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G 2011 Supervising Teacher: Dr. Raychelle Harris Cooperating Teachers: Bradley Brown, Dr. Rachel Stone and Kevin Taylor Class Schedule: varied Weekly Meetings: varied (according to instructor) Email: - SLCC 1214 Email: - SLCC 1211 Email: - SLCC 1209 Email: - SLCC 1210 Office hours: varied/by appointment

This ASL internship program is designed to support Gallaudet students who are new and emerging ASL users. This program is an important part of the New Signers Transition Program, a University initiative designed to facilitate the integration of New Signers into the bilingual climate of Gallaudet. ASL MENTOR This is a supervised practicum in which the ASL mentor will be tutoring New Signers. Feedback forms and weekly logs will be used to keep the ASL mentor, the cooperating teacher and the ASL mentor program coordinator informed of ASL mentors progress throughout the course. ASL mentors will attend weekly ASL mentor meetings and tutor students. ASL TEACHER ASSISTANT This is a supervised practicum in which the ASL teacher assistant will be required to participate in actual classroom teaching under the supervision of an experienced cooperating teacher. Feedback forms and weekly logs will be used to keep the ASL teacher assistant, the cooperating teacher and the ASL mentor program coordinator informed of ASL teacher assistants progress throughout the course. ASL teacher assistant will also meet with their cooperating and supervising teacher on a regular basis.
DEPARTMENT STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will be able to: 1) Articulate fluently in ASL in various registers, including academic settings. 2) Recognize and discuss ASL status as minority language. 3) Identify and critically analyze issues surrounding ASL as a language. 4) Analyze and discuss the role of ASL in the fields of linguistics, literature, education, politics and media. 5) Synthesize various topics and the diverse deaf community. 6) Analyze and critique ones own use of ASL. 7) Analyze, interpret, critique and evaluate written and visual texts from multiple perspectives. LEARNING OUTCOMES The ASL mentors will: COURSE OBJECTIVES





1) observe, document and apply the lessons taught by their cooperative teacher for subsequent tutorial sessions. 2) complete all assigned homework as given by the cooperating teacher

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

Class observation and documentation Tutorial application

Self-regulated through successful application of tutorials Tutor evaluation Cooperating teacher checks completed assignments in class Cooperating teacher observes class and mentor discussions Observation and feedback from cooperating teacher End-of-semester class evaluation Observation and feedback from cooperating teacher Class evaluation

1, 2, 4

2, 3, 7

Completion of class assignments Discussions about assignments among students, mentors and with cooperating teacher

3) be prepared for planned and spontaneous opportunities given by cooperating teachers to teach one-on-one or in small groups 4) develop, plan and teach assigned lessons to the class

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

1, 2, 3, 4, 6

Teaching one-on-one or in small groups

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Develop, plan and teach specific lessons to the class Class teaching and tutoring

COURSE MATERIALS Refer to your cooperating teachers syllabus and to articles on your respective blackboards. GRADING ! Attendance ! Class Participation and Assignments WEIGHT 50% 50%

ATTENDANCE Attendance is mandatory for both ASL classes and assigned work hours, e.g. weekly meetings, tutorials & ASL lounge. Tutoring hours are self-reported regularly via weekly logs on GoogleDocs prior to the Sunday of the new week. Weekly reports are corroborated by tutoree, cooperating and supervising teachers. CLASS PARTICIPATION Rubric measuring class participation through arriving on time, appearing dressed appropriately for work, preparedness (completion of homework assignments and reading in advance for content knowledge), ability to follow-through with assigned small group work, and working well with new signers. This rubric is completed by the cooperating teacher. TUTORIAL PARTICIPATION*

Rubric measuring lounge and tutorial participation through arriving on time, appearing dressed appropriately for work, preparedness (content knowledge and ideas), ability to spontaneously create learning activities, assess student progress and communicating with cooperating teacher the students progress. This rubric is completed by cooperating teacher with assistance from the supervising teacher and corroborated by weekly logs, spontaneous visits by instructors, comments on ASL lounge sign-in forms, ASL lounge evaluations by students, as well as comments from tutor-ees. *Not all TAs will be tutoring. COURSE SCHEDULE (subject to change) Attend assigned ASL classes Attend weekly ASL mentor meetings (Tuesdays at 12 pm) POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: 1. Student Responsibilities: Students are expected to actively participate by attending class and completing assigned activities, participate in class and weekly meeting discussions, serve in groups, complete assignments on time, respect diverse perspectives and opinions, and support opinions and answers with reasons, explanations and documentation from a variety of sources. 2. Classroom and Work Etiquette: Basic classroom and work etiquette includes turning off external electronic devices that may interfere with class participation and availability during work. Arrive on time for class and work, stay the entire period, and avoid behavior that interferes with the concentration and learning of other students. Attention should be given to the instructor, guest speakers, and new signers. 3. Attendance: You are allowed six hours of excused absences. Use them wisely. Each additional one-hour absence will result in 2-point deduction from your final grade. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY STATEMENT This policy applies to both ASL and English. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Students who need special services or accommodations should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSWD), located in SAC Room 1022

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