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Civilizations Exchange & Cooperation Foundation


JULY 2-10, 2014
The spirituality of Islam is essential in every part of daily life. The Shariah, or Islamic Law, is an interconnected spiritual system of laws and ethics working together toward perfecting the individual, the society and the nation. Spirituality is strengthened during the month Ramadan, the month of fasting, praying and giving. Not only is it the month of forgiveness and spiritual elevation, but it is also the month that calls Muslims to respond to human need, regardless of the faith, color, race or creed of those in need. Ramadan encourages families and the entire society to pay special attention to the concerns of the poor and needy in the larger family of Adam and Eve, beyond the Muslim community. Sharing the public Iftar, the breaking of the daylong fast, with family and with the larger community is a unique scene that happens regularly during this blessed month. Such spirituality is totally contrary to attitudes of hatred, acts of terrorism and violence towards others.

Spirituality and Giving in Ramadan is designed to deepen the understanding of Muslim societies through first-hand
experiences with the culture, faith, and daily activities of the people. During the trip, you will visit rich historic sites and interact with locals, professors, students, politicians and religious leaders of various faith traditions, as well as have time to relax and experience the beauty, food and hospitality of the Moroccan culture and its people.

For centuries, Morocco has been a land of diverse cultures and a stronghold for Islamic theology and spirituality. Sufis and Saints of various traditions had their monasteries and schools all over Morocco. Al Maghrib the Arabic name for Morocco which means The Sunset, had a great influence all over Africa, the Iberian Peninsula and Europe. Its ports on the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean, allowed the free exchange of medieval scholars between the East & the West, and the North & the South. Moroccan society today is a sample of what the Middle Eastern societies experience as they struggle with modernity, authenticity, globalization, causes of terrorism, extremism, and defining the parameters of the relationship between the Muslim World and the United States. 1502 Woodlawn Drive ! Suite 105 ! Baltimore, MD 21207 ! 410-944-6077 ! !


This program is ideal for Christian and Jewish clergy, who are involved in interfaith relations and programs with the Muslim communities throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe. Because this program is taking place during Ramadan, participants will have the opportunity to experience much of the spirit and activities of this holy month of fasting. The two-day conference at the end of the program will be attended by scholars from various parts of the Muslim World. They will elaborate on various aspects of Spirituality in Ramadan from personal, local & global perspectives. Other topics related to Islamic Theology, Interfaith, Muslims & the West, etc. will also be addressed.

! ! ! ! ! Participants will gain a deeper understanding of Islamic theology, spirituality and its relationship to the daily lives of Muslims Commonalities and differences among Christians, Muslims and Jews will be identified Participants will learn about Contributions of Islamic Civilization throughout history in the West Islamic scholars and civic leaders of this ancient Muslim region will share their religious and cultural perspectives on various issues with the delegation The delegation will share their perspectives and experiences on various issues with the Moroccan leaders a true experience of cultural exchange

! ! ! ! Lectures, guest speakers, power point and video presentations Meetings with local officials, religious leaders and scholars Two-day International Conference Lectures will take place at historic sites in Casablanca, Marrakesh , Fez and Rabat

Recommended reading material and web sites will be given one to two months prior to the departure.

TENTATIVE ITINERARY & TOPICS A more detailed itinerary will be distributed four to six weeks before the commencement of the program. Updates on the confirmed meetings, events and activities will be emailed to those who are registered in this unique program. The following is a tentative program outline:
! ! Departing the U.S. for Morocco Arriving in Casablanca Focus on Islamic Art and Spirituality The program will begin with an official welcome & introduction, followed by sight seeing. As we visit Al Hassan II Mosque, one of the greatest mosque in the Muslim World, the focus will be on Islamic Art and its relation to Spirituality. Iftar Program.,-19.00,50.0 Marrakesh Focus on Spirituality, Culture & Social Life We will visit the old markets in Marrakesh before our program with members of Sufi Orders, who have influence all over Africa. Iftar Program. Fez Focus on Islamic Theology We will have an early departure to Fez, where we will learn about Sufi Movements throughout history, sight see, followed by the Iftar Program. Our official program in Fez will take place the next day at Al Quraween University, where we will focus on various aspects of Islamic Theology. Rabat Global Dialogue & Outreach; Obstacles and Opportunities We will travel to Rabat, where there will be a reception by the U.S. Embassy and the two-day conference, Ramadan: A Call for Human Harmony. We will also enjoy a reception by Al Mohammadyan League during our stay in Rabat. Departing Morocco to the U.S.

1502 Woodlawn Drive ! Suite 105 ! Baltimore, MD 21207 ! 410-944-6077 ! !

TWO-DAY CONFERENCE RAMADAN: A CALL FOR HUMAN HARMONY The conference is open to the locals and others from Europe, Africa and Asia, who visit Morocco each Ramadan. The conference welcomes international Muslim scholars, as well as Moroccan NGOs. A list of speakers, topics and agenda of the conference will be sent to the participants in early March 2014.

CECF is delighted to partner with Roots & Branches under the auspices of the Episcopal Diocese of New York.


Participants will be funding the trip, including airfare.

Imam Mohamad Bashar Arafat (Civilizations Exchange & Cooperation Foundation) The Rev. Masud Ibn Syedullah, TSSF (Roots & Branches: Programs for Spiritual Growth)

For more information and registration for this program, please contact
Civilizations Exchange & Cooperation Foundation 410-944-6077

1502 Woodlawn Drive ! Suite 105 ! Baltimore, MD 21207 ! 410-944-6077 ! !

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