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HIEROMARTYR DONAN OF EIGG And those with him Eigg is the most easterly of a group of islands lying between

Ardnamurchan and the Isle of Skye in the Scottish Hebrides. Early in the seventh century it was ruled by a pagan Pictish queen. ne day she was told that Abbot !onnan" an Irishman" had founded a monastery on the island in a place where she kept her sheep. #$et them all be killed"% she said. #&hat would not be a religious act"% said her people. So she employed some pirates to kill them. 'hen the pirates burst into the monastery" on the bright night of Pascha" April ()" *() +or *(* or *(,-" the !ivine $iturgy was being served. #$et us have a respite until the $iturgy is ended"% said !onnan. #&hou shalt have it"% they said. 'hen the $iturgy was finished" the pirates herded !onnan and fifty.two of his monks into a building and set fire to it. &hose who tried to escape were killed by the sword. And so was fulfilled the prophecy of St. /olumba of Iona that !onnan would suffer #red martyrdom% for /hrist. (( churches were dedicated to his memory in Scotland. +Sources0 /alendar of 1arianus 2orman3 &ighernach3 1artyrology of &amhlacht3 Angus the /uldee3 !onald Attwater" &he Penguin !ictionary of Saints" Penguin books" (4*5" p. (6*3 !avid 7armer" &he 8ford !ictionary of Saints" 8ford0 /larendon Press" (4)," p. (643 $ucy 1en9ies" Saint /olumba of Iona" 7elinfach0 :.1.7. ;ooks" (4<6" p. (=43 Ale8ander 7orbes" /alendars of Scottish Saints" Edinburgh0 Edmonston > !ouglas" (,)<" p. =<5-

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