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Causes of Hair Loss

Hair Loss is a problem that affects millions worldwide. There is a normal cycle for hair growth. 85% of our hair in the scalp are growing at any point of time. The other 15% are in a resting position. After 2 months the resting hair fall and new hair grow. It is a very natural process for everyone to shed some hair and grow some hair. ut some people e!perience e!cessive hair loss due to many reasons. 8"% of hair loss cases can be treated effectively. There are various hair loss remedies and hair loss treatments available to cure hair loss. #irstly let$s discuss the causes of hair loss. A number of things can cause e!cessive hair fall li%e a long illness or post surgery. &ven the thyroid gland being overactive or under active can cause hair loss. 'aving too much tea( coffee( deep fried food( spicy or sour food or smo%ing e!cessively can also increase acidity in the body and cause hair loss. )enopause can also be a cause of hair loss. *ome medicines can cause hair loss too( as can some infection. Another reason could be pregnancy. +enerally for 2,- months after delivery there is e!cessive hairfall due to hormonal changes. *ome %ind of birth control pills or antidepressants can also be a cause for hair loss. .ow blood circulation can also cause hair loss as the scalp does not receive ade/uate nourishment. Anemia and general wea%ness should be a telling sign. Typhoid and some other diseases can also cause sudden e!cessive hair fall. *tress( tension( an!iety are well,%nown causes. 'eredity can also be an important factor. 'air loss can occur due to e!cessive shampooing and blow drying too. 'air loss can be caused due to habits li%e compulsive hair pulling 0trichotillomania1 or rubbing the scalp harshly. There are many hair loss products available which do solve the problem to an e!tent. *ome may have dangerous side effects. 'ere we are attempting to put forth natural recipes that cure hair loss and provide an effective solution for many other hair related problems as well.

Hair Loss Treatment

'air loss is as common a problem today as any other. It afflicts both men and women. 2e tend to suffer from more than normal hair fall at some or the other stage in our life. )ost pills and allopathic treatments have some or the other side,effects. 2e need to understand that there are natural options available for all ailments( including chronic hair loss. 2e should help our body to naturally return to its balanced state. 'air loss due to thyroid can be treated by treating the thyroid gland. In cases of hormonal imbalance due to pregnancy or menopause( correcting the hormonal imbalance usually solves the problem of hair loss. 3uring pregnancy hair tends to remain in the resting phase for a prolonged period. 4ost,delivery( the hormonal levels change suddenly and this hair tends to fall off over s short period of time. thus the hair loss seems e!cessive. The hair growth returns to normal as the new cycle of hair growth progresses. &!cessive hair loss stops on its own some months after delivery as the body returns to the normal hormonal levels. If the e!cessive hair loss is due to some medication( you are advised to as% your doctor to prescribe some alternatives in its place. There are various natural remedies available to combat the problem of hair loss. )any of them are described in the ne!t section.

Natural Cure for Hair Loss

#ollowing are some of the less commonly %nown and yet astonishingly simple hair loss remedies. They are absolutely natural with 5ero side effects.

1. 6ubbing your left and right hand nails with each other is a powerful hair loss solution and
causes faster hair growth. It is e!tremely simple yet very effective. 7ou need to fold both your palms inwards and place the fingernails of both hands against each other. Then with regular swift motions( rub them against each other. There are nerve endings below the nails which are connected to your scalp. This rubbing procedure increases the blood flow to the scalp and helps in strengthening the roots. It not only helps in curbing hair loss( but also leads to regrowth of lost hair in people suffering from baldness or alopecia areata. And if that is not good enough( it also brings bac% the color naturally thus getting rid of the problem of gray hair. Trust me( it is the best thing you could do for your hair. It is simple and can be done anywhere anytime. 3o it for about 5,8 minutes twice a day. It is tried and tested and will definitely show results. 7ou need to be patient though. 7ou will begin to notice a difference in about a month and by the end of 9 months you would probably be successful in ridding yourself of all your hair problems.

2. :oconut mil% is another magic potion for your hair. Ta%e a dry coconut and grate it. +rind
to a fine paste and then sieve through a soft fine cloth to collect the mil% of the coconut. )a%e around 1,2 cups of mil% depending on the length of your hair. Apply the mil% on the scalp and hair and leave to dry. ;eep it for about 2 hrs and then rinse your hair with normal water 0do not apply shampoo1. This will leave the pure coconut oil in your hair. ;eep the oil for 2< hours and shampoo the following day. This process will ma%e your hair softer and smoother to touch and you will see an almost immediate drastic reduction in your rate of hair loss. #or chronic cases of hair loss( do this once a wee%. &ventually once the problem is resolved completely( you can do this once in 2 or - wee%s. It helps not only in reducing hair fall but also improves the overall health and te!ture of hair. -. )assage your scalp with a good hair oil at least twice a wee%. e careful not to be too harsh. =se your finger tips to gently stimulate the blood vessels on your scalp. 4. Add small pieces of a medium si5ed onion to a cup of rum. .eave for 2< hours. 6emove the onion pieces and massage your scalp with the rum. This helps cure hair loss and induces faster hair growth. 5. #or long( blac%( thic% and shiny hair( mi! sesame oil or olive oil in >uice of bottle gourd and apply to hair. This helps prevent grey hair and hair fall and is very good for the overall health of hair. 6. )i! one cup of brandy and one egg well. Apply this on the scalp and massage gently for some time. .eave on for about a half hour to one hour. *hampoo off. This encourages the growth of hair and is a good hair loss remedy. 7. )i! coconut( mustard and castor oil in e/ual /uantities. Apply this on the scalp and massage gently at night at least once a wee%. .eave overnight. *hampoo in the morning. This is a very nutritious combination for the hair and is a good hair loss treatment. 8. 6eetha( Amla and *hi%a%ai? 7ou will need to source these three herb powders in e/ual /uantities by weight. 6eetha 0&nglish @ame? *oap @ut( otanical @ame? *apindus mucorosai1( Amla 0&nglish @ame? Indian +ooseberry( otanical @ame? 4hyllanthus amblica1 and *hi%a%ai 0&nglish @ame? Acacia( otanical @ame? Acacia :oncinna 1 are well %nown for their hair nourishment /ualities. )i! all three in e/ual /uantities and store in a cool dry place. Ance a wee%( soa% about 2 , - tablespoons 0depending on the length of your hair1 of this powder in water overnight. In the morning( strain the water through a fine cloth and apply on your scalp and hair. ;eep for a half hour and then rinse off with plain water. These herbs have astonishing hair re>uvenation /ualities. Apart from stopping hair loss( they ma%e the hair lustrous( blac%( strong and smooth.

