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4.1. Analysis of the Sample: 4.1.1. Interview Sample: Recollecting the information discussed in methodology, the primary research of this study was carried out at different oil and gas companies based in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. For identifying the importance of BYOD in organizational growth strategy two strategies of primary data collection has been used. One strategy is telephonic interview, the design and details are given in the research methodology. The interview script is specified in the Appendix 2. The most important element as far as a research is considered are the samples. Samples can be considered as the main resource from which data relevant to the study is retrieved. Here, in the interview conducted over the telephone, the total number of samples is 8. The samples belong to employees working in the selected case study company based in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. In order to maintain the confidentiality of the samples, which is agreed previously with the samples, the samples is number from one to eight as Interviewee 1, Interviewee 2 and likewise till Interviewee 8. The description of each interviewee can be identified from the table 4.1 Table 4.1: Description and role for each Interviewee


Description and role of Interviewee

Interviewee 1

Interviewee 1 is a mechanical supervisor serving the company for more than three years. Currently, the interviewee is head of the rig maintenance team.

Interviewee 2

Interviewee 2 is a QC (Quality Checker) Manager serving the company for more than 10 years. The interviewee 2 has the role of testing, inspecting and implementing QA (quality assurance) requirements for the company

Interviewee 3

Interviewee 3 is an administration staff working in the company for more than one year. Interviewee 3 does the job of office administration with the support of other team members

Interviewee 4

Interviewee 4 is also an administration staff working in the company for more than two years. The interviewee 4 shares the same job responsibilities as that of interviewee 3

Interviewee 5

Interviewee 5 is a Tool Pusher serving the company for more than 9 years. The Interviewee 5 is currently the head of the drilling team crew, who clearly focus on supervision and organization of the drilling crew members.

Interviewee 6

Interviewee 6 is a well integrity Engineer working in the company for more than 12 years. The main responsibility of the person is to ensure the integrity of the well life cycles.

Interviewee 7

Interviewee 7 is a mechanical engineer working for the company for the last three months. Interviewee 7 is a trainee for the company

Interviewee 8

Interviewee 8 is also a mechanical engineer working for the company for the last three months. Similar to Interviewee 7, Interviewee 8 is also a trainee in the company

4.1.2. Survey Sample: Apart from the strategy of data collection based on interview, the second method used is an email survey targeted on the employees of five main oil and gas companies based in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. There are many oil and gas companies based in the Dammam region of Saudi Arabia. A random selection of the companies was used by researcher and the targets mainly included executives and managers of the five randomly selected companies.

4.2. Analysis of Interviews: Based on the discussion made in section 4.1.1, eight interview targets were identified for this study. The interview script consisted of seven questions, which tried to understand three main themes as follows, 1. Need for BYOD policy in the organization 2. Support of company towards this strategy 3. Importance of BYOD in improving the work of the target The responses from each of the interviewee is summarised in the table 4.2. Table 4.2: Summary of responses from the samples to the interview


Summary of the responses

Interviewee 1

Interviewee 1 communicated with a positive response for the use of own devices in the organization. This person considered to use own device that devices provided by the company. Improvement in work is quoted as an inspirational factor.

Interviewee 2

Interviewee 2 communicated with a positive response for the use of own devices in the organization. This person believes that work is improved through the BYOD strategy. Slipped away from the question on

company attitude towards the strategy

Interviewee 3

Interviewee 3 communicated with a positive response for the use of own devices in the organization. Work improvement is an inspirational factor. Company promotes the use of the BYOD strategy according to the

interviewee 3

Interviewee 4

Interviewee 4 communicated with a positive response for the use of own devices in the organization. This person considered to use own device that devices provided by the company. Improvement in work is quoted as an inspirational factor.

Interviewee 5




negative response for the use of own devices in the organization. The interviewee 5 hardly found any need in the use of the BYOD strategy

Interviewee 6

Interviewee 6 communicated with a positive response for the use of own devices in the organization. Interviewee 6 company

supports BYOD strategy. An improvement in work could be identified for the person

Interviewee 7

Interviewee 7 communicated with a positive response for the use of own devices in the organization. Job satisfaction and support by the company is the main reason.

