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Thu, 5 August, 2010 10:56:07 PM |^| - Tamil Friendz - |^| Fruits ustard Fr!m: Asha "u#ta $ashara%5&'gmail()!

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Fruits Custard

Fruit Custard. Milk is boiled and thickened with corn flour and sweetened with honey. This is then chilled in refrigerator. Choice of fruits is chopped up and mixed with custard along with chopped nuts and dried fruits. Serve fruits custard immediately or chill until required. Makes: around 3 Fruit Custard. Ingredients: Milk Cups Corn Flour ! !" # tbsps $pple ! Mango ! Small %anana ! Small &ates ' $lmonds ( )oney to taste Mint leaf for garnish Method of preparation: Microwave almonds in half a cup of water for a minute. Squee*e the almonds to remove the skin.

Finely chop the dates. +ash and chop the apple into small pieces. ,eel and chop the mango into big chunks discarding the pit. ,eel and chop the banana into small chunks. Mix all the chopped ingredients together. &issolve the corn flour in quarter cup of the room temperature milk and keep aside. )eat remaining milk in a sauce pot and bring it to boil. -eeping stirring while pouring the corn flour dissolved milk. .et the milk boil for couple of minutes for milk to thicken. /nce milk is little thick0 stir in desired honey and remove from heat. Cool to room temperature and refrigerate the custard for few hours. 1n a serving bowl0 add the chopped fruits and dried fruits and nuts. .ayer the fruits with few tablespoons of the chilled custard. 2arnish with more fruits and nuts and more honey and a mint leaf. Serve fruit custard immediately. Notes: Make sure to use fruits that hold together when added to the custard. Suggestions: $d3ust the amount of corn flour for consistency of the custard. Slice the almonds if desired. Store the custard in refrigerator for good couple of days. Make sure to mix the banana 3ust before serving. Variations: $dd seasonal fruits or your choice of fruits to the custard. 4se store bought custard powder 5having flavors and color6 for a variation. Other Names: Fruits Custard0 Simple Custard with Fresh Fruits. 77 $. 2.

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++,+(+,+++ Fri, 6 August, 2010 &:&6:&2 PM |^| - Tamil Friendz - |^| 0!ga F!r 1a)2 Pain Fr!m: Asha "u#ta $ashara%5&'gmail()!m* Add t! !nta)ts T!:

Yoga For Back Pain


5e 6elie7e that rest is 6est 8!r a #ain8ul 6a)2( 1ut a)tuall-, 9hat -!ur 6a)2 reall- needs 9hen it:s hurt is e;er)ise( ,egular e;er)ise relie7es 6a)2 #ain 6- strengthening and stret)hing the mus)les that su##!rt the s#ine and hel#s t! #re7ent 8uture in%ur-( This is a use it !r l!se it situati!n: the m!re -!u rest, the 9ea2er -!ur 6a)2 gets, e7en i8 it is hurt( <tudies ha7e a)tuall- sh!9n that -!u )an heal -!ur 6a)2 #ain 8aster and get 6a)2 t! -!ur regular a)ti7ities 9ith %ust t9! da-s !8 rest( <! let:s l!!2 at s!me !8 the 6est e;er)ises 8!r relie7ing 6a)2 #ain(

