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Executive Summary Introduction Development and Policies Major Target O Develop Plans Emerging Issues #eglects and Successes Mo%ili&ation 'ole O (oreign )id )gricultural and Industrial Development 'e erences

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Executive Summery

(arming is Pa+istan,s largest economic activity- In (. $//30 agriculture0 and small1scale orestry and is2ing0 contri%uted 25 percent o 3DP and employed 4" percent o t2e la%or orce)gricultural products0 especially cotton yarn0 cotton clot20 ra5 cotton0 and rice0 are important exports- )lt2oug2 t2ere is agricultural activity in all areas o Pa+istan0 most crops are gro5n in t2e Indus 'iver plain in Punja% and Sind2T2is topic is all a%out t2e agriculture sector o Pa+istan in 52ic2 5e are going to discuss t2e resources0 mo%ili&ation0 neglects0 successes0 development0 plans and some ot2er points- T2is document 5ill tell you a%out t2e plans0 policies li+e 52at are t2e policies regarding agriculture in Pa+istan- 6o5 t2e oreign aid is 2elping under developing countries li+e Pa+istan and 52at are t2e impacts on it7 T2e major pro%lem t2at 5e are acing in t2is sector is t2e lac+ o tec2nology and production tec2ni8ues- #o5 t2ere comes a ne5 pro%lem o 5ater t2at is still 2anging %et5een Pa+istan and India- T2is t2ing t2en arise t2e need to discuss t2e agricultural and industrial development in our country-

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)gricultural development planning and resource mo%ili&ation

Pa+istan,s principal natural resources are ara%le land and 5ater- )%out 259 o Pa+istan,s total land area is under cultivation and is 5atered %y one o t2e largest irrigation systems in t2e 5orld- Pa+istan irrigates t2ree times more acres t2an 'ussia- )griculture accounts or a%out 239 o 3DP and employs a%out 449 o t2e la%or orce- Pa+istan is one o t2e 5orld,s largest producers and suppliers o t2e ollo5ing according to t2e 2::5 (ood and )griculture Organi&ation o T2e ;nited #ations and ()OST)T given 2ere 5it2 ran+ing<

=2ic+pea >2nd? )pricot >4t2? =otton >4t2? Sugarcane >4t2? Mil+ >5t2? Onion >5t2? Date Palm >!t2? Mango >*t2? Tangerines0 mandarin oranges0 clementine >"t2? 'ice >"t2? @2eat >/t2? Oranges >$:t2?

Pa+istan ran+s i t2 in t2e Muslim 5orld and t5entiet2 5orld5ide in arm output- It is t2e 5orld,s i t2 largest mil+ producer-

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@2eat (ields in Punja%0 Pa+istan T2e most important crops are 52eat0 sugarcane0 cotton0 and rice0 52ic2 toget2er account or more t2an *59 o t2e value o total crop outputPa+istan,s largest ood crop is 52eat- In 2::50 Pa+istan produced 2$05/$04:: metric tons o 52eat0 more t2an all o ) rica >2:03:405"5 metric tons? and nearly as muc2 as all o Sout2 )merica >24055*0*"4 metric tons?0 according to t2e ()O >(ood and )griculture Organi&ation? Pa+istan 2as also cut t2e use o dangerous pesticides dramaticallyPa+istan is a net ood exporter0 except in occasional years 52en its 2arvest is adversely a ected %y droug2ts- Pa+istan exports rice0 cotton0 is20 ruits >especially Oranges and Mangoes?0 and vegeta%les and imports vegeta%le oil0 52eat0 cotton0 pulses and consumer oods- T2e country is )sia,s largest camel mar+et0 second1largest apricot and g2ee mar+et and t2ird1largest cotton0 onion and mil+ mar+etT2e economic importance o agriculture 2as declined since independence0 52en its s2are o 3DP 5as around 539- (ollo5ing t2e poor 2arvest o $//30 t2e government introduced agriculture assistance policies0 including increased support prices or many agricultural commodities and expanded availa%ility o agricultural credit- (rom $//3 to $//*0 real gro5t2 in t2e agricultural sector averaged 5-*9 %ut 2as since declined to a%out 49)gricultural re orms0 including increased 52eat and oilseed production0 play a central role in t2e government,s economic re orm pac+ageMuc2 o t2e Pa+istan,s agriculture output is utili&ed %y t2e country,s gro5ing processed1 ood industry- T2e value o processed retail ood sales 2as gro5n $2 percent annually during t2e #ineties and 5as estimated at over A$ %illion in 2:::0 alt2oug2 supermar+ets accounted or just over $:9 o t2e outletsT2e (ederal Bureau o Statistics provisionally valued major crop yields at 's-5:40"!" million in 2::5 t2us registering over 559 gro5t2 since 2::: 52ile minor crop yields 5ere valued at 's-$"40*:* million in 2::5 t2us registering over 4$9 gro5t2 since 2:::-

