Procurement Management

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Project Procurement Management Plan Template www.ProjectManagementDocs.


The first step in the contract approval process is to determine what items or services will require procurement from outside vendors. This will be determined by conducting a cost analysis on products or services which can be provided internally and compared with purchase prices from vendors. Once cost analyses are complete and the list of items and services to be procured externally is finalized, the purchasing and contracts department will send out solicitations to outside vendors. Once solicitations are complete and proposals have been received by all vendors the approval process begins. The first step of this process is to conduct a review of all vendor proposals to determine which meet the criteria established by the project team and the purchasing and contracts department. Purchases less than x,xxx only require the approval of the Project !anager" whereas, purchases greater than x,xxx must be approved by the #ontract $eview %oard. &or these larger purchase the contract review board will meet to determine which contract will be accepted. The #ontract $eview %oard consists of representatives from the project team, purchasing and contracts department, finance, and the P!O.

The purpose of this section is to define the criteria used by the contract review board to decide on what contract's( to award. )gain, these criteria may vary between organizations but must be defined as part of the Procurement !anagement Plan. The criteria for the selection and award of procurement contracts under this project will be based on the following decision criteria* + )bility of the vendor to provide all items by the required delivery date
+ ,uality

+ + + +

#ost -xpected delivery date #omparison of outsourced cost versus in+sourcing Past performance

These criteria will be measured by the contracts review board and.or the Project !anager. The ultimate decision will be made based on these criteria as well as available resources.

The purpose of this section is to describe the roles and actions the project team and purchasing and contracts department will ta/e to ensure that the selected vendors provide all of the agreed upon and that the appropriate levels of quality are maintained. The Project !anager is ultimately responsible for managing vendors. 0n order to ensure the timely delivery and high quality of products from vendors the Project !anager, or his.her designee will meet wee/ly with the contract and purchasing department and each vendor to discuss the progress for each procured item. The meetings can be in person or by teleconference. The purpose of these meetings will be to review all documented specifications for each product as well as to review the quality test findings. This forum will provide an opportunity to review each item1s development or the service provided in order to ensure it complies with the requirements established in the project specifications. 0t also serves as an opportunity to as/ questions or modify contracts or requirements ahead of time in order to prevent delays in

Project Procurement Management Plan Template

delivery and schedule. The Project !anager will be responsible for scheduling this meeting on a wee/ly basis until all items are delivered and are determined to be acceptable.






This section describes the metrics to be used for procurement activities associated with the project. These metrics may be used to ensure the project stays on schedule regarding procurement activities. They may also be used to compile data on the performance of various vendors in order to assist with future procurement activities1 vendor selection criteria. 3hile the purchasing and contracts department has their own internal metrics for procurement, the following metrics are established for vendor performance for this project1s procurement activities. -ach metric is rated on a 2+4 scale as indicated below* 5endor Product ,uality 5endor 82 5endor 89 2 : 7nsatisfactory 9 : )cceptable 4 + -xceptional 0n addition to rating each vendor, actual values will be noted in order to build a past+performance data base for selecting vendors for future procurement activities. On 6ocumentation 6evelopment 6evelopment #ost Transactional Time ,uality #osts Time per -fficiency 6elivery 7nit

Project Procurement Management Plan Template

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