A g!!d, regular -!ga #ra)ti)e 9ill g! 8ar in relie7ing the stress and tensi!n that s!metimes )ause mild 6a)2 #ain, and in 8a)t, studies ha7e sh!9n that -!ga is the num6er !ne m!st e88e)ti7e e;er)ise 8!r relie7ing 6a)2 #ain( =!9e7er, n!t all -!ga #!ses relie7e 6a)2 #ain, and s!me )an in 8a)t aggra7ate e;isting #ain, s! it is im#!rtant t! 2n!9 9hi)h #!ses 9ill 6e m!st hel#8ul in relie7ing 6a)2 #ain( >t is 6est t! d! these e;er)ises under the su#er7isi!n !8 a )erti8ied -!ga instru)t!r, and i8 -!u en)!unter an- #r!6lems 9ith these #!ses, -!u sh!uld )!nsult an e;#ert( ?7en %ust !ne !r t9! sessi!ns 9ith a -!ga instru)t!r )an hel#, as an instru)t!r 9ill hel# -!u 9ith -!ur 8!rm and #!sture during #!ses( =ere are s!me !8 the 6est -!ga #!ses 8!r relie7ing 6a)2 #ain( ?a)h #!se sh!uld 6e held 8r!m 8i7e t! ten se)!nds, de#ending u#!n -!ur le7el !8 )!m8!rt, and sh!uld 6e d!ne !n a mat !r !ther s!8t, su##!rti7e sur8a)e( CORPSE @ie 8lat !n -!ur 6a)2 in a rela;ed #!siti!n, arms resting at -!ur sides, #alms d!9n, and legs l-ing naturall-, 9ith 2nees turned !ut slightl-( >8 it hurts -!ur 6a)2 t! ha7e -!ur 2nees turned !ut9ard, d! this #!se 9ith 2nees 6ent, 8eet 8lat !n the 8l!!r( 1reathe in and !ut 8!r a 8e9 se)!nds 9hile all!9ing an- tensi!n t! lea7e the 6!d-( CAT STRETC <tart !ut !n -!ur hands and 2nees 9ith a 8lat 6a)2( 0!ur hands sh!uld 6e dire)tlunder -!ur sh!ulders 9ith 8ingers s#read( Anees sh!uld 6e dire)tl- under the hi#s( =ead is held l!!sel- s! that -!u are l!!2ing at the 8l!!r 6et9een -!ur hands( >nhale, and as -!u e;hale, ar)h -!ur 6a)2 t!9ard the )eiling, tu)2 -!ur )hin in t! -!ur )hest s! that -!u are l!!2ing at -!ur na7el, and tu)2 -!ur tail6!ne underneath( =!ld, then release 6a)2 int! -!ur !riginal #!siti!n( !"N#$RE%EAS"N& POSE @ie 8lat !n -!ur 6a)2 as in !r#se #!se( As -!u inhale, 6end -!ur 2nee, #la)e -!ur hands right 6el!9 the 2nee, and dra9 -!ur leg t!9ards -!ur )hest( 0!ur le8t leg sh!uld remain 8lat !n the 8l!!r( ?;hale and 6ring -!ur 8!rehead u# t! t!u)h -!ur 2nee( >nhale, and then as -!u e;hale, return t! -!ur !riginal #!siti!n( ,e#eat 9ith the !ther leg( SA&E T!"ST

5arning 8!r this #!seBit in7!l7es t9isting -!ur 6a)2, s! -!u sh!uld ta2e #arti)ular )are n!t t! t9ist t!! 8ar !r -!u ris2 aggra7ating an- e;isting 6a)2 #ain( This sh!uld 6e a gentle stret)hC t9ist %ust as 8ar as is )!m8!rta6le( <it !n the 8l!!r 9ith 6!th legs !ut in 8r!nt !8 -!u( 1end -!ur right 2nee, li8t -!ur right leg !7er -!ur le8t, and #la)e -!ur right 8!!t !n the 8l!!r ne;t t! -!ur le8t 2nee( <itting 9ith s#ine straight, #la)e -!ur le8t el6!9 !n the right side !8 -!ur right 2nee( 1end -!ur le8t arm s! that -!ur le8t 8ingerti#s are t!u)hing -!ur right hi#, 9hile at the same time, t9isting t! l!!2 !7er -!ur right sh!ulder( This is 9here -!u need t! 6e )are8ul n!t t! t9ist t!! 8ar( =!ld 8!r a 8e9 se)!nds, release, and re#eat !n the !##!site side( PA%' TREE <tand 9ith 8eet 8a)ing 8!r9ard, arms at -!ur sides, 9eight distri6uted e7enl- !n 6!th 8eet( ,aise 6!th arms !7er -!ur head, interl!)2 -!ur 8ingers, and turn -!ur hands s! that -!ur #alms are 8a)ing u#9ard( De;t, #la)e -!ur #alms !n -!ur head and turn -!ur head s! that -!u are l!!2ing slightl- u#9ard( <tret)h -!ur arms u#9ards, and at the same time, )!me u# !nt! -!ur t!es i8 -!u )an d! s! 9ith!ut #ain( <tret)h -!ur entire 6!d- u#9ard and h!ld, i8 -!u )an( <!me #e!#le ha7e di88i)ult- 6alan)ing during this #!se, s! %ust d! the stret)hing #arts i8 -!u need t!( F"S POSE