)ccording to t2e Economic Survey of Pakistan, t2e livestoc+ sector contri%utes a%out 2al o t2e value added in t2e agriculture sector0 amounting to nearly $$ per cent o Pa+istan,s 3DP0 52ic2 is more t2an t2e crop sector4 |Page

T2e leading daily ne5spaper Jang reports t2at t2e national 2erd consists o 24-2 million cattle0 2!-3 million %u aloes0 24-/ million s2eep0 5!-* million goats and :-" million camels- In addition to t2ese t2ere is a vi%rant poultry sector in t2e country 5it2 more t2an 53: million %irds produced annuallyT2ese animals produce 2/-4*2 million tons o mil+ >ma+ing Pa+istan t2e 5t2 largest producer o mil+ in t2e 5orld?0 $-$$5 million tons o %ee 0 :-*4: million tons o mutton0 :-4$! million tons o poultry meat0 "-52" %illion eggs0 4:-2 t2ousand tons o 5ool0 2$-5 t2ousand tons o 2air and 5$-2 million s+ins and 2idesT2e (ood and )griculture Organi&ation reported in Cune 2::! t2at in Pa+istan0 t2e 5orld,s i t2 largest mil+ producing country0 government initiatives are %eing underta+en to moderni&e mil+ collection and to improve mil+ and mil+ product storage capacityT2e (ederal Bureau o Statistics provisionally valued t2is sector at 's-*5"04*: million in 2::5 t2us registering over *:9 gro5t2 since 2:::-



T2e scope or 2ori&ontal expansion in area %roug2t a%out %y 8uantum jump in 5ater supplies t2roug2 commissioning o Mangla and Tar%ela dams in $/*:s and later on 2as already touc2ed a super saturation level- T2e major scope is no5 in vertical expansion t2roug2 improving arm productivity levels- T2is can %e accomplis2ed t2roug2 raising productivity o su%sistent arming community to %ridge t2e gap %et5een t2e national yields and yields o t2e progressive gro5ers- T2e ocus is t2e su%sistent armers 52o lac+ %e2ind in 2arvesting good yields- To ac2ieve t2is o%jective0 t2e productivity 5ill %e increased t2roug2 improvement in agronomic practicesPa+istan %eing in t2e nexus o nuclear clu% o nations0 it 2as to assure and sa eguard t2e continuity o t2e c2ain o ood supplies- T2e sustaina%le domestic ood security t2roug2 our o5n indigenous production is t2ere ore an issue o prime importance in Pa+istanDs )gricultural Policy- T2e commodities t2at ma+e an integral component o ood security are ood grains0 edi%le oils and sugar- Pa+istan can ill a ord a ragile or marginali&ed situation in production o t2ese commoditiesPa+istanDs cotton vision program targets cotton production to $5 million %ales %y t2e year 2:$:- T2e 3overnment is0 t2ere ore0 determined to accelerate t2e cotton researc2 and development process necessarily re8uired or a 8uantum jump in cotton production and or t2e 8ualitative
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improvement matc2ing t2e industrial re8uirements- )t t2e same time0 it also intends to acilitate all t2e sta+e2olders0 particularly t2e arming community0 t2roug2 %ot2 t2e price and non1price measures to sa e guard t2eir interests- (or en2ancing t2e cotton production0 principally t2roug2 increase in t2e yield0 t2e ollo5ing arrangements E measures 5ould %e ocused< 3enetic Base o =ommercial =otton Farieties Strengt2ening o (oundation Seed =ell in Sind2

