Referral Pathway NHS Tayside Eating Disorders Service

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Referral Pathway NHS Tayside Eating Disorders Service

Suspect an eating disorder if the individual answers yes! to two or "ore of the following #uestions $S%&''( )***+, Do you make yourself sick because you feel uncomfortably full? Do you worry that you have lost control over how much you eat? Have you recently lost more than one stone in a three month period? Do you believe yourself to be fat when others say you are too thin? Would you say that food dominates your life?

%hec- against relevant diagnostic criteria $.%D/)0 or DS1/.2+

3P chec-s, 'ody mass inde( )ull blood count, *++s, ,)Ts, -lc, T)Ts #lus /a, #01, 2g, 3n if anore(ia or bulimia #ulse, '#, +/.ule out other causes of weight loss 'irst line intervention, !ignpost to self&help material .ecommend use of food diaries #rovide relevant info re national eating disorder associations /onsider involving family/carers &ngoing physical "onitoring, )ull blood count, *++s, ,)Ts, -lc, T)Ts #lus /a, #01, 2g, 3n if anore(ia or bulimia #ulse, '#, +/-

Refer to 4PTS if, !everity of bulimia is considered mild to moderate, e g first presentation, duration 4 si( months

Refer to %1HT if, The disordered pattern of eating is secondary to another severe +/or enduring mental health concern, e g chronic depression, psychosis

Refer to EDS if, The disordered pattern of eating is identified as the primary presenting problem !ignificant comorbid physical or psychiatric difficulties, e g pregnancy, diabetes, rapid weight loss, fre"uent/intense purging #roblems persist despite input from levels $/% #hysical +/or psychiatric symptoms are life& threatening and inpatient admission may need considered Eden 6nit $47erdeen+, )or dedicated and intensive inpatient treatment

Refer to 1edical 5ard $infor" EDS+, .ecent and e(treme weight loss 5 range of adverse physical symptoms

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