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+++++Incoming transmission from Inquisitor Marco Robert Skol l+++++ +++++Clearance required+++++ +++++Dark Magenta clearance accepted+++++ +++++Message

Begins+++++ Greetings, fellow Inquisitor. If you find yourself reading this, you have almost certainly found the Inquisito r Files on my internet hosting. This folder is the complete collection of every Inquisitor article/file availabl e from the hosting. This includes all the known files from the old Specialist Games website, as well as articles f rom Exterminatus and the 2002 Annual. It's a poor replacement for the lack of Specialist Games support, but a lot better than not having access to any of it. Credit for locating the files/articles at hand goes to myself, Kaled, Inquisitor Castleman, Endemion and Molotov, as well as some individuals who preferred to go unnamed. However, copyright of said files is, of course, that of Games Workshop Limited, and I make no claims of ownership. This download is completely unofficial, in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Ltd , and is provided only in the interests of keeping the Inquisitor game alive. +++++Transmission Ends+++++

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