&a)or Targets of $evelop Plans

*ater "e+uirements by ,-,. T2e major driving orces creating additional needs or 5ater in Pa+istan are G G G G G G G Demograp2ic pressure 'apid ur%ani&ation Socio1economic improvement Industriali&ation Better recreational acilities Improved environment Expanded irrigated agriculture

Irrigated agriculture consumes %y ar t2e major 8uantity o res25ater in Pa+istan- Existing uses o availa%le 5ater include agriculture /39 >// M)(?0 industry 39 >3-5 M)(? and 2ouse2olds 49 >5-" M)(?- T2e existing 5ater uses or crops is 52eat 3: M)(0 rice $/ M)(0 sugarcane $5 M)(0 cotton $" M)(0 ruits and vegeta%les " M)( and ot2er crops / M)((uture 5ater re8uirements >%y year 2:25? 5ould %e in luenced %y many actors- T2e anticipated population %y year 2:$: 5ould %e $!" million 5it2 annual increase o 29 and 22$ million %y year 2:25 5it2 an average annual increase o $-"$9- )ccordingly 5ater re8uirement to meet increased demand are to %e met*ater %ision ,-,.
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@ater vision 2:25 envisages mega program including development o !4 M)( o storage capacity 5it2 an investment o 5: %illion over next 25 years in t2ree p2asesP2ase1$ comprises ast trac+ projects to %e completed in irst 51* years >2::212::!?- T2is includes construction o 3omal Ham Dam0 Mirani Dam0 3reater T2al =anal0 Iac22i =anal0 'ainee =anal0 'aising o Mangla Dam and Satpara Dam- T2ese dams 5ould add a%out 5 M)( and %ring more t2an :-" million 2ectare o land under cultivation %esides generating 332 m-5- o po5er- (easi%ility studies or Bas2a Dam0 Iurram Tangi Dam are under5ay- Detailed design o st Se25an Barrage and =2as2ma $ li t project 5ould also %e startedP2ase1II include Bas2a Dam on Indus 5it2 5-*: M)( storage capacity and po5er generation 33!: M-@0 Se25an Barrage on Indus 5it2 :-!5 M)( storage capacity P2ase1 II o T2ar 'ainee =anal in Sind20 P2ase II o t2e 3reater T2al =anal and a 2ig2 D2o+e Pat2an and com%ined storage rom Sanj5al and )+2ori Dams in Punja%P2ase1III 5ould include Iala%ag2 Dam 5it2 Storage capacity o !-$: M)(0 .ugo Dam on Sy2o+ 'iver in #ort2ern )reas 5it2 /-"2 M)( capacity S+ardu Dam 5it2 $5152 M)( capacity and Ialan Dam on S5at 'iver-

*ater &anagement Strategy Improving 5ater productivityInstitutional 'e orms6ig2 E iciency Irrigation SystemOperational Management o =anal)djusting cropping pattern 5it2 5ater availa%ility6arvesting 6ill torrent in 'ood Io2i and sali%a area(armersD a5arenessfor Improvement of *ater

Intervention Productivity

T2e ollo5ing proposals need to %e made or improvement o 5ater productivityG G G G

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(armerDs trainingPrecision land levelingElaser land leveling'educe tillageEresource conservation cultivation'aised %ed cultivation-


'ain 5ater 2arvesting >Barani areasE'od Io2i?Drip and Tric+le Irrigation SystemSprin+ler Irrigation System@atercourse lining and improvement@ater storage reservoirDemonstration centersOn1(arm Drainage-

