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Kylie Leung Period 2

Electrophoresis Lab
1. Suspect 2s DNA matches that found at the crime scene due to experimental results showing that the crime scene DNA and suspect 2s DNA were both cut with enzyme #1, with having been cut at 3000 base pairs. Despite finding suspect 2s DNA at the crime scene, it does not make the suspect guilty, but rather places him/her at the scene of the crime as it may have taken place. 2. Possible experimental errors that could have occurred were: the DNA samples could have spilled over into a neighboring well, likewise, the DNA, during application, could have punctured the well or gone above the well, the restriction enzyme could have not cut at the correct recognition cite, or that the restriction enzymes were unviable. 3. If only restriction enzyme 1 was used, the interpretation would not have been the same because enzyme #1 cut both suspect 1 and suspect 2s DNA at the same base pair location, while restriction enzyme #2 enabled me to see the difference between the two suspects. Analysis In this scenario, a standard marker was used that allowed a measurement of DNA length based on base pairs to be measured and compared to samples of DNA found at the crime scene, which were cut with different enzymes, Eco R1 and Hind 3, with both recognizing 6 base pairs, while Eco R1 cutting a long, then short piece of DNA, and Hind 3 cutting and even longer and consequently shorter piece of DNA. We ran both suspects DNA with both restriction enzymes, by using an electrophoresis gel. We placed the gel in an electrophoresis camber, and after 100 minutes had elapsed, at completion, the gel was taken out and stained, where you could see various marks showing at which base pair the DNA was cut. During this process, some errors may occurred, such as not having any crime scene DNA show up in lane 2 or 3, because there was DNA prior, or no DNA present in the solution loaded, due to experimental error. In lane 4 and 5, then enzymes were the same because the DNA was cut at the same place, possibly due to contamination, another experimental error, and its appeared that the restriction enzymes 1 and 2 could have been the same.

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