Difference Between Indian Vastu Shastra Vs Chinese Feng Shui

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Difference between Indian Vastu shastra vs Chinese feng shui

Evolutions of Vastu in India & China

Vastu has completely evolved in India, whereas Feng Shui is a concept that was developed in China completely. The geographical and climatic differences of these countries make them a little different from each other. However, on deeper analysis you will realise that the similarities etween them are !uite high indeed. It cannot e said which one is an older science precisely. However, it is elieved that Vastu is the older of the two. Vastu Shastra has een followed in Indian houses for years now. "ven today the houses are constructed keeping this ancient study in mind. Feng Shui is used to construct houses in China even today. Feng Shui also speciali#es in how tom s should e designed ut Vastu has no such speciali#ation in it as Hindus y ritual are always urnt. Vastu actually originated from uilding temples.
Differences Between Vastu & Feng Shui

$et us first start with the main door in our discussion on Vastu vs. Feng Shui. Vastu says that the door should face %orth or "ast. The Feng Shui on the other hand claims that the door should face south. This is !uite a sharp difference. %evertheless, oth agree on a point that the door should not have an o struction in front, the door should not have any rust or pain falling off and the door should e either on the level of the road or higher than it. They oth also say that shoes should not e kept laying either in front or ehind the door as that can cause ad energy in the house. &nother very important point of similarity etween Vastu vs. Feng Shui is the fact that oth of them propagate theories on how energy levels of the house can e improved. How to use the est of all the elements and resources that surround us' However oth the studies have difference in the five elements that they consider. Vastu has eight directions so does the Feng Shui. Vastu uses a Vastu chart to plan houses and Feng Shui uses a similar concept called agua.

(oth Vastu and Feng Shui are e!ually popular all over the world. & lot has een written on oth of them. )ou can also search the internet for various Vastu and Feng Shui tips for your home. However, you have to keep in mind that these are oth !uite old schools of thought. The way houses were made in the olden days is not possi le now. *ost of us stay in apartments. This is e+actly why you should try to implement some of the points and not try to use all at the same time. %e+t let,s discuss kitchen in Vastu vs. Feng Shui. (oth of them consider kitchen as an integral part of the house. The vastu clearly says that kitchen walls should not e lack. &s per Feng Shui you can use any colours as per the direction of the kitchen. -hen we move to the edroom in Vastu vs. Feng Shui it is noted that they oth have similar things to say. They oth say that the walls should e light in colour. The ed should have a white ed sheet. Huge mirrors are a ig no in the edroom. Television and e+cessive plugs can also distract the energy in the ed room. The ed should not e in line with the edroom door. The person sleeping should ensure that their head is towards the %orth direction. The ne+t we are a out to discuss in Vastu vs. Feng Shui are the athrooms. They oth again have similarities in the concepts. (oth propagate warm colours for the athroom. The athroom should e kept clean and have proper drainage system. "ach mem er of the family should have a separate towel. The athroom should e well ventilated. The doors of the athroom should e kept closed as much as possi le. The more natural light that comes into the athroom the etter it is. The dining room is also given a good value in oth theses field of study. In Vastu vs. Feng Shui we will discuss the dining area. It is said in oth the study that the dining ta le should e kept away from the main door. It should e close to the kitchen. The num er of dining chairs should e even. In Vastu vs. Feng Shui the ne+t important similarity is that oth can e implemented either at the time of construction and renovation. &lso after construction there are some small changes that you can do to your house to ensure that your house has good energy levels. Vastu vs. Feng Shui has another difference to e considered. Vastu has no mention of wind chimes, laughing (uddha, Feng Shui (am oo, etc. These are all primarily associated with Feng Shui. However, Vastu says that a Tulsi plant is good for the house. &n idol of .anesha is also a good omen in vastu. The study says that there should e a pu/a room in the house where we pray to the god. In Feng Shui there is no special mention of a prayer room. In Vastu Shastra the prayer room should not e a part of the ed room. This gives negative energy. They oth agree on another part that a!uarium should e kept in the living room and not in the ed room.

In Vastu vs. Feng Shui another point of similarity is that they oth say that the house should e filled with fresh air. There should e enough ventilation and free space. Clutter is something that oth discourage. &ll things should e kept in their respective places this ring peace and wealth to the house. *oney plant is considered good in Feng Shui. However, in Vastu Shastra it is not recommended at all. It is said to ring in negative vi rations. Vastu vs. Feng Shui although they have their differences the similarities are also many. (oth say that plants should not e kept in the drawing room. Vastu mentions that in the evening diya or lamps should e lit in the house so that evil spirits don,t visit the house. Similarly agar atti smoke is also very purifying for the house. They don,t mention scented candles and aroma therapy as mentioned in the study of Feng Shui. I hope you have y now understood the concept of Vastu vs. Feng Shui. This will indeed help you to understand the concept etter and come up with a etter solution. (oth are e!ually good and capa le at the same time. )ou can either follow one of them or use the est of the oth and implement them in your house. -hatever, it is try to follow the asic principles that they oth stand for and make the est for your home.

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