T2e conclusion is t2at Pa+istan 2as so ar underta+en a e5 small1 scale irrigation projects- T2e need or large1scale reservoirs is imperative- It ta+es a decade to %uild up a dam once t2e eart2 %rea+ing ceremony 2as ta+en place- It appears t2at next decade in vie5 o t2e c2anges in climate and lac+ o underta+ing major 5ater projects %ot2 or capacity %uilding and conservation o resources in delivery and at t2e arm could %e a period o di iculties- T2is situation 5ill not only or agricultural 5ater %ut t2e drin+a%le 5ater or 2uman settlements and or t2e gro5ing industry can also pose a serious pro%lem- T2e solution to t2is di icult situation is t2at Pa+istan s2ould immediately go or large1scale capacity %uilding or reservoirs0 conserve 5ater resources t2roug2 modern agronomic practices and encourage t2e adoption o pressuri&ed irrigation system as sprin+lerEdrip at least or 2ig2 value 2orticulturalE medicinal crops-

Ten /ear Plan

) ten years investment plan o 's- 3! %illion 2as %een prepared developing agriculture sector- T2ese include< or

Initiation o =rop Maximi&ation Project or developing centers o excellence in $:/ villages across Pa+istan or community extension to raise productivity o crops and diversi y arm incomeIntegration o 'esearc2 and Extension Project to narro5 t2e productivity gaps %et5een su%sistence gro5ers and progressive gro5ersImprovement in agriculture mar+eting t2roug2 improving mar+et in ormation system and removing distortionsSugar %eet production and promotion t2roug2 intercrop cultureT2e o%jectives is to raise armersD pro ita%ility and elongate crus2ing Eslicing season o sugar millsProduction o medicinal 2er%sBuilding Jivestoc+ #ational Feterinary Ja%oratories to assure meat 8uality or export-

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Esta%lis2ing 3lo%al Positioning System or monitoring movement o is2ing s2ips-

Emerging issues
T0e cultivable 1aste land( )ccording to t2e experts o MI#()J Pa+istan 2as a total geograp2ical area o */-! million 2ectares- O t2is /-$ million 2ectares land is cultiva%le 5aste 52ic2 is it or cultivation %ut 5as not cropped due to lac+ o 5ater availa%ility0 lac+ o interest0 inancial resource constraints etc- Saying t2at cultiva%le 5aste area is almost 2al o t2e cultivated area0 t2e experts said t2at development o t2is area is not only %etter or investment %ut also 2ave potential to contri%ute to increase in agricultural production)%out 2al o t2e cultiva%le 5aste area >4-"* million 2ectors? is in t2e province o Baloc2istan rom total /-$4 m2 52ile t2ere are $-*4 m2 cultiva%le lands in Punja%0 $-45 m2 in Sind20 $-:" m2 in #@(P and #@(P=ultiva%le 5aste land in Baloc2istan is mainly in t2e Ialat Division ollo5ed %y Kuetta0 #asira%ad and Ma+ran Divisions- In Punja%0 cultiva%le 5aste area is mainly in t2e Divisions o D- :- I2an0 Ba2a5alpur0 'a5alpindi and Ja2oreIn Sind20 cultiva%le 5aste area is located in 6ydera%ad0 Mirpur I2as0 Su++ur and Jar+ana Divisions- In #@(P0 cultiva%le 5aste area is located in D- II2an0 6a&ara and Io2at Divisions=ultiva%le 5aste land in Baloc2istan is mainly in t2e Ialat Division ollo5ed %y Kuetta0 #asira%ad and Ma+ran Divisions- In Punja%0 cultiva%le 5aste area is mainly in t2e Divisions o D- 3- I2an0 Ba2a5alpur0 'a5alpindi and Ja2oreIn Sind20 cultiva%le 5aste area is located in 6ydera%ad0 Mirpur I2as0 Su++ur and Jar+ana Divisions- In #@(P0 cultiva%le 5aste area is located in :- I- I2an0 6a&ara and Io2at Divisions2OC#S O' S& LL '$ &E$I#& 2 "&E"S

