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Inspirational Life story - The Gift of Life

On the very first day, God created the cow. He said to the cow, "Today I have created you! As a cow, you must go to the field with the farmer all day long. You will wor all day under the sun! I will give you a life s!an of "# years." The cow o$%ected, "&hat' This ind of a tough life you want me to live for "# years' (et me have )# years, and the *# years I+ll give $ac to you." ,o God agreed. On the second day, God created the dog. God said to the dog, "You are su!!osed to do is to sit all day $y the door of your house. Any !eo!le that come in, you will have to $ar at them! I+ll give a life s!an of )# years." The dog o$%ected, "&hat' All day long to sit $y the door' -o way! I give you $ac my other .# years of life!" ,o God agreed. On the third day, God created the mon ey. He said to the mon ey, "/on eys have to entertain !eo!le. You+ve got to ma e them laugh and do mon ey tric s. I+ll give you )# years life s!an." The mon ey o$%ected. "&hat' /a e them laugh' 0o mon ey faces and tric s' Ten years will do, and the other .# years I+ll give you $ac ." ,o God agreed. On the fourth day, God created man and said to him, "Your %o$ is to slee!, eat, and !lay. You will en%oy very much in your life. All you need to do is to en%oy and do nothing. This ind of life, I+ll give you a )# year life s!an." The man o$%ected. "&hat' ,uch a good life! 1at, !lay, slee!, do nothing' 1n%oy the $est and you e2!ect me to live only for )# years' -o way, man!....&hy don+t we ma e a deal' ,ince the cow gave you $ac *# years, and the dog gave you $ac .# years and the mon ey gave you $ac .# years, I will ta e them from you! That ma es my life s!an 3# years, right'" ,o God agreed. AND THAT'S WHY.... In our first )# years, we eat, slee!, !lay, en%oy the $est and do nothing much. 4or the ne2t *# years, we wor all day long, suffer and get to su!!ort the family. 4or the ne2t .# years, we entertain our grandchildren $y ma ing mon ey faces and mon ey tric s. And for the last .# years, we stay at home, sit $y the front door and $ar at !eo!le!

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