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: Conceptual Level: Data warehousing Concepts 1) Different types of d t b se Systems !) "#$P Systems %) Introd&ction to D t ' re(o&se )) Differences bet'een "#$P nd D*H +) Different ppro c(es to b&i,t d t ' re(o&ses -) Dimension , mode,in. / Concept& , Mode, b/ #o.ic , Mode, c/ P(ysic , Mode, 0) Dimensions nd f cts 1) St r2 sno'f, 3e sc(em s nd ot(er sc(em s in D*H/ 4) Different types of Dimensions 15) Different types of f cts 11) 6r n&, rity concept 1!) Different types of 3eys nd s&rro. te 3ey concept in D*H/ 1%) E$# nd its ro,e in d'( pro7ect/ 1)) Different tr nsform tion "per tions in E$# 1+) D t 1-) D t C,e nsin. 10) D t tin. 11) D t Scr&bbin. 14) Different types of E$# ppro c(es/ !5) "#AP concept in D*H Learner Level: 1) Inform tic introd&ction !) Inform tic &ser interf ce %) Inform tic c,ient too,s nd its f&nctions )) Inform tic repository nd ser8er rc(itect&re +) Inform tic Inst ,, tion process -) Cre tin. Repository ser8ices by &sin. Administr tion conso,e 0) Cre tin. Inte.r tion Ser8ices by &sin. Administr tion conso,e 1) Cre tin. fo,der in Inform tic / 4) Inform tic ob7ects nd n min. con8entions 15) So&rce nd t connection strin.s cre tion 11) Importin. or definin. t(e so&rce nd t t b,e str&ct&res in to desi.ner 'or3sp ce 1!) *( t is $r nsform tion in inform tic 1%) Different types of tr nsform tions in Inform tic / ) tor $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ b) So&rce :& ,ifier $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ c) E9pression $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ d) Stored Proced&re $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ e) Fi,ter $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ f) ;oiner $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ .) #oo3&p $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ () Norm ,i<er $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/


Abode For Eminence

Trainer Duration

: Murali)har $ *essions

14=40>1>12 "fficer?s Co,ony2 Dr/ A S R o N . r2 ECI#2 Hyder b d P .e 1 of

2 !"#$ $#12%& ''12$(%2!1& '#$2$2'22#

Em i,@ infoApr s(i3s( n /com *ebsite@ '''/pr s(i3s( n /

Abode For Eminence
i) R n3 $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ 7) Ro&ter $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ 3) SeB&ence 6ener tor $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ ,) Sorter $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ m) $r ns ction Contro, $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ n) Cnion $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ o) Cpd te Str te.y $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ p) DM# So&rce :& ,ifier $r nsform tion nd its &s .e 'it( e9 mp,es/ 1%) De8e,op t(e m ppin.s &sin. different tr nsform tions 1)) Cre te nd R&n t(e 'or3 f,o' > sessions E7obs) nd 7ob monitorin. 1+) $ro&b,e s(ootin. nd correct t(e errors A)vance) Level: 1/ M ppin. p r meters nd 8 ri b,es !/ *or3in. 'it( fi,e systems %/ Different ' ys to cre te p r meter fi,e )/ INDIREC$ FI#EME$H"D EFi,e repository) +/ C( n.ed d t c pt&re process nd its imp,ement tion -/ Cre tin. m pp,et nd re&s b,e $r nsform tions 0/ Cre tion of 'or3,ets 1/ $ ,o d order or ,o d p, n 4/ Constr int b sed ,o d orderin. 15/ *or3in. 'it( different t s3s 8 i, b,e in inform tic 11/ ;ob sc(ed&,in. in Inform tic 1!/ Different types of F tc(es in Inform tic 1%/ S,o',y c( dimensions process nd its imp,ement tion ) SCD=$ype1 b) SCD=$ype! c) SCD=$ype% 1)/ Perform nce t&nin. met(ods +ro,essional Level: 1/ Cre tin. or &nderst ndin. H#DEHi.( ,e8e, desi.n) !/ Cre tin. or &nderst ndin. ##DE#o' ,e8e, desi.n) %/ Cnderst ndin. F&nction , doc&ments/ )/ Cnit testin. nd test c se prep r tion/ +/ Dep,oyment nd code mi.r tion in inform tic +ro-ect wor. level: 1/ Cnderst ndin. t(e F&siness reB&irements !/ Cre tin. St .in. re nd St .e t b,es %/ Cre tin. Inform tic m ppin.s for pop&, tin. st .e t b,es )/ Desi.nin. nd Imp,ementin. t(e Dimension , Mode, +/ Cre tin. t(e Dimension nd F ct t b,es -/ Cre tin. SCD $ype1 nd $ype! m ppin.s for Pop&, tin. Dimension t b,es/ 0/ Cre tin. m ppin. for f ct t b,e pop&, tion 1/ Imp,ementin. different #o d str te.ies ,i3e F&,, ,o d2 Increment , ,o d2 History ,o d

14=40>1>12 "fficer?s Co,ony2 Dr/ A S R o N . r2 ECI#2 Hyder b d P .e 2 of

2 !"#$ $#12%& ''12$(%2!1& '#$2$2'22#

Em i,@ infoApr s(i3s( n /com *ebsite@ '''/pr s(i3s( n /

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