T2e num%er o small arms >less t2an 5 2a? is continuously increasing over t2e time- In
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$/!20 t2e small arms 5ere 45 percent o total arms 52ereas in $/*2 t2is num%er increased to !" percent- )ccording to )griculture =ensus $/":0 t2e small arms increased to *4 percent and in $//: t2e num%er urt2er increased to "$ percent- T2e leading actor causing t2is trend is t2e %urgeoning population0 52ic2 5as gro5ing at 3 percent per annum)ccording to )griculture =ensus $//:0 t2ere are 5-:* million arms in t2e country and "$ percent o t2em are small arms %ut account or 3/ percent o total cultivated area- T2e middle si&e arms >51$: 2a? are $2 percent and account or 22 percent o cultivated area- T2e large arms >$: 2a and a%ove? are * percent o total arms %ut account or 4: percent o total cultivated area- T2e average si&e o small0 medium and large arms is $-"0 !-! and 2$-! 2a respectively)ll 3overnment run programs in t2e s2ape o interventions are designed to primarily ocus on t2e drudgeries o small armers- Some o t2ese programs are provision o agricultural credit0 procurement o agricultural commodities0 distri%ution o cotton seeds in #@(P and Baloc2istan0 distri%ution o agricultural mac2inery under cotton promotion program and armers visits a%road- T2e small armers are given 2ig2 priority in state run development program in agriculture sector %ot2 in ederal 3overnment and provincial 3overnments- Some o t2ese are on arm 5ater management program and crop0 livestoc+ and is2eries development programs- T2e programs or tu%e5ells su%sidies and su%sidi&ed tractor programs in t2e past 5ere %asically designed or small and medium scale armers- Small and Medium Enterprises >SME? Ban+ and Small and Medium Enterprises Development )ut2ority >SMED)? are also active in providing inancial and tec2nical support to small and medium scale armers or setting up enterprises in agriculture and ancillary sectors-

T3E &I$$LE&E'(
T2e middlemen sometimes secure up to 5: per cent or even more %y exploiting extreme conditions in t2e mar+et- (armers cannot sell t2eir produce directly to processors0 actories and mar+ets due to strong net5or+ o middlemen- I armers ta+e t2eir produce directly to mar+ets0 t2ey 2ave to ace many pro%lems due to close lin+s o middlemen 5it2 %ro+ers0 commission agents0 transporters and mar+et committees- =ommission

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agents re use to %uy produce rom t2e armers due to sel 1created lo5 demand(or resolving t2e pro%lems aced %y armers0 t2e ollo5ing steps need to %e ta+en< $- Strict marketing policy< T2e government 2as to go or ne5 mar+eting policy to cope 5it2 t2e c2allenge o ne5 mar+ets 5it2 special ocus to streamline t2e role o middleman and introduce regulations0 52ic2 %ind t2e limits o margins- T2e small producers s2ould %e included in mar+et committees- T2e government s2ould also try to encourage direct lin+ages %et5een armers and %usiness 2ouses to increase pro it margin or armers2- 4argaining po1er< I armers unite0 t2ey can easily minimi&e t2e role o contractors in t2e supply c2ain- @it2 t2e armersD union0 armers can 2ave a stronger voice to %argain collectively- Ot2er options could %e commodity exc2anges and commodity %oards3- Improvement in infrastructure< Due to poor in rastructure0 armers o ten 2ave di iculty in ta+ing t2eir produce to %igger mar+ets and 2ave to sell t2eir produce at lo5er cost in t2e local mar+ets- @it2 improvement in in rastructure0 t2ey can not %e connected to 5ider areas 52ic2 could 2elp t2em ma+e more c2oices to sell 52erever t2ey get a %etter price4- %icinities< Better access to %igger mar+ets in near vicinities can provide armers 5it2 an opportunity to esta%lis2 relations 5it2 %igger %usinesses and retailers- T2ey 5ould no longer 2ave to rely on middlemen and get t2eir rig2t s2are o pro it- Mar+ets in t2e near vicinity 5ould also reduce t2e cost o transportation5- Linkages< Esta%lis2ing lin+ages 5it2 actories0 processors and retail c2ains 5ould ta+e a5ay %urden o middlemen o t2e armersD s2oulder- #ot only 5ould armers %ene it out o it %ut also actories0 processors and modern retailers 5ould greatly %ene it since middlemen 2ave %een acting as a %uyer and seller %et5een t2e t5o ends and ma+ing more t2an 5: per cent o t2e pro it- E orts s2ould also %e made to ma+e arrangements so t2at gro5ers o vegeta%les and ruits in t2e peri1ur%an areas can 2ave direct contact 5it2 t2e ultimate %uyers$$ | P a g e

