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Presentation by:

C. Thiruvenkatesan
AP / ECE / SSN College of Engineering

introduction to the subject and syllabus

Design Flows
A design flow is a set of procedures that allows designers to progress from a specification for a chip to the final chip implementation in an error-free way.

A good VLSI design system should provide for consistent descriptions in all three description domains (behavioral, structural, and physical) and at all relevant levels of abstraction (e.g., architecture, RTL/block, logic, circuit). The means by which this is accomplished can be measured in various terms that differ in importance based on the application. These parameters can be summarized in terms of: Performancespeed, power, function, flexibility Size of die (hence, cost of die) Time to design (hence, cost of engineering and schedule) Ease of verification, test generation, and testability (hence, cost of engineering and schedule)

EC2354 - Syllabus

EC2354 - Syllabus

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