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Be wary of animals, sheriff says

A rabid dog was reported last Saturday, officials have confirmed. On the morning of February 16, Tim Johnson, a dog belonging to Mr. Harry Johnson, was seen traveling south on Main Street. Jem and Scout Finch, two children who live on Main Street, were the first to find Tim Johnson as he was stumbling down the road. They contacted their father and Sheriff Heck Tate, who arrived at the scene shortly after. I took a heavy rifle with me, wasnt hoping Id have to use it, but Ive seen a fair share of rabid dogs in my time, and theres never a good ending, Mr. Tate told news sources. When Mr. Finch and I got out of the car, we saw him coming slowly down the street. It was unusual to find a rabid animal so early in the year, Mr. Tate said. Cases usually spike in late July and August. I waited a while before taking any action. They usually go in a straight line, but you can never tell. I was worried hed go straight in the Radley back yard. (125) Mr. Tate gave a short interview on his way out of the courthouse this morning. The street was deserted. Only been that way once during my time as sheriff. I took one look at him and I could see right away. Rabid animals usually exhibit a variety of visible symptoms, including erratic gait, uneven walking patterns, muscle spasms, and slow reaction time, all of which Mr. Tate confirmed were seen in Tim Johnson. I knew we had to stop him before he caused anybody a fright or hurt a child, but he just about stopped in front of the Radley gate and didnt seem to know which way to head. The Radley household sits on the corner of Main. Mr. Tate recognized the difficulty in safely eliminating the rabid dog at such proximity to civilians. I had my rifle with me, but things werent looking good. Miss and Id go straight into the Radley house. I cant shoot that well and Atticus Finch knows it. (127) Mr. Atticus Finch, a lawyer and father of the two children who discovered the rabid dog, had accompanied Mr. Tate to the scene. In what may have been a breach of county policy, Mr. Tate offered Mr. Finch his rifle. When the media questioned his risky decision, Mr. Tate replied, He didnt want to, but thats Mr. Finch for you. I told him Id feel mighty comfortable if he shot that gun. Took him one shot, too. Ive seen him shoot. Hes always a little to the right, but hes a hell of a lot better than me. He hasnt forgotten much since he last shot. They say it never leaves you. (128) Mr. Finch won second place at the Maycomb County Fair when he was 17 at a shooting competition. Reports say he lost because of a bad eye, but sources at the Finch house have refused to confirm this. Mr. Finch has since earned the name One-Shot Finch and the apparent respect of Mr. Tate. If he wasnt such an academic, hed be a sheriff. That man has a gift, I tell you. Mr. Tate continued, Anyway, the bullet caught Tim Johnson, and I had him collected in the afternoon. Looks like it wont happen again til the autumn. The events of Saturday appear to be an isolated incident. Mr. Tate advises Maycomb residents to nonetheless be on their guard. You never know what might come loping down Main Street, he warned. Mr. Harry Johnson has asked that Tim Johnsons funeral be announced as occurring on Tuesday, February 19 at the local church. It will be an open casket service. In lieu of flowers, Mr. Johnson requests that monetary donations be given to the Rabid Dog Awareness Alliance (RDAA), whose new headquarters can be found in Mr. Johnsons back yard.

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