@ie !n -!ur 6a)2 9ith 2nees 6ent and arms at -!ur side( Ar)h -!ur 6a)2 as 8ar as -!u )!m8!rta6l- )an and raise it !88 the gr!und 6- #ushing the 8l!!r 9ith -!ur el6!9s( >8 -!u )an, tilt -!ur head 6a)29ards and rest the )r!9n !8 -!ur head !n the 8l!!r( 1reathe dee#l- 8r!m the dia#hragm and h!ld #!se 8!r !ne minute i8 -!u )an( %OC(ST @ie 8a)e d!9n 9ith arms at the side, #alms d!9n, and el6!9s slightl- 6ent 9ith 8ingers #!inting t!9ards the 8eet( ,aise -!ur legs and thighs as high !88 the gr!und as #!ssi6le 9ith!ut )ausing -!ur 6a)2 an- #ain( =!ld 8!r !ne se)!nd and re#eat u# t! t9el7e times( This )an 6e a 7ig!r!us e;er)ise s! -!u must ta2e )are t! strain alread- in%ured mus)les( BEN#"N& FOR!AR# POST(RE <tand u# straight 9ith 8eet t!gether and arms hanging l!!sel- al!ng -!ur sides( 1reathe in dee#l- and raise -!ur arms straight a6!7e -!ur head( 5hile 6reathing

!ut, 6end 8!r9ard and t!u)h -!ur t!es i8 -!u )an( >8 -!u )an:t rea)h -!ur t!es, gra6 h!ld !8 -!ur an2les !r )al7es( T! )!m#lete the #!se, -!u sh!uld t!u)h -!ur head t! -!ur 2nees, 6ut this ma- 6e t!! di88i)ult 8!r man- 9h! su88er 8r!m l!9er 6a)2 #ain( 0!ur m!7ements during this #!se sh!uld 6e sm!!th, n!t %er2-( Arti)le <!ur)e: -!gameditati!n#!9er()!m

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++,+(+,+++ M!n, &0 August, 2010 2:13:&6 PM Enid!2id!sF .>n8!ramati7e/ =!memade Pr!tein <ha2es Fr!m: Pan2a% <harma $#an2a%(#2%6'gmail()!m* Add t! !nta)ts


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o)e)ade Protein S*akes+ Protein S*ake Recipes

ere are so)e si)p,- de,icious *o)e)ade protein s*ake recipes t*at -ou can w*isk up in a .i//-0

T*e Reason /or

o)e)ade Protein S*akes+

Gust a6!ut an-6!d- 9h! is int! 6!d-6uilding !r 6!d--s)ul#ting H and there are legi!ns !8 them these da-s H is 9ell a9are !8 the im#!rtan)e !8 in)luding #r!tein sha2es as a diet su##lement( This is 6e)ause, 9hether the g!al is t! l!se 9eight and 6!d- 8at, !r in)rease the size !8 -!ur mus)les and get str!nger and 6igger, #r!tein is the 7itall- im#!rtant ingredient in -!ur diet( The 6uilding 6l!)2 !8 the mus)les in !ur 6!d- is #r!teinC hen)e, 9ith!ut adeIuate am!unts !8 it, en!ugh mus)le sim#l- 9ill n!t 6e 6uilt 6- -!ur 6!d-( Alth!ugh it is al9a-s 6est t! get -!ur #r!tein 8r!m natural 8!!ds, h!9e7er, it )an !8ten 6e an !7er9helming tas2 t! #re#are the am!unts !8 #r!tein 8!!ds ne)essar-, and als! t! )!nsume them in su)h large Iuantities( This is 9hat has )reated a great demand 8!r #r!tein sha2es, and there are a #leth!ra !8 them a7aila6le )!mmer)iall-( 1ut these are e;#ensi7e, and man- sim#l- 8ind them t!! 6land, !r get 6!red 6- them( There8!re, m!re and m!re #e!#le are !#ting 8!r h!memade #r!tein sha2es( <!, here are a 8e9 eas--t!ma2e and -umm-, high #r!tein sha2e re)i#es that -!u )an 9hi# u# in a %i88 at h!me(