!- "egulations< Since middlemen 2ave esta%lis2ed net5or+s in t2e mar+et0 t2ey rule t2e mar+et- T2e government s2ould play its role as a 5atc2 dog in t2e mar+et so t2at orces o demand and supply can act reely in determination o prices-

'eglects 5 Successes(
'eglects( 6alabag0 $am Irrigated agricultural is t2e %ac+%one o Pa+istanDs economy- )t t2e same time 5it2 5ordDs astest gro5ing population estimated to touc2 $5: million mar+s %y t2e turn o t2e century0 t2ere is a dire need to increase agricultural production- I not2ing is done0 t2ere 5ould e approximately 259 s2ort all in ood grain re8uirements %y t2e year 2:::0 Cudging rom current >$//*? t5o million tones import o 52eat0 %y t2at time0 Pa+istan could %e one o t2e major ood de icit countries in t2e 5orld=O#SEK;E#=ES O( #OT B;IJDI#3 I)J)B)36 D)M #ational ood security 5ould %e jeopardi&ed0 t2us su%jecting t2e economy to additional %urden o importing ood grainsJoss o storage capacity o t2e on1line reservoir due to sedimentation 5ould result in s2ortage o committed irrigation supplies causing serious drop even in existing agriculture production(or implementation o 5ater )pportionment )ccord $//$0 a ne5 storage project li+e Iala%ag2 is essential- In its a%sence it 5ould give rise to %itter inter1provincial disputes and recriminations particularly in a dry 5ater year- Dispute %et5een Punja% and Sind2 on s2ortage o a%out :-2 M)( 5ater during 'a%i maturingEI2arig so5ing $//31/4 s2ould eye1opener- It may %e 5ort2 mentioning t2at 'a%i $//31/4 2ad a normal river in lo5 patternIrrigation 5ould a ect in t2e uture due to not %uilding a Iala%ag2 DamL It can %e said li+e a %ac+%one o t2e Pa+istanDs agricultural sectorIt 5ould %e a great t2reat to t2e agriculture sector-

"ole of P SCO
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P)S=O is t2e institution o t2e Pa+istani government 52ic2 deals 5it2 t2e purc2ase o agricultural products li+e @2eat0 'ice0 Potatoes0 and Sugar etcL T2is time0 t2ere is a record cropping o 52eat- But due to insu icient o unds0 P)S=O is not going to %uy t2e 52eat on t2e rate set %y t2e government- T2is 5ill create t2e pro%lems in uture regarding t2e attitude o armers and cropping in t2e country-

In past year Pa+istan 5as acing a num%er o pro%lems regarding 52eat0 rice0 sugar etc- %ut t2roug2 continuous improvement it covers t2ese sectors0 t2roug2 availa%ility o products in t2e mar+et- Ji+e last year sugar crisis 5as on t2e top list0 %ut no5 sugar is availa%le in t2e mar+et %ut at 2ig2 rate0 t2atDs 52y people use it %ut in less amount- Similarly is t2e case 5it2 potato sector0 (rito1lays is t2e su%1%rand o Pepsi0 52ose seeds are imported and planted in lands o Pa+istan t2is is good success or Pa+istan agriculture sector-

&obili7ation of domestic resources8 s0ortages9 deficits and role of 2oreign id

Mo%ili&ation is t2e act o assem%ling and ma+ing %ot2 troops and supplies ready or 5arT2e 3overnment o Pa+istan in early $/!:s started agricultural credit sc2eme t2roug2 )gricultural Development Ban+ o Pa+istan >)DBP?0 renamed as Harai Tara8iati Ban+ Jimited >HTBJ?- 'ecently0 t2e =ommercial Ban+s and Domestic Private Ban+s 2ave also started dis%ursing agriculture credit to t2e arming community- =redit is provided to armers or purc2ase o seeds0 ertili&ers0 and pesticides as 5ell as or purc2ase o agricultural mac2inery3overnment policy 5it2 regard to agricultural credit is to sa eguard t2e interest o smallEmedium armers %y extending credit to t2em on easy term and to recover t2e same in time as 5ell as to protect t2em in case o any natural 2a&ards and calamity- Ministry o (ood0 )griculture and Jivestoc+ is playing an active role to monitor agricultural credit dis%ursement and conducts meetings to remove t2e %ottlenec+E2urdles in
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dis%ursementPresent regime gives special pro%lems o arming communityemp2asis to resolve t2e credit

