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Hurricanes and tornado are very similar in destruction but different in nature and characteristic. Both are deadly and made mostly of wind which rotate vigoriusly carrying along all scattered debris which include water, stone, metal and all sort of thing that originate from where it travel. Once caught inside, there is no turning back and death are the only mercy to end the torment. Hurricanes can be considered as the big brother of these two and from it, tornado can be generate accidentally depending on the situation of the nature. This statement derived from the fact on how hurricanes and tornado is form. Hurricanes which originated away from a fast current of water on the sea, take a very big diameter of pulse which is up to several hundred miles wide. This size of pulse will logically consist of water and wind which rotate usually less than 180 miles per hour will move slowly and create a very devastating effect either on sea toward all the big and small ship, or it also will create a very catastrophic rain and flood when it reach land. Tornados on the other hand is made up best when it is very near to fast current making it suitable to be labelled as little brother of the hurricanes and can cause even greater destruction with it 300 mile per hour rotation. Tornado however only form on land and usually took up about half mile in diameter of pulse. It can exist in a number of few compared to hurricanes which normally in single number. Their formation also lead to the naming the hurricane by the forecaster and prediction on when it will reach land and how long it will last, compared to tornado which is forming and desolved in very short timing which usually not more than an hour. Before the research being done, people seldom took hurricanes and tornados as different condition. This is because, hurricanes come in forms of storms surge and a very heavy rain rather than tornados which can be seen in form of funnelshape like cloud. The diameter of the pulse that forming the hurricane and tornado is actually the reason behind this insimilarity teory. Hurricane which being explain before, is wide in diameter making it rotation of wind unseen, rather than tornado which is small and reveals its wind properties. The only different about this two is only on the aftermath of the destruction it creates when it desolved. Hurricanes will left us with all the flood and all the debris that can be carry by the water, and tornados on the other hand, will cause an earie sight if only when it can lay its hand on and cars and building structure that lies on its way. To conclude this episode of madness, these two are the most dangerous thing wind can offer to mankind and destruction is guarenteed.

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