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FRUITY CARAMEL PIE Cooking Tools Needed:

Pie Plate

Sauce Pan
Whisk Measuring Cups

Measuring Spoons Mixing Bowl

2 cups cup tsp cup 3 tbsp cup 2 tbsp 1 pack (250 grams) pinch 1 can (432 grams) Graham Cracker Crumbs Butter Ground Cinnamon Sugar Butter All-Purpose Cream All-Purpose Cream Chocolate Shavings Salt Del Monte Fiesta Fruit Cocktail (drained, reserve syrup, for filling) (melted, for crust) (for crust) (for caramel sauce) (for caramel sauce) (for caramel sauce) (chilled, for cream topping) (for garnish, optional)

Roasted Cashew Nuts (coarsely chopped, for filling)

Cooking Procedure:
1. Combine ingredients for crust. Press into 8 loose bottom tin pan or pie plate. Chill for 1 hour. 2. Caramel Sauce: Heat and melt sugar in a pan without stirring until Caramelized (light brown). Add butter, stir to melt. Remove from flame, and then add cream and salt. Stir, allow to cool slightly. Set aside. 3. Arrange DEL MONTE Fiesta Fruit Cocktail (reserve some for topping) and nuts over prepared crust. Drizzle with caramel sauce. Chill for another 15 minutes.

4. Beat cream until fluffy. Spoon over pie to cover fruits. Chill until ready to serve. Spread with reserved fruit cocktail and chocolate shavings if desired. Chill before serving. Makes 12 servings. Lusog notes: Excellent source of Calcium- for strong bones and teeth.

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