SQTP is a service mark of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. 2008, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A., All Rights Reserved. Printed on recycled paper.

Microchip received ISO/TS-16949:2002 certification for its worldwide headquarters, design and wafer fabrication facilities in Chandler and Tempe, Arizona; Gresham, Oregon and design centers in California and India. The Companys quality system processes and procedures are for its PIC MCUs and dsPIC DSCs, KEELOQ code hopping devices, Serial EEPROMs, microperipherals, nonvolatile memory and analog products. In addition, Microchips quality system for the design and manufacture of development systems is ISO 9001:2000 certified.

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