Interviewee 8

Interviewee 8 communicated with a positive response for the use of own devices in the organization. Work improvement and

satisfaction is the main reason

4.3. Analysis of Survey Questions: The survey questionnaire consisted of thirteen questions, where nine questions related to research problem and four questions tried to understand the demographic of the survey samples. The questions relating to the research problem are analysed first followed by the analysis of the questions relating to the demographics. 4.3.1. Analysis of Question No. 5: Which of the following devices do you bring to your workplace? Question 5 was a close-ended question, which gave different options for the responder to choose. The response statistics is shown in the figure 4.1. The idea behind using this question was to understand use of personal devices within the organizations. Analysing the statistics provided in figure 4.1, 100 percent of the samples bring smart phones to the organization. A less percentage can be found for the smart board and option other communication devices. The survey response also shows that samples are keen in bringing their laptops and tablets to the organization, as this is agreed by 80 percent of the samples. Figure 4.1 Statistics for the devices brought to the organization by the samples

Percentage of Total Samples

Statistics for the devices brought to the organization by the samples

120 100 80 60 40 20 0

Statistics for the devices brought to the organization by the samples

Devices brought to organization

Source: Created by researcher through Word, 2013

4.3.2. Analysis of Question No. 6: Does bring your own device such as a mobile Smartphone, I-Pad, laptop, tablet, and other communication or information devices help you in improving productivity at your workplace? A higher percentage of the samples placed their answer as Strongly Agree in question no 6. In the total samples, more than 35 samples showed up with this answer. Figure 4.2 shows the statistical response. The y-axis shows the count of samples and x-axis represents the answers selected by the samples. This response agrees to the research evidences identified through the literature review. The response can also be evaluated that respondents are interested in bringing their own devices. The number of samples that showed up with the answer SD (Strongly Disagree) is a best proof for this. Figure 4.2:- Does bring your own device such as a mobile Smartphone, I-Pad, laptop, tablet, and other communication or information devices help you in improving productivity at your workplace?

Source: Created by researcher through SPSS, 2013

4.3.3. Analysis of question no. 7: By using your own communication device, you can execute more than 50% of your days workload easily and smoothly, with better levels of comfort Similar to the question no. 6, major proportion of the samples believe that BYOD helps in executing more than 50 percent of the day-day workload in a ease and smooth manner. The figure 4.3 depicts that nearly 30 samples showed up with the answer of Strongly Agree and more than 10 showed up with the answer of Agree. This shows that more than 40 of the samples believe that their workload can be smoothly managed by 50 percent by bringing their own devices to the organization. This response shows that practicing BYOD strategy is experimental as it helps in finding efficiency for the employees in their work. The y-axis shows the count of samples and x-axis represents the answers selected by the samples. Figure 4.3: BYOD strategy will help in executing 50 percent of the daily workload in smooth, comfortable and easily manner

Source: Created by researcher through SPSS, 2013 4.3.4. Analysis of question no. 8: Communication devices provided by your company do not offer enough flexibility The sample response depicted through figure 4.4 shows that the above statement is true. Whatever facilities does an organization have, the employees should find value in those. However, the response suggests that oil and gas companies based in Dammam provide design an IT infrastructure that seems to be inflexible for the employees. From the pie chart

represented through figure 4.4, major portion of the pie chart is occupied by responses Strongly Agree and Agree. The reason for the high usage of the own devices can also be interpreted from this response. Figure 4.4: Communication devices provided by the company do not offer flexibility

Source: Created by researcher through SPSS, 2013 4.3.5. Analysis of question no. 9: Own devices often are more cutting-edge, as technological up gradation can be quicker and better A favourable response promoting the use of BYOD strategy as found in other responses was seen to answers of question no. 9. The statistical response is shown in figure 4.5. The high percent of the samples were inclined to answers of either Strongly Agree or Agree. Therefore, it has to be believed that samples welcome the BYOD strategy as they find easiness in the technological up gradation. The y-axis shows the count of samples and x-axis represents the answers selected by the samples. The evidences seen in the literature are also similar to this response.

Figure 4.5: Own devices often are more cutting-edge, as technological up gradation can be quicker and better

Source: Created by Researcher through SPSS, 2013 4.3.5. Analysis of question no. 10: Oil & Gas industry in Saudi Arabia has rising demand and scope for the use of BYOD concept The response found for question no. 10 was clearly agreeing to the different evidences that showed up in the literature review. An interesting fact is that almost 40 of the samples showed up with the answer of Strongly Agree. This is a sign to show the BYOD is a considerable requirement among the oil and gas companies in Saudi Arabia. The reasons towards this attitude by the samples could be based on the technological benefits and comfort given by BYOD strategy compared to the use of company specific technological devices. A statistical response is given in figure 4.6. The y-axis shows the count of samples and x-axis represents the answers selected by the samples.

