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Lesson Plan English Year 4 Theme: Topic: Learning Standard: Objecti e!

: World Of Knowledge Out And About 5.1.5 "upil! are able to: 1. &. Time: Teaching Aid!: 0.ducational .mpha!e!1 Acti itie! 2 Step!: 1. 2. *. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9. Teacher u!e! object! in the cla!!room to demon!trate the u!e of prepo!ition! 3in front of4, 3behind4 and 3at4. "upil! !tud5 a map !hown carefull5. 6a!ed on the map, pupil! tell the location! of the building!2place! u!ing the correct prepo!ition!. Teacher di!tribute! wor$!heet! to the pupil!. "upil! fill in the blan$! with the correct prepo!ition!. Teacher goe! through the an!wer! with pupil!. "upil! read the an!wer! aloud. "upil! write 5 !entence! about the location! of place! in the !chool u!ing prepo!ition!. +eflection: an!wer 5 fill#in#the blan$ %ue!tion! on prepo!ition!. write 5 !entence! about the location! of place! in the !chool u!ing prepo!ition!. '.(( a.m. ) '.*( a.m. +eal object! in the cla!!room, map, wor$!heet!

-ro!! -urricular .lement!:Application, -onte/tual Learning

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