)griculture credit is provided or production and development purposesProduction loan is %eing provided or agriculture input comprising o seeds0 ertili&er0 pesticidesEinsecticides0 poultryEanimal eeds0 c2ic+s medicines0 5ater c2arges0 electric c2arges or tu%e 5ells0 la%or0 uel and ice o marine is2eries- T2e development loan is provided or agriculture mac2inery i-e- purc2ase o tractors0 installation o tu%e 5ells0 pumping set0 reapers0 cutter %inders0 t2res2ers0 trolley0 spray mac2inery and cane crus2erT2e act o assem%ling and organi&ing national resources to support national o%jectives in time o 5ar or ot2er emergencies- See also industrial mo%ili&ation"esources of mobili7ation( T2ere are ive major resources o availa%ility o capital to a country0 i-ea? =apital may %e raised t2roug2 surplus %udgeting %? T2e pro it earned rom t2e pu%lic sector may %e utili&ed or inancing t2e projectsc? T2e government may %orro5 economic gro5t2rom its o5n people inancing or promoting

d? T2e government may resort to de icit domestic saving and investment-

or supplementing

e? T2e government may receive economic assistance or aids or loan rom ot2er countries to increase t2e rate o capital ormation in country-

'eed for resource &obili7ation( Economic planning is an e ective tec2ni8ue o mo%ili&ation o resoures internal and as 5ell as external0 or t2e ac2ievement o pre1determind economic goalDomestic resources or internal resources o a country comprise t2e purc2asing po5er in term o local currency representing saving plus oreign exc2ange earned %y 2er citi&ens or nationals and made availa%le or development- External resources on t2e ot2er 2and0 consist o oreign
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exc2ange made availa%le %y oreigners plus t2e domestic purc2asing po5er also made availa%le %y oreignersBot2 internal and external resources re erred to a%ove are inancial resources and t2ese are re8uired to pay or t2e real resources consisting o manpo5er and its s+ill tec2nology0 ra5 materials0 capital e8uipment0 managerial and supervisory personnel- T2ese real resources 2ave to %e purc2ase rom domestic or international mar+ets and made availa%le or inancing and implementation o plan-

$omestic resources mobili7ation( Domestic resources are raised %y nationals o a country0 %ecause concerns and t2e government- T2ese are respectively +no5n as private corporate and government savingsPrivate savings are composed o t2e surplus o private0 income0 over private consumption and largely depend upon 5ill to save and po5er to save o people=orporate or %usiness savings are undistri%uted dividends or pro its o t2e corporate %usiness- 3overnment or pu%lic savings are t2e resources mo%ili&ed %y t2e government or ma+ing development projects- Pu%lic savings are also called orced savings i generated t2roug2 imposition o taxes- Pu%lic savings can also %e raised t2roug2 loating o internal loans or de icit inancing or %ot2- De icit inancing alt2oug2 a genuine tec2ni8ue o resources mo%ili&ation is 2o5ever raug2t 5it2 in lationary ris+ and used only as a least resort-

"ole Of 2oreign


(oreign aid is t2e trans er o resources rom developed countries to under1 developed countries0 eit2er t2roug2 %ilateral donors or multilateral donorsMany countries in t2e 5orld accept oreign assistance and get di erent %ene its along 5it2 a e5 adverse results- (oreign aid ta+es place 52en a recipient country receives additional resources in oreign currency over and a%ove t2e capacity to import generated %y exports- (oreign aid means t2ose additional resources0 52ic2 are used to raise t2e per ormance o t2e recipient country a%ove t2e existing level-