Figure 4.6: 10: Oil & Gas industry in Saudi Arabia has rising demand and scope for the use of BYOD concept

Source: Created by Researcher through SPSS, 2013 4.3.6. Analysis of Question no. 11: The economic benefits that emanate from the implementation of BYOD could be much more than the security challenges faced by the Oil & Gas companies in Saudi Arabia. In addition, since these companies could draft security policy measures such as VPN (Virtual Private Network), firewalls on personal devices, tagging of personal devices, and others to overcome any security issues that arise through the promotion of BYOD The response from the samples of the research to the question no 11 was inclined to two namely, Strongly Agree and Neutral. From the perception of the samples, these economic benefits outperform the security challenges. Moreover, the respondents consider that the challenge related to the security can be easily resolved through use of proper firewalls and VPNs in the organization. The response is also an agreement that security challenges are solvable. The complete response by the samples is shown in figure 4.7. The y-axis shows the count of samples and x-axis shows the answers taken by the samples.


Figure 4.7: The economic benefits of BYOD outperform the security challenges in the implementation of the approach

Source: Created by Researcher through SPSS, 2013 4.3.7. Analysis of question no. 12: Implementation of BYOD results is a net positive, taking into consideration all the benefits and challenges it poses to the Oil & Gas companies in Saudi Arabia The statistical response for question no 12 is given in figure 4.8. The perception of the samples is that BYOD has a positive result if implemented in the organization. Referring to the figure 4.8, almost 40 samples showed up with the response as Strongly Agree or Agree. The fact that most of the samples included in the research are managers and executives of the selected companies, these samples will know more about the elements of performance in a company as well as the challenges. Therefore, the majority response that BYOD implementation is positive when weighed against the challenges and benefits can be regarded as reliable. The y-axis shows the count of samples and x-axis shows the answers taken by the samples


Figure 4.8: Implementation of BYOD results is a net positive, taking into consideration all the benefits and challenges it poses to the Oil & Gas companies in Saudi Arabia

Source: Created by Researcher through SPSS, 2013 4.3.8. Analysis of question no. 13: Strong organisational policies such as registration of personal devices, informing the company about the software available in the device, secure gate tagging at various office entry/exit points, and other such policies to ensure proper and secure use of own devices in Oil & Gas companies in Saudi Arabia, could assist both employees and the companies in successfully implementing BYOD The question no 13 tried to understand whether the implementation of the BYOD could be successfully achieved with strong organizational policies. Use of certain approaches like personal device registration, automatic software update and service tags where also mentioned in the question. From the point of view of the samples, the implementation would be successful with such organizational policies. The response of more than 35 samples as strongly agrees is the best justification available for this assumption. The full statistical response is represented by the figure 4.9. The y-axis shows the count of samples and x-axis shows the answers taken by the samples


Figure 4.9: Successful Implementation of BYOD strategy can be achieved through efficient use of certain organizational policies

Source: Created by Researcher through SPSS, 2013 4.3.9. Analysis of questions from 1 to 4: The questions from one to four are to identify about the demographics of the samples that attended the survey. When analysing the total samples, 90 percent of the samples were males and 10 percent belonged to the female candidates. Samples belonged to different age groups where the most of the samples were from 35 40 and least where from 20-25. About 75 percent of the samples had a postgraduate degree and other held a PHD degree. The job roles of the samples belonged to a wide category. All the categories could be found filled by at least one of the sample. The least identified job role among the samples is chief chemist and most identified job role was mechanical engineer.


4.4. Analysis of Correlations in Data: 4.4.1. Correlation between survey questions: Table 4.3 shows the correlation results between different questions in the survey. Table 4.3: Correlation between different questions in survey

Theme No:

Question X

Question Y

Pearson Correlation

Bringing improve workplace



device Bringing your own device helps at in executing 50 % of workload easily and smoothly



Bringing your own device helps Communication devices provided in executing 50 % of workload by the company is not flexible easily and smoothly


Own devices offer more cutting Communication devices provided edge as technological upgrade is by the company is not flexible easier





of Implementation of BYOD results


implementing BYOD is more is a net positive considering the than security challenges in the benefits and challenges implementation

