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Texture Reference Sheet

Rock Type I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Texture Name

Myrmekitic Granophyric Graphic Perthite Antiperthite Zoning Rapakivi Ophitic Interstitial Sieve Poikilitic Cumulate Trachytic Felty/Pilotaxic Flow banding

Description Wormy intergrowth between plag and qtz. Intergrowth of quartz in alkali fsp Granophyric in hand sample Exsolution of albite from orthoclase or microcline K fsp out of alkali Rings in plag crystals Albitic plag on orthoclase Pyroxene envelopes many plag Plag enveloping pyroxene Resorption of plag into the magma chamber Biotite and plag surrounded by alkali fsp Accumulation of phenocrysts Plag microphenocrysts align due to flow Plag microphenocrysts are not aligned Flow banding in rhyolite

Cause Metasomatism

Inner layers are Ca rich, outter are Na rich

Density contrast gathers them together (bottom)

Grain size or density/compositional differences

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