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Magnetic Conversion Factors

To convert from SI units to cgs units for use in GM-SYS, use the conversion table below. For example, divide magnetization reported in A/m by 10 for input into GM-SYS. Conversion Factors cgs unit SI Unit gauss (G) tesla (T) nanotesla (nT) gamma [1] [2] oersted (Oe) A/m

Quantity Magnetic field (B) " Field intensity (H)

Conversion 1 gauss=0.0001 T 1 gamma [1] = 1 nT [2] 1 oersted = 10 / 4 A/m 1 gauss [3] = 10 A/m

Magnetization (M) gauss [3] (G) A/m Susceptibility ( dimensionless dimensionless 1 (cgs) = 4 (SI) or S) Koenigsberger ratio dimensionless dimensionless 1 (cgs) = 1 (SI) (Q) [1] 1 gamma = 10-5 gauss modified from Blakely (1995) -9 [2] 1 nanotesla = 10 tesla [3] Also called emu/cm. Notes:

Although susceptibility is dimensionless, it differs by a factor of 4 between the two systems. The defining equations above require Earth magnetic field values to be given in oersted (cgs) or A/m (SI). However in the geophysical literature, Earth magnetic field values are commonly given in gammas (cgs) or nanotesla (SI) which is what GM-SYS expects.

Faktor Magnetic Konversi

Untuk mengkonversi dari satuan SI ke cgs unit untuk digunakan di GM - SYS , gunakan tabel konversi di bawah ini . Misalnya, membagi magnetisasi dilaporkan dalam A / m oleh 10 untuk masukan ke GM - SYS .

Faktor konversi Unit kuantitas cgs SI Satuan Konversi Medan magnet ( B ) gauss ( G ) tesla ( T ) 1 gauss = 0,0001 T " Gamma [ 1 ] nanotesla ( nT ) [ 2 ] 1 gamma [ 1 ] = 1 nT [ 2 ] Intensitas medan ( H ) Oersted ( Oe ) A / m 1 Oersted = 10 / 4 A / m Magnetisasi ( M ) gauss [ 3 ] ( G ) A / m 1 gauss [ 3 ] = 10 A / m Kerentanan ( atau S ) berdimensi berdimensi 1 ( cgs ) = 4 ( SI ) Rasio Koenigsberger ( Q ) berdimensi berdimensi 1 ( cgs ) = 1 ( SI ) [ 1 ] 1 gamma = 10-5 gauss [ 2 ] 1 nanotesla = 10-9 tesla [ 3 ] Juga disebut emu / cm . dimodifikasi dari Blakely ( 1995) Catatan :

Meskipun kerentanan berdimensi , hal itu berbeda dengan faktor 4 antara kedua sistem . Persamaan di atas mendefinisikan membutuhkan Earth nilai medan magnet yang akan diberikan dalam Oersted ( cgs ) atau A / m ( SI ) . Namun dalam literatur geofisika , Earth nilai medan magnet biasanya diberikan dalam gamma ( cgs ) atau nanotesla ( SI ) yang adalah apa yang mengharapkan GM - SYS .

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