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)ll +inds o resources in lo5 t2at are pu%licly granted and are made eit2er rom government to government or rom inancial institutions to a government0 only economic aid is included 52ile military aid is excluded- T2e main points o t2is de inition are< a- 'esource in lo5 %- Pu%licly granted c- (rom government to government i-e- %ilateral aid d- (rom inancial agencies to government i-e- multi1lateral aid e- Economic aid0 t2e aid t2at is used or economic purposes and or dams0 projects0 industries etcIn case o agriculture0 =ommodity )id is very important and it is t2e aid t2at is given to Pa+istan or any ;D= as it 2elps in advancement o t2is sector0 (or t2is0 5e 5ould li+e to discuss commodity aid=ommodity )id It is type o aid0 52ic2 relates to commodities suc2 as agricultural products0 ra5 materials and consumer goods- It 2elps in controlling amine and maintaining t2e tempo o industries %y providing ra5 materials to t2e industrial sector- It 5ould %e more 2elp ul i it is provided in cas2 orm %ecause a country can t2en %uy more commodities rom c2eaper sources=ommodity aid some times 2as a depressing e ect on agriculture prices in a recipient country0 so it serves as a disincentive or t2e agriculture sector- T2e donor country may 2ave muc2 political in luence on a recipient country(oreign Direct Investment (oreign Direct Investment >(DI? is also included in t2e category o oreign aid- In Pa+istan0 t2e examples o (DI are Jever Brot2ers0 'ec+itt and =olman0 Bata0 and P2ilips etcIt is sometimes argued t2at oreign direct investment is muc2 c2eaper or a recipient country %ecause it entails no payment o principal or interest- But it is also argued t2at t2e pro it out lo5 may exceed t2e amount o repayment(DI %rings tec2nical +no5 2o5 to developing countries- But tec2nical +no5 2o5 can %e purc2ased at c2eaper rates on commercial %asis i possi%le-

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gricultural %S Industrial $evelopment $ebate

T2ere is muc2 more to discuss agriculture and industrial sector o Pa+istan)griculture 2elps in industries to provide t2e ra5 materials li+e =otton0 @2eat0 Sugar =ane etcL @it2out t2e agriculture sector0 industries canDt move onL T2ey 2ave to ace and 2ave to pay t2e 2eavy cost o imports and t2at 5ill ultimately a ect t2e cost o t2e production- T2e more cost o t2e goods is0 t2e less t2e demand o our goods 5ill %e in t2e oreign mar+ets)gricultural development %ecomes as important in t2is era as t2e tec2nology is going to o%solete very rapidly- 3ood tec2ni8ues s2ould %e used in agricultural sector in order to survive 5it2 t2e 5orld- It 5ill ultimately 2elp in providing t2e e iciency and e ectiveness to t2e operations and as 5ell as 2ig2er production 5it2 good 8uality- T2is 5ill t2en a ect t2e 8uality o ood availa%le in t2e mar+ets- In our case o Pa+istan0 people give t2e importance to5ards t2e industriali&ation 5it2out +no5ing t2e advancement in agricultural tec2ni8ues- Pa+istani government s2ould ocus on agriculture sector- T2ere are private groups 52o are involved in agriculture sector and doing and earning 5ell in t2is ield- )li )+%ar 3roup is one o t2e respected groups 52o ta+es agriculture as an important industry o Pa+istan- Mans2a group 2as recently launc2ed some o t2e projects related to agricultureMans2a group is t2e Pa+istanDs %iggest %usiness group and t2e c2airman o mans2a group0 MMian Mo2ammad Mans2aN recently tal+ed to 3eo #e5s a%out t2e importance o )gricultural development in Pa+istan- )ccording to 2im0 it 5ould %e one o t2e most pro ita%le industry to invest and earn more revenues rom it-

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Development Planning In Pa+istan %y Mu2ammad )slam Economy O Pa+istan By I2a5aja )mjad Saeed 2ttp<EEen-5i+ipedia-orgE5i+iE)gricultureOinOPa+istan

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