Vocabulary-EXTRA NI 1 Units 3-4 Extension

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Unit 3


Vocabulary EXTRA! Extension

Unit 4
1 Choose the correct word.
1 2 3 4 5 6 An octopus has got eight toes / legs / ears. Humans have one thumb on each leg / hand / toe. A dog has four teeth / legs / ears. A spider has eight mouths / eyes / ngers. A shark has 3,000 eyes / mouths / teeth. A snake hasnt got any hair / eyes / noses.

1 Choose the correct word.

1 2 3 4 5 6 Cheese / Fish is grey. Octopus / Cucumber is green. Eggs / Mushrooms are yellow and white. Garlic / Chips are brown. Pizza / Chocolate is yellow and red. Carrots / Potatoes are orange.

2 Complete the sentences with these school subjects.

1 2 3 4 5 6

2 Complete the text with furniture words. The rst

letter is given to help you. My bedroom has got two big (1) windows . There are shelves with lots of (2) b of (3)d (4)c on them because I like reading very much. Theres also a chest where I keep some clothes. My is on my desk. I use it every day to do of so






art . We learn about numbers in We do sport in .

We do chemistry, physics and biology in . We learn about the world in We learn about the past in .

We draw pictures in

my homework. On the wall Ive got (5) p my favourite bands. Ive also got a CD (6) p I can listen to their songs. Its a cool room.

3 Complete the text with these prepositions.

at from after on to in before at at

3 Choose the correct verb.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 What are you doing? Im eating / smelling my lunch. I walk / point to school every morning. Chocolate smells / hears great. Can you smell / hold my jacket for me? I can see / think my school from my bedroom window. I think / hear maths is my favourite subject at school. Dont hold / point your nger at people. Its rude. I can run / eat a kilometre in ve minutes.

I get up (1) (5) (6)


7 .00 (2)

the morning. 3.30. 9.30. (8)

I go to school (3)

8.30 (4)

school, I go home and I do my homework dinner. I go to bed (7) 10.00. I love Saturdays!

Saturdays, I get up (9)

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