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UpComing Events December 20th- January 15th 2014 December 20th-Friday- 4th !

oor-2"00pm- #esident Christmas $arty- %r& 'heehan entertaining December 20th- Friday-2nd !oor Christmas $arty-2"00pm- %r& Fa!(one entertaining- 2nd ! D# December 21st- 'aturday- 2"00pm- )ingdom *i e Chi!dren+s Choir-,ctagon #oom December 2-rd- %onday -rd !oor- 2"00pm- #esident Christmas $arty- .iorgio entertaining December 2/th- 'aturday-2"00pm- %r& )o!!er per orms-%# December -1st-0uesday- 2"00pm $iano $!ayer %r& 1arris 2e!comes the 3e2 4ear-%# January 2nd-0hursday-5"-0pm- John Ciambrie!!a 6guitar stro!!ing-1st !& January -rd-10"00am- First Friday %ass- %# January 4th-'aturday-2"-0pm- Dance Fantasies per orm- ,ct& #m January 5th- %onday-2"00pm- 0om Ca!!inan stro!!ing -rd !oor January 7th- 0hursday-2"00pm- $iano %usic and 'ong 2ith *arry 8atter- %# January 11th- 'aturday- 2"00pm-3e2 Entertainer- $au!a $ettine!!a- %# January 1-th- %onday-2"00pm- .uitar $!ayer and 'ingers *arry 9yce : Doreen-%# January 14th-0uesday 5"-0pm- 'tro!!ing )ey 8oard 2ith 8ob 9nderson-2nd ! January 15th-;ednesday- 2"-0pm- #esident Counci! %eeting- %#

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