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1o what extent does the exper|ence of postgraduate educat|on match the pr|or

expectat|ons of postgraduate students?

1op|c gu|de

! undersLand expecLaLlons and moLlvaLlons Lo pursue posLgraduaLe sLudy
! undersLand experlences as a graduaLe sLudenL aL Cxford
! 1o flnd Lhe degree Lo whlch respondenLs Lhlnk LhaL Lhelr currenL experlences aL
Cxford have meL Lhelr expecLaLlons

! Lxplaln purpose and procedure of lnLervlew
! noLe Laklng/recordlng
! ConsenL and confldenLlallLy

n|story up to Mov|ng to Cxford
! lace educaLed/Pome counLry
" Where dld Lhe respondenL grow up
! undergraduaLe experlence
" Academlc
" Soclal
! CLher experlences
" Work hlsLory
" revlous graduaLe experlence
! uegree Course of SLudy
" lmpacL of posLgraduaLe educaLlon on fuLure
" CompeLlng opLlons

Lxpectat|ons vs. Lxper|ences
! Mot|vat|ons and Inf|uences Shap|ng Lxpectat|ons
" urpose for belng here
# Cholce Lo do posLgraduaLe sLudy
# Cholce of course
# Cholce of Cxford
" ersonal (famlly, frlends, parLner)
" asL experlences of Cxford (lndlvldual experlence, sLudenLs, sLaff, webslLe, eLc.)

! Wants]Needs - 8ALANCL DISCUSSICN -> how exper|ences re|ate back to expectat|ons
" Academlc ->
# AsslgnmenL load (preparaLory work)
# Course demand
# Course sLrucLure/conLenL
# CuallLy and level
# 8esearch lnLeresLs
# lrusLraLlons wlLh Lhe course
" Soclal/LlfesLyle ->
# lree-Llme
# Work/llfe balance
# ColleglaLe sysLem
# Clubs/sporLs/socleLles/exLracurrlculars
" SupporL ->
# Academlc
# LmoLlonal
# Career servlces
# llnanclal
# Medlcal

! 8eflecLlon on overall experlence
" Would Lhe respondenL make Lhe same cholce agaln
" Would Lhe respondenL recommend Lo a frlend
! SLaLe LhaL lnLervlew ls nearlng Lhe end
! AnyLhlng else Lo share/anyLhlng mlssed

! 1hank you
! 8e-sLress confldenLlallLy, reafflrm consenL
! Lxplaln fuLure processes of sLudy

Important o|nts to 1ake Note of |f ka|sed Crgan|ca||y:
! ersonal ldenLlLy: SexuallLy, gender, race, eLhnlclLy, rellglon, naLlonallLy,
socloeconomlc sLaLus
! Scholarshlps and fundlng arrangemenLs
! 8elaLlonshlp sLaLus

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