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The Dark Witch of the forbidden forest

So there I was, frying a dragons egg alone on a bright sunny Friday evening for a potion for Witch Way Academy, the Wizardry School I go to. I live in Romania where the wizard population is 1,365,004. Suddenly, I saw thick, black, white, and red smoke quickly rising from the floor about 10 feet in front of me. Apprehensively looking at the ominous sight and wondering where it came from, I caught the glimpse of a silhouette in the shape of a human. With a raspy voice the frail witch wearing a black gown and a purple pointy hat with deep blue eyes like the ocean and wrinkly skin declared, What is your name? Samyathi. I fearfully replied. Such a boring and lame name for a wizard you know! My name is to be feared a nd proclaimed from the ends of the world. Behold, Bruhilda stands before you! Bow and tremble you yellow-bellied sorcerer! remarked the witch. Pausing for a minute, I gestured my utter disgust and revilement for Bruhilda by refusing to bow before such a despicable creature. The witch responded by lifting her hand and pointing her right index finger towards me. Then the witch winked her right eye at me and immediately an orange portal appeared below my feet. The circular portal had several strange symbols arrayed around it and the symbols spinned slowly in a clockwise motion around the strange portal. As I tried to move the witch lifted her other arm and pointed her left index finger towards me while winking her left eye. Then I heard the sound of pulsating electricity. While looking down I saw a huge translucent blue hand rising out of the orange portal beneath me. The hand appeared transparent and glowed like electricity. Peeeeu! I bellowed as the putrid smell of the hand reminded me of rotting meat, twice baked and left out into the sun for a millennia. Alamhuxambra! chanted the witch. Suddenly, the gigantic hand grabbed me down into the portal, sucking me through the floor. At first, I felt confused because I did not know what happened. I could not believe my eyes, the witch had transported me to a huge cave hidden deep inside a place called The Forbidden Forest. Looking up at the entrance to the cave, I decided to make a run for it. Not so fast my pretty! shrieked Bruhilda as she pressed a button which sealed the cave with a magical barrier. Look you lame-named wizard, I have heard that you are the most powerful wizard of this century so after you work for me for a decade your powers will weaken and then I will drain your abilities and transfer them into my body! At this point you will willfully bow to me! barked Bruhilda. By the way, you will do my house work and cannot use magic. If you refuse to

work, slack off, or use any of your magic, one of my menacing beasts will devour you for breakfast! proclaimed the witch. Standing in fear near the entrance to the cave, I glanced through the translucent magical barrier and noticed a sign that read: Beware, No Humans Allowed!!! While pondering why humans could not enter the forest, the witch pulled out a shinny white crystal ball where she showed me four men running into the forest. NOOOOOO! I exclaimed in terror as one by one each man swiftly perished from four dreadful beasts of the forest. A worrying sight to see, the hidden forest has a fearsome reputation of consuming both man and beast. The first beast has about two million 100 foot tall three headed vampire lions known as, The Livampergo. Their fangs measure a whopping 20 inches long. Having a mane with green and purple smoke puffing around it along with scarlet thunder bolts designed onto its fur, this beast exudes fear. Lastly, it has wings that can release deadly poison into anything. The second beast of the forest numbers at about 5,000,000 five-headed creatures known as Ghoul-Menish. These creatures prove far more gruesome than the Livampergo because they consist of evil ghosts, mixed with a human, and a great-white-shark. Ghoul-menish can swim, walk, and hunt at the same time and their spine-chilling shriek instantly paralyzes both humans, spirits, and animals. Lastly, they also have razor-sharp teeth that can suck into anyone or thing and transform it into a Ghoul-Menish as well. The third menacing beast which guards the forest from intruders numbers at about 6,000,000 and has nine heads. Bruhilda referred to the third beast as, The Gobbler. This fierce green gobbling tiger waits for disobedient and ignorant humans to venture into the forest to feed on them. It also captures their soul once it eats its victim. The Gobbler has green fur with scarlet human souls crying out all over its fur. The beasts whiskers have venom stored inside and the creature has the nose of a woodpecker, combined with large smelly tiger paws, and humongous bat-like ears. The fourth beast stood in the middle of the forest and numbered at about 8,000,000! In shock I saw what appeared as gladiator dragons awaiting for its prey. Bruhilda also called this creature, Glad-Dragonus. It wakes up every hundred years from its deep slumber to have a meaty feast. Standing a towering 400 feet tall with three rows of 100 inch razor-sharp teeth, no one can withstand this dreadful beast. Dragonus can pound creatures to oblivion with its huge talons and club like fists. They also have grey and red skin with prickly claws that can jab you until you wail for help as venom spreads through your body. Its wings measure 300 meters and has jagged knifes that stick out of the edges of their wings that can pulverize anything that comes adjacent to it. Furthermore, after I saw the fourth beast the crystal ball broke and I no longer could see into the forbidden forest. Scared out of my mind, I willfully entered servitude. Bruhilda forced me to do all her house work while she relaxes, goes to the witch SPA, and use her disgusting green hands to slobber green goo all over little childrens faces. She even placed a spell on me that made me work 24 hours a day, nonstop! My servitude consisted of cleaning the cave,

cooking, walking Bruhildas pet dragon named Spike around the cave, washing her witch capes, magic wands, and hats. Bruhilda wore flashy and clean clothes while I toiled in rags for a decade. After all these years, I still miss my family. One day, when Bruhilda slumbered, I gently crept downstairs and used her witchs glass to try to find my family, but I had no luck because she placed a curse on the glass that only she could unlock it. After years of work I couldnt take it anymore! Hey witch, why dont we have a little competition to determine if you can keep me or not? I proclaimed. Sure! How about a trivia contest with questions about magic? she replied with a sneaky smirk on her face. By that smirk on her face, I could tell that she planned something devious. The witch glared at me and replied with her usual raspy voice saying, Your first question is, What is the difference between ghosts and vampires, you must include five differences for each. After about an hour or so we finished. My guess proved correct. When she offered to check and count our answers, she purposefully pretended like she won. Since I noticed her sneaky behavior, I caught her and made her promise something else or I would tell the Government of Magic. [The Government of Magic decides the rules and who to send to wizard prison]. I made her promise three things: she would not scare children any more, she wont enslave anybody else, and that she would act nice and kind to all people. Seeing the scowl on the witchs face, I know that she regretted the competition and the promise. While packing my belongings, I skipped around joyfully and the smile on my face showed my enthusiasm to go back to Romania. Finally, I get to meet my parents after 10 years! I yelled. Then Bruhilda removed the magic barrier blocking the cave entrance. When I skipped joyfully outside the cave a blue and scarlet broom hovered next to me and waited to fly me back to Romania. Then I said, Farewell dark witch of the forbidden forest. In the end, I learned new powers to protect me from super witches like Bruhilda. Furthermore, to ensure Bruhilda keeps her word, I cunningly hid a dark purple spy cam inside her cave [to camaflouge in her dark purple walls] allowing me to observe her acts of kindness. Although watching her on camera provides amusement I felt horrible doing that to her. I am never ever going to be alone in my life again, I resolved.

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