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Who was Symeon Stylites? What types of relics came to be recognized in the 4th century?

In the 4th century what were some of the religious ideas that developed under the influence of the Old Testament? In the 4th century when was baptism typically administered? What is the theological definition of sacrament? By the 4th century what three acts had come to have sacramental significance? What is transubstantiation? What major new celebration was added to the church calendar in the 4th century? Know about John Cassian. Who said, We hold to that which has been believed everywhere, always, and by all? What Emperor declared Christianity to be the official religion of the Empire, and When? Which Emperor after Constantine attempted to reinstitute paganism? What was Apollinarianism? Who was the most important bishop of the 4th century for advancing papal claims? What three popes have been given the designation The Great? According to Gregorys Pastoral Rule, what is the key to unity in the church? Know about Gregory Is dealings with the Lombards. Know about Gregory Is controversy with John the Faster. What 6th century figure was particularly important in shaping Western Monasticism? What 6th century figure was particularly important for shaping the papacy? What were characteristic views of the Paulicans as evinced by the Key of Truth? What was the first spiritual autobiography in Christianity? Before becoming a Christian, to what religion was Augustine of Hippo attracted? Which of Augustines works served as a blueprint for the Middle Ages, and in what way?

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