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Index for Workbook 9

Acceleration Aeroplane Angle between vectors Area of triangle Cartesian form of line Charge Column vector Components Coordinate frame 18, Cross product - see vector product 4 13 37 51 61 40 20 19 27 Position vector Pressure Product Projection Resolving Resultant Right-hand screw rule 22 4 45-53 36

50 Determinant Direction 3 Direction cosine 55-58 Direction ratio 55-58 3 Displacement 3 Distance Dot product - see scalar product Electric eld Electrostatics Energy Fixed vector Force

w w


Magnitude Mass Modulus Moment

e . w

o o b

r c k

39-44 39-44 4

e z a

t o p s g o l .b
Scalar Scalar product Speed Temperature Torque Triangle area Triangle law Unit vector Velocity Vector - addition - column - equality - xed - multiplication - normal - position - subtraction - unit - zero

m o .c

10, 36 9 46 3, 15 30-37 3 4 52 51 7-9

16, 18, 27 3 7-9 20 6 22 15 36, 65 22 14 16, 18, 27 48

22 4, 38, 39 54-63 3, 5, 28 4 6, 28, 47 52 13 36, 65 63-66

Newtons second law Normal vector Planes

EXERCISES 4, 14, 16 26, 29, 38, 53, 56, 58, 63, 66 ENGINEERING EXAMPLES 1 Field due to point charges


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