Jonah and The Great Fish

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The city of Nineveh was huge. 120,000 people lived there, but they were horrible to each other. God told Jonah to go and speak to the people of Nineveh. Jonah thought No way!! "#$ not doing that!! The people will laugh at $e % They $ight even kick $e %& 'o Jonah decided to run away. (e went down to the docks in Joppa and paid for passage on a wooden ship. "t was going to Tarshish. 'oon, there was a huge stor$ on the ocean ) the howling winds and crashing waves were terrifying. *ut Jonah was +,. (e was nice and war$, sleeping below decks!! The -aptain was furious. (e grabbed Jonah and dragged hi$ out into the wild stor$. .ho are you/& screa$ed the captain. .hat have you done/& cried the sailors. Jonah said " didn#t do the 0ob " was asked to do %& The sailors tried to save the ship by $aking it lighter. They threw all their things overboard. *ut the stor$ raged on, and the ship sank lower. The captain and sailors were desperate, so they threw Jonah headfirst into the ocean. 1s soon as Jonah touched the water, the stor$ abated 2stopped3. The sky turned blue, the sea turned green, and a war$ bree4e blew fro$ the south. *ut Jonah, poor Jonah!! Jonah sank down into the deep, dark oceans. 5own, down, down % (e saw $ountains growing. (e saw strange beasts. 6ventually, he was swallowed by a huge whale. 1fter sitting inside the whale for three days, Jonah finally repented. "#$ sorry %& he cried out. God heard Jonah. God $ade the whale sick, and Jonah shot out onto a golden sandy beach. Jonah set out for the city of Nineveh, for the ne7t part of his adventure %


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