Oil and gas industry in Saudi BYOD implementation can be Arabia has a rising demand for easily BYOD implementation implemented by good


organizational policies

Source: Created by Researcher for analysis, 2013


4.4.2. Analysis of Table 4.3: In the table 4.3, five correlations identified from the survey questions are listed. The table has four main columns, where the first column and last columns are theme number and correlation coefficients. The Pearson coefficient is used in this study. Row 1: The first row displays the relationship between the question 6 and 7 in the questionnaire. From the table 4.3 it can be seen that the Pearson coefficient is 0.631. This shows that correlation is positive and both the questions are directly proportional. Therefore, a theme can be generated as bringing your own device helps in improving the productivity and executing 50 percent of the daily work with ease, comfort and smoothness. Row 2: The second row displays the relationship between the question 7 and 8 in the questionnaire. From the table 4.3, it can be seen that the Pearson coefficient is 0.251. This also resembles a positive correlation between the two questions. The theme that can be identified from these two questions is that bringing your own device approach helps in executing 50 percent of the work easily as the present system of the company is not flexible. Row 3: The third row displays the relationship between the question 8 and 9 in the questionnaire. As could be identified from the table 4.3, the Pearson coefficient identified is 0.636. Therefore, a positive correlation exists between the two questions. Therefore, a theme can be identified as computer systems in the organization is not flexible and that technological upgrade can be easily achieved in own devices. Row 4: The fourth row of the table shows the relationship between question 11 and 12 in the questionnaire. The Pearson coefficient shows identified for the relationship is 0.492. This is positive correlation. Therefore, a theme can be developed as implementation of the BYOD in the organization has positive benefits outperforming the challenges in the implementation.


Row 5: This is the last correlation that can be identified from the survey questionnaire and is the relation between question 10 and 13. The table 4.3 shows that the correlation coefficient is positive with a value of 0.738. Therefore, it can be understood that BYOD is a requirement in Saudi Arabia and the implementation can be easily attained with the help of proper use of the organizational policies. From the above analysis, five main themes can be identified, which are specified in the table 4.4. Table 4.4: Themes identified



BYOD strategy improves productivity and helps in executing daily workload with comfort and easiness

Present system followed by Oil and Gas companies is not flexible and implementation of BYOD can help in more efficient execution of daily workload

Present system followed by Oil and Gas companies is not flexible and BYOD has the cutting edge of being flexible to technical upgrades

BYOD implementation has positive benefits outperforming the challenges in the implementation

Oil and Gas companies in Saudi Arabia requires BYOD approach and the implementation can be easily achieved by use of proper organizational policies

Source: Created by Researcher for analysis, 2013


4.5. Analysis of the validity of themes as identified from the SPSS: 4.5.1. Theme 1: BYOD strategy improves productivity and helps in executing daily workload with comfort and easiness Table 4.5: SPSS analysis of correlation between question 6 and 7

Correlations BYOD helps in Bringing your own device will help in improving the productivity Bringing your own device will help in improving the productivity Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N 50 .631

executing 50 % of the daily workload in a smooth and easily manner 1 .631


.000 50 1

BYOD helps in executing 50 Pearson Correlation % of the daily workload in a smooth and easily manner Sig. (2-tailed) N

.000 50 50

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Source: Created by Researcher through SPSS, 2013 From the table 4.5 it can be seen that BYOD improves both productivity as well as reduced daily workload. The number 0.631 is nearly close to the value 1. This means that respondents that consider BYOD improves productivity also believe that BYOD can help in easily completing the daily work. The value N shows the number of samples and 1 shows the correlation of the question to itself. 4.5.2. Theme 2: Present system followed by Oil and Gas companies is not flexible and implementation of BYOD can help in efficient execution of daily workload The table 4.6 shows the SPPS analysis of question number 7 and 8. From the table 4.6, it can be seen that agreement from the respondents that present system of the company is not flexible and using BYOD strategy will help in easy completion of the workload. The coefficient value found is 0.251. This response suggests that a good percent of the respondents have similar opinion. Therefore, the relation shows that it is essential to replace the present system followed by oil and gas companies in Saudi Arabia.

