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Cbu formating important comnods. 1-user name rbs password=rbs. 2-vols c2 & d checking data. 3-reload space--.

4-formathd space/d. 5-formathd space y/n always write y.if you want to format the D partition. 6-reload space--. 7-formathd space/c2. 8-formathd space/c2 data will be destory Y/N(Y). 9-reload space--. 10-ifconfig space le0(zero) space169.254.1.1 space netmask255.255.0.0.if we are using ET-MFX card than we use lh0(zero). 11-passwd. 12-passwd=rbs. 13-passwd=rbs. And after go to the FTP server. 14- reload and after wait for server loading.

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