The 1990s - A Free Poland

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The 1990s -

a free Poland
The high point of the 1990s was Mazury’s
tour to Poland in 1992 to take part in the
celebrations marking the return to a free and
independent Poland, when Mazury were the
only youth group to take part in the victory
parade in Warsaw and danced in the huge
Torwar Stadium as well as the beautiful
Łazienki Palace stage on the lake. Mazury
toured to Poland again in 1996 to take part in
the Festival of the Beskid Mountains in south Mazury in Warsaw in 1992 during the parade before Presidents Lech Wałęsa and
west Poland and the Czech Republic, where Ryszard Kaczorowski marking the official return of Poland’s ex-combatants to their
they received a rapturous reception and were country
able to experience the folklore of this area at
first hand. A new generation of dancers began
to join the group - as well as the children of
dancers from the 60s and 70s, there were the
children of the Solidarity emigration who
swelled the ranks of the younger groups.
Mazury’s 50th anniversary year in 1999 was
celebrated with a tour to Hungary to take
part in the Debrecen flower festival, and
culminated in a gala performance at Her
Majesty’s Theatre in London’s Haymarket.
Mazury also received honours from the Polish
Government to mark the occasion.
Two of the juniors who went on tour to Poland in 1992 - they are still dancing today!

The whole group at the Łazienki Palace in Warsaw in 1992


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