Table 4.6: SPSS analysis of correlation between question 7 and 8

Correlations Communication devices provided by the oil and gas companies are not flexible Communication devices provided by the oil and gas companies are not flexible Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N 50 .251 .078 50 50 1 BYOD helps in executing 50 % of the daily workload in a smooth and easily manner .251 .078 50 1

BYOD helps in executing 50 Pearson Correlation % of the daily workload in a smooth and easily manner Sig. (2-tailed) N

Source: Created by Researcher through SPSS, 2013 4.5.3. Theme 3: Present system followed by Oil and Gas companies is not flexible and BYOD has the cutting edge of being flexible to technical upgrades Table 4.7: SPSS analysis of correlation between question 8 and 9
Correlations Own devices offer more cutting edge as technological upgradations are quicker and better Own devices offer more cutting edge as technological upgradations are quicker and better Communication devices provided by the oil and gas companies are not flexible Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N .636

Communication devices provided by the oil and gas companies are not flexible 1 .636

Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N

.000 50 50 1

.000 50 50

**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Source: Created by Researcher through SPSS, 2013


The correlation results of question 8 and 9 analysed in the SPSS is shown in table 4.7. The table shows that communication devices in companies are not flexible and BYOD has a cutting edge of being technically upgradable. The co-efficient ratio of 0.636 is very close to the value 1 showing that respondents have similar opinion for both questions. The relationship therefore shows that present system followed in oil and gas companies needs to be changed 4.5.4. Theme 4: BYOD implementation has positive benefits outperforming the challenges in the implementation The correlation results of question 11 and 12 are shown in table 4.8. The table says that there is a positive relationship between question 11 and 12. The coefficient of correlation is 0.492, which is quite good enough to state this. From this relationship, it can be understood that BYOD, though has certain challenges to be faced, can be implemented successfully. Table 4.7: SPSS analysis of correlation between question 11 and 12

Correlations The economic benefits of BYOD outperform the security challenges in the implementation of the approach The economic benefits of BYOD outperform the security challenges in the implementation of the approach Implementation of BYOD results is a net positive, taking into consideration all the benefits and challenges it poses to the Oil & Gas companies in Saudi Arabia **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N .492

Implementation of BYOD results is a net positive, taking into consideration all the benefits and challenges it poses to the Oil & Gas companies in Saudi Arabia .492

Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N

.000 50 50

.000 50 50


4.5.5. Theme 5: Oil and Gas companies in Saudi Arabia requires BYOD approach and the implementation can be easily achieved by use of proper organizational policies The correlation results of question 10 and 13, as analysed in SPSS, is shown in table 4.9. The table shows a strong relationship between the need for BYOD in Saudi Arabia and easy implementation of the BYOD strategy. The relationship shows that BYOD can be considered as a possible replacement of the present communication systems in oil and gas companies of Saudi Arabia. Table 4.9: SPSS analysis of correlation between question 10 and 13

Correlations Successful Implementation of BYOD strategy can be achieved through efficient use of certain organizational policies Successful Implementation of BYOD strategy can be achieved through efficient use of certain organizational policies Oil & Gas industry in Saudi Arabia has rising demand and scope for the use of BYOD concept **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N .738

Oil & Gas industry in Saudi Arabia has rising demand and scope for the use of BYOD concept

Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N



.000 50 50

.000 50 50

Source: Created by Researcher through SPSS, 2013


4.6. Analysis of the secondary data:

The secondary data were based on the evidence collected by the previous researchers. The entire secondary literature gave positive signs for promoting the use of the BYOD strategy among oil and gas companies in Saudi Arabia. Many of the studies pointed out the problems with the present communication system followed by the organization as the main reason for the change. These data were supported by the benefits of BYOD devices to the employees like elevated job satisfaction, better performance, productivity and achieving flexibility while using the devices. It is a clear fact that using own devices provides a supremacy for the user over the device, which is a motivating factor for the implementation of these strategies.

Another significant study made in the literature review is the case study of an oil company based in Dammam, Saudi Arabia. The literature suggests that Dammam is one of the large cities of Saudi Arabia and consists of many oil and gas companies. The organization under case study had its business primarily on oil exploration, which started the operations from the year 1983. The secondary study informs that the company has a large base of employees, which occupy different job positions within the organization.

A high need for the use of own devices by the employees is faced by the case study organization because of the fact that most of the employees working for the company needs to mobile always. The growing need forced the management to implement the strategy keeping certain organization policies in front before the implementation. As expected, the implementation was successful for the company and the literature reports that organizations could find satisfied and productive employees.

From this case study, it can be identified that BYOD can help in motivating the employees and helping the employees to yield better work. The study also shows that use of proper organizational policies will help the company to ensure that the security challenges can be easily handled.


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