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IBM : Company Profile

Sample Paper Interview Profile of the company

Written Test
The written test consists of two sections each of 45 minutes duration.

This is the aptitude section consistin of 45 questions to !e attempted in 45 minutes. "s is in all the e#ams$ this section is !ased on the MBA pattern of e#amination.

This is the technical section. There is a separate paper for hardware and software. Candidates have to mention beforehand whether they want to write the software or the hardware paper. This section also carries 45 questions to !e completed in 45 minutes. We are pro&idin you with some of the 'uestions as(ed in the e#am$ so that you ha&e an idea of what to e#pect in the written test. Clic here to see the sample test!

There are two rounds of inter&iews$ &i).$ the technical and and the "# round. Technical and Personal *ound for Software Candidates Mainly su!+ecti&e 'uestions in C$ ,peratin Systems$ -BMS$ -ata Structures are as(ed interspersed with some on the candidate.s personal !ac( round. $ypical questions in C and %ata Structures 1.W"P to interchan e % &aria!les without usin the third one. %./#plain 'uic( sort and mer e sort al orithms amn deri&e the time0constraint relation for these. 1./#plain !inary searchin $ fi!onacci search. 2.3eneral 'uestions on !inary trees$ trans&ersals 4.3eneral 'uestions on raphs and their representation. $ypical &uestions on 'peratin( Systems 1.-emand pa in $ pa e faults$ replacement al os$ thrashin $ etc. %.Pa ed se mentation and se ment pa in . In this section$ case studies are presented are presented !efore the candidate to percie&e his reaction and his5her communication s ills are tested. IBM e#pects teamwor( and teamspirit from the candidates and their answers should reflect this attitude. Typical 'uestion is 6ou are a pro+ect mana er of a !i multinational pro+ect. There is a person 7$ assi ned to you who has the !est technical s(ills re'uired for the pro+ect$ e&en !etter than you. But he wishes to !e the pro+ect mana er $which the mana ement does not permit$ due to which he threatens to 'uit. "ll others in the roup are not as competent. Tal( yourself out of this situation pretendin that the inter&iewer is the dis runtled employee and e#plain the necessary action.


IBM stri&es to lead in the creation$ de&elopment and manufacture of the industry.s most ad&anced information technolo ies$ includin computer systems) software) networ in( systems) stora(e devices and microelectronics! IBM !rin s its products and ser&ices throu h IBM India and IBM 3lo!al Ser&ices. IBM India.s product portfolio includes the IBM PC$ "pti&a home computer $ Thin(Pad porta!les$ *S58999$ "S5299e$ S51:9 and ;etfinity ser&ers$ networ( computers$ printers$ networ(in and stora e products. IBM.s software offerin s include -B%$ <otus$ Ti&oli$ M= Series and a ran e of Internet software li(e We!Sphere and SecureWay. India is also home to two select IBM centers 0 the IBM Solutions #esearch Center at *ew %elhi and the Solutions Partnership Center +SPC, at Ban(alore. The S*C >only the ei hth of its (ind across the lo!e? is an e#tended arm of IBM *esearch acti&ities. "s part of IBM.s lo!al research infrastructure$ the S*C participates in path !rea(in research pro+ects for IBM worldwide. The Solutions Partnership Center at Ban alore is a part of IBM.s de&eloper relations focus for India. The SPC is a showcase of IBM technolo y and a testin and portin la! for application software de&elopers. The current pay pac(a e is around *s. -.).... IBM is on spree of increasin its male5female ratio in its wor(force hence female candidates are !ein i&en a sli ht ad&anta e o&er their male counterparts. @or more information a!out this company &isit their homesite at www.i!

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