Peanut Butter n1 Banana Protein S*ake Recipe

3 !z s2im mil2 1 t6s# #eanut 6utter 1 6anana 2 s)!!#s !8 9he- #r!tein #!9der Put all the ingredients in a 6lender and 6lend until sm!!th( And there -!u ha7e it, a deli)i!us h!memade #!9er #r!tein sha2e drin2(

Fruit n1 Yogurt Protein S*ake Recipe

1 )u# stra96erries J )u# !8 !range %ui)e 1 )u# l!9 8at -!gurt, 7anilla 8la7!r 1J )u#s s2im mil2 2 s)!!#s 9he- #r!tein #!9der 1 t6s# h!nePla)e all the ingredients in a 6lender and 6lend until sm!!th(

%e)on C*eese Cake N1 Strawberr- Protein S*ake Recipe

& s)!!#s lem!n )heese )a2e i)e )ream 1 )u# stra96erries, 8r!zen & t6s# e7a#!rated mil2 2J )u#s mil2 4 eggs Put the mil2 and eggs 8irst in a 6lender and 6lend them t!gether( Then add the lem!n

)heese)a2e i)e )ream and )!ntinue 6lending( @astl-, add the e7a#!rated mil2 and stra96erries and 6lend(

Strawberr- n1 Pineapp,e n1 Apricot Protein S*ake Recipe

6 stra96erries K )u# #inea##le, )rushed 1 a#ri)!t, 8resh and di)ed 1 t6s# s2im mil2 #!9der 1 t6s# #r!tein #!9der 1 ts# 8la; seed !il 1J )u#s 9ater Pr!)ess the 8ruit al!ng 9ith the rest !8 the ingredients in a 6lender until sm!!th(

Fruit n1 Bran Protein S*ake Recipe

1 )u# a##le %ui)e J 6anana, 8resh 1L& )u# #ea)hes !r 6lue6erries 1 ts# 6ran 1-& t6s# #r!tein #!9der, made !ut !8 mil2 and egg <!me i)e )u6es !m6ine all the ingredients in a 6lender and 6lend until thi)2 and sm!!th(

Tropica, Protein S*ake Recipe

4 stra96erries, 8r!zen J a 6anana, 8r!zen J a mang! 2 t6s# #ina )!lada mi;, 8r!zen 1 t6s# #r!tein #!9der 1 ts# 8la; !il 1K )u# 9ater 6 )u6es !8 i)e 1lend all !8 the a6!7e ingredients in a 6lender until mi;ed th!r!ughl- and ser7e in a tall glass(

C*oco,at- n1 'int- Protein S*ake Recipe

2 s)!!#s )h!)!late #r!tein #!9der 1 )u# 7anilla i)e )ream, sugar 8ree 2 )u#s mil2, n!n-8at 1 )u# !atmeal 1 )u# 9ater a dash !8 #e##ermint e;tra)t

1lend all the ingredients t!gether until sm!!th(

Aee# <miling PADAAG <=A,MA

=!9 t! Ma2e an ?as- =!memade Pr!tein <ha2e

This sha2e 9as made 9ith the 8!ll!9ing ingredients: Muin!a, Mil2, ?gg 5hites, =!neand an A##le(( 9at)h the 7ide!

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