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To Mr Director of human resources.

Object : Site Quality Manager (Fs) I note with interest the possibility of integrating your agri foo! company speciali"ing in charcuterie in #uality engineer $ro!uction #uality. % !iploma of engineer of State in in!ustrial engineering& I woul! li'e to ta'e a!(antage of my s'ills within your structure 'nown for its professionalism an! its performance. I was traine! as an engineer of State in the )ational School of applie! science of %*%DI+ . % formation which brought me a technical (ision concise an! ,artesian in!ustrial !omain& complemente! by a business oriente! managerial approach& an! an arma!a of metho!s an! in!ustrial tools. This allows me to !efine& !e(elop an! impro(e with !e-terity of integrate! systems& as well as to specify& pre!ict an! e(aluate the results of the latter. currently I wor' as a responsible #uality within a company speciali"ing in charcuterie& is being certifie! IS. //000 (s /001 an! 2alal label.I ! li'e to put my s'ills at the ser(ice of your company an! assist in the !e(elopment of its performance& my goo! 'nowle!ge that in !epth in the in!ustrial sector are not limite!. 3hat matters to me most is to incorporate a!(antage in the wor'place through e-citing employment& where the challenges aboun!& within a structure who wish to integrate a !ynamic person& with a mass of i!ea& a team spirit an! especially a huge urge to thoroughly. Than' you the attention that you will wear this re#uest. To see some of my wor'& I in(ite you to consult my curriculum (itae an! stan! at your !isposal for maintenance. 3aiting for your reply& I pray you accept Ma!am& Sir& the e-pression of my !eepest respect.

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