9. *oa% 2 tsp of fenugree% flour overnight in water and then apply the paste on the head. 10. 11. 12.
.eave for half an hour. 6inse out with warm water. This helps in reducing dandruff as well as hair loss. oil the leaves of celery and mint for 2" minutes in water. *train and let it cool. Applying this water on hair everyday ma%es the roots strong and arrests hair loss and induces hair growth. 6egular e!ercise can wor% wonders to reduce hair loss and induce hair growth. :ardiovascular e!ercises that get your heart rate to go up increase blood supply to all parts of the body including the scalp. It also helps remove to!ins from the body. )aintain a regular bowel movement. :onstipation should not be allowed to continue and immediate corrective action should be ta%en. There are natural mild la!atives available that can be ta%en at bed time. This helps %eep the blood clean the reduces to!icity in the body. +ently rub coconut oil cultured with hibiscus flowers twice a wee% into the roots of the hair. This nourishes the roots and ma%es the hair strong( long and shiny. Ta%e fuller$s earth in a bowl( put water in it and mi! well. .eave it aside for 2 hours. After 2 hours mi! it well again with a spoon and add water to reach a consistency apt for applying on the scalp and hair. Apply the mi!ture on your scalp and hair and gently massage the scalp for some minutes. 2ash hair thoroughly with water. Then leave your hair to dry. This gives a lot of shine and bounce to the hair and ma%es them very sil%y to touch. Apply a mi!ture of coconut water with little lemon >uice to the hair to prevent them from falling. .eave on for half an hour and then wash as usual. oil one cup of nasturtium leaves in water for 2" minurtes. .et it cool and then strain. Apply this with a cotton swab everyday to the scalp. This helps nourish the hair and cure hair loss. *oa% dry gooseberries and fenugree% seeds in water overnight. +rind to a paste in the morning. =se it as a shampoo while washing hair. This ma%es the roots strong and is a good hair loss remedy. )editation. @ow I hardly need to stress on the importance of meditation. *tress and tension is the most common cause of hair loss today. *o it would be right to cure the root of the problem. In our fast moving lives( it is essential to ta%e out 15 minutes for ourselves to maintain our peace of mind. It may not be possible for you to meditate for an hour everyday. It isn$t for most people. 'ere is a practical alternative. :hoose a nice clean and /uiet corner of your house where nobody would disturb you. *lowly close your eyes and filter out all thoughts from your mind. This may be e!tremely difficult to achieve at first( but %eep persevering. :oncentrate on your breath. #eel the air moving across your upper lip. 2hile inhaling( thin% that you are ta%ing in all the positive energy from the environment and while e!haling( you are removing all the negative energy from your body. 3o this for 15 minutes. It is not easy to concentrate for 15 minutes on the first day( start with 5 minutes and slowly build it up over some days. +o beyond 15 minutes if time permits. After the session( open your eyes slowly. 7ou are sure to feel peaceful and calm inside. &veryday practice will relieve you of stress and tension. This will help not only in the cure for hair loss( but also many other problems that are caused by stress. It should be as important a routine as eating and sleeping for us. Though difficult( the results will ma%e you feel it was all worth it.

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15. 16. 17. 18.

If you collectively do some or most of the tips described above( it will surely help in reducing your hair loss drastically.

Hair Loss Prevention

4reventing hair loss is entirely in your hands. )aintain a healthy diet with good vitamin rich nutritious food. Avoid alcohol( smo%ing( e!cessively oily and greasy food and e!cessively spicy and sour food. 'ave regular eating and sleeping habits to prevent hair loss. Avoid stress and staying up late. )aintain a good hair care regimen. Avoid chemical treatments on your hair. 3o not wear your hair very tight as that can strain the hair roots and lead to hair loss. In case of hair loss due to a certain medication( consult your doctor and as% him to suggest an alternative. )aintain good hygiene of your scalp. =se a mild shampoo and do not let your conditioner come in contact with your scalp. All these precautions can help avoid hair loss altogether.

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