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Eco Schools: An International Initiative for a Sustainable Environment

Eco-Schools is an international programme for environmental education, management and certification that aims to raise students awareness on sustainable development issues through classroom study as well as school and community action. It employs a holistic, participatory approach in which students play an active role in running their school for the benefit of the environment. Eco-school certification is the Green Flag, an internationally ac nowledged symbol for environmental e!cellence. Eco-Schools is a programme of "Foundation for Environmental Education# $FEE%, an international organi&ation, which has member organi&ations in '( countries, including )*E. In )*E, it is represented by E+S-++F. *bout ', schools across )*E have registered as Eco-Schools. -n ., th /ay .,(., five schools vi&. 0affles International, Greenwood International School, 1ubai International *cademy, *dhen 2asic 3ycle School for Girls, 0as *l 4haimah, *l 5ala 2asic 3ycle School for 2oys, Fu6airah, received the Green Flag. DPS Sharjah registered as the 7,th member in 8ovember .,((. 9arious events have already been organi&ed by ++F-E+S e.g. :urtle 3ompetition, Earth 5our, 2eati +atani ;ui&, /igratory 2irds day, 2iodiversity day,+orld *ction 1ay, in which students participated enthusiastically. *ll these form a part of Eco-Schools activities which we have successfully completed. Eco-School activities are not always meant for competition. It is through these participations we e!press our concern and care for mother Earth. 3ore themes on which the Eco Schools wor are < 3onservation of Energy and +ater, recycling of +aste. :he school administration has ta en up the matter seriously and is wor ing towards it. 2oth =rimary and Senior wing are wor ing together for this Green cause. It ta es minimum one year and ma!imum two years to achieve the Green Flag. +ithout the involvement of the =arents, Students, and the entire 1=S fraternity, achieving Green Flag may remain a dream>2ut we will not rest?? I re@uest each one of you to ma e yourself aware of what an Eco School isA +hat are the B stepsA +hat

are the ma6or themes and how do we go aboutA *n audit will happen soon and you will be given an online @ui& which will be mandatory for all. 4indly prepare yourself for the same. :ogether we can? +e have always proved. +e have miles to go before we achieve this> Vandana Marwaha Principal

We will not wait for the change, we will be the change

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