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English Department

Nurturing every pupil into a confident, effective and independent learner and speaker of Standard English.


Levels Primary 1 Primary 2 Programmes Speech & Drama, EL Week Speech & Drama, EL Week

Primary 3

UNSW International Exam, Little Red Dot, News in class UNSW International Exam, Little Red Dot, News in class, Poetry Slam[High Ability Learners] UNSW International Exam, Little Red Dot, News in class, Journalism[High Ability Learners], Literature UNSW International Exam, Little Red Dot, News in

Primary 4

Primary 5 Primary 6

Name of Key Learning Speech and Drama Programme Level/s Implemented & P1 & P2 Duration Synopsis : This programme is an integral part of the schools oral interaction programme which exposes the pupils to poetry recitation, story-telling, choral speaking and dramatization with dance. The objectives of the programme are for the pupils to gain confidence in group acting and interaction, develop a sound command of the English Language, enhance clarity, colourfulness and individuality in speech and recognize different ways of expressing themselves through movement. At the end of the programme, each class will put up a stage performance.

Name of Programme


Learning High Ability Group

P4 & P5 (outside curriculum time)

Level/s Implemented & Duration

Synopsis : This programme aims to develop an appreciation of literature, current affairs and public speaking amongst pupils. The literature appreciation component of the course aims to inspire pupils at a young age, to find in literature thoughts, emotions and ideas that are relevant to life. The current affairs section will raise the pupils awareness of important issues that affect Singapore, while being exposed to a variety of material, the analysis of which, along with intense discussion, will be the mode of learning. It also focuses on using debating as a tool whereby pupils will be challenged to present their opinions in an intellectually stimulating environment. The public speaking component will teach the pupils to be confident and competent when speaking to either a large audience, chairing a meeting or making face-to-face presentations.

Name of Key Learning Programme

Level/s Implemented & Duration

News In Class by Channel News Asia

P3 P6 (Morning Assembly Programme) Term 1 - 4

Synopsis : It is a teaching resource that gets students talking and thinking of things happening around them. This resource aims to get students interested and talking about local and international current affairs. The core benefits of this resource package is it allows educators to engage students in a wide range of interesting topics via professionally produced audio and visual aids. This injects more fun and interaction into the lesson. Moreover, it complements National Education and educating students on current events locally and around the world. Through this process, pupils listening comprehension, oral and writing skills gets sharpened. It also increases students exposure to standard English and creates an excellent and natural platform for public speaking and open discussions of various issues. The package also provides ample positive examples of presentation skills. Lastly, it ignites

Name of Key Programme

Learning Little Red Dot P3 P6 (used during curriculum time) Term 1 4

Level/s Implemented & Duration

Synopsis : Little Red Dot is a weekly 16-page Straits Times supplement, specially designed for primary school pupils. The main aim is to get our children off to an early start in cultivating good reading habit as well as to keep abreast of current affairs as the content covers local and world news. There is extensive use of visual presentation on the content covered thus making the content easily understandable. Apart from using the articles in the paper to teach comprehension, grammar and vocabulary, teachers also expose pupils to the different genre of writing.

PSLE Results
PSLE School Target 100% Quantity Passes Quality Passes 50%
2011 99.7% Quantity Passes [A*-C]in CPS Vs National 97.7% - 47.1% Quality passes[A*-A] in CPS Vs National 44.3%

EL DEPT REQUIREMENTS Activity Book Red file (worksheets) Composition Writing Book (P1 and P2) Pink file (Composition P3 onwards) Spelling/Dictation

EL written work

Staff Development
Self-learning/ Project Based Community of Practices /Teacher-Work Attachment[TWA] Seminar & Conferences
Nomination by School

Oversea Learning Journeys/TWA

New Zealand & London Other possible places may include India and Japan

Learning with external wonders such as British Council

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