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Nationalist in Italy

Italians were inspired by the French Revolution.

Congress of Vienna kept Italy separated. Austria controlled portions of northern Italy. Other independent states kept unification hard to do. A group of Italian tried to keep it alive.

This group was called the Risorgimento resurgence.

Secret society.

Plans for Italian Unification

Plan 1 - unite behind Pope (1848/9) Austria and France defeat the Roman Republic Plan 2 - unite behind only independent state, Piedmont (Sardinia) - made independent by Congress of Europe as a buffer between France and Austria Piedmont Prime Minister aids France in Crimean War with 10,000 troops - thrusts Piedmont onto world stage

Risorgimento-The period of, or the Italian Nationalist Leaders movement for, the liberation and political unification of Italy, beginning about 1750 and lasting until 1870.

Giuseppi Garibaldi [The Giuseppi Count Cavour Sword/Caval Mazzini [The ier [The Head/Archi Heart/Poet

King Victor Emmanuel II

Count Camillo Benso di Cavour (1810-1861)

Sardinian nobleman Prime minister of

Sardinia-Piedmont King Victor Emmanuel II (1849-1861) Conservative Ambitious Pragmatic

Giuseppe Garibaldi
Great romantic figure

of the Risorgimento Charismatic guerrilla leader Had distinguished himself in the defence of Rome Was a follower of Mazzini

Born in Genoa Studied to be a lawyer Became member of the Carbonari in 1827 "charcoal burners were groups of secret revolutionary societies founded in early 19thcentury Italy Led failed attempts at revolution during the 1830s Founded Young Italy Criticized new Italian state after 1870

Giuseppe Mazzini

Unification Of Italy Timeline

1859 1860 Austria goes to war against SardiniaPiedmont (and France) Napoleon bails, but Austria cedes Lombardy Plebescites in Tuscany, Parma, and Modena Garibaldi and thousand Red Shirts go to Sicily Kingdom of Italy declared (King Victor Emmanuel)

May 1860 1861

Problems of Unification

Papal states were added to Italy by 1870 and Austria was ran out of Italy in 1866. Few Italians had experienced selfgovernment. There were cultural differences between the south and north.

North was more industrial and south agricultural.

Before and After


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