Class Expectations

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2013-2014 SCHOOL YEAR


Hello and welcome to Mr. Posthumas 10 Grade World History class for the 2012-2013 school year! I cant wait to turn you all into mini historians. Regardless of how much you know about history, I know we have a great semester of learning ahead of us!

Background Information
My philosophy on teaching is that for a subject to be learned, it must be engaged. Therefore, I expect a lot of input and participation in this class on your end. This will not be the kind of class where I lecture everyday and you take notes (or just pretend to) and then I give you an exam at the end. Yes, there will be lectures, notes and exams, but I hope to approach this subject in a more interactive way where you are just as involved as I am! I understand that in this classroom we are all coming from different backgrounds and cultures and that these backgrounds influence not just what we want to learn, but the actual way in which we learn. It is my goal in this class to do what I can to incorporate these backgrounds into each lesson. REQUIRED TEXTS - Murder in the Metro, Brunelle & Croswhite; 2011.

About Me, Mr. P.

I have lived in Southern California all of my life. I grew up in the city of Lakewood not far from here and went to college at Cal State Fullerton where I got my B.A. in history. History was not my first choice; I jumped around from a lot of different majors before realizing that history just clicked with me. I have a lot of hobbies. I love playing baseball, for starters. In fact, my high school baseball team was CIF champs twice! I also love music. I play guitar and Im actually in a couple of bands. I even have an album out on iTunes! Lastly, I love to travel. Ive been all over the world and my experiences have really given me an appreciation for different cultures. That, in part, is why I love history. I love learning about different people and societies! Ill be honest - I think there are certain parts of history that can seem really boring. I remember some of my history classes when I was a student and at times I just couldnt care less about the material. But I strongly believe that that had more to do with the teacher than the content. I am passionate about history and it is my goal to bring history to life for you all. I hope that by the end of this class you will not only have a deeper appreciation of history, but also a deeper understanding of just why we make you study it!

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be in class on time (before the bell rings) and ready to learn. Come to class prepared, with all previous assignments completed. Raise your hand for any comments or questions and wait patiently for the teacher to call on you. Listen and respond to other students opinions respectfully, even (especially) when you disagree. Remain seated unless given permission by the teacher to leave your seat.

Attendance Policy, Make-Up Work, Extra Credit, etc

It is crucial to your success in this class that you actually are present! If you miss a day you will more than likely miss out on some important information, so please do your best to be here every day! Still, things come up and every so often we have to be absent. Please refer to the following rules in the event that you miss class: - Daily activities and assignments are posted on the board. Please refer to the board if you have questions regarding what is due/to be done. - After figuring out what you missed, pick up any handouts/worksheets/reading material necessary at the Materials Desk along the back wall. It is recommended for each of you to have a partner with whom you can discuss any work each of you may miss when absent. - Students who are absent will have 2 days for each day absent to complete any work they need to make up. For each day beyond the 2 days allowed, the students grade for each assignment will drop one letter grade until it is turned in. TARDIES 3 unexcused tardies = 1 detention. Students must be IN class before the bell rings and in their seats, paying attention by the time the bell is finished ringing. MAKE-UP WORK Assignments must be turned in on time. Late work will be docked 10% per day. After 2 days, late work will automatically receive a ZERO (See the teacher if you have extenuating circumstances). EXTRA CREDIT I will give extra credit opportunities throughout the semester. Extra credit will only be accepted if it is turned in on time and completed.

Other Procedures
HOMEWORK Homework will be assigned verbally in class and will be written on the board for every student to see. It will be due the next day unless otherwise noted. Standard homework assignments will be discussed in class and then collected. PENCIL SHARPENER You may sharpen your pencil anytime the teacher is not talking or a movie is playing. If necessary during these instances, ask the teacher first. BATHROOM - Students may use the bathroom whenever it is necessary, ONE AT A TIME, with the use of a bathroom pass given by the teacher. Any perceived abuse of this privilege and bathroom use will be strictly monitored and regulated. ROOM ETIQUETTE Students will enter and exit the room quietly and respectfully or will be made to try again until they get it right!

Grading Policy
The grading scale is: 100-90= A 80-89= B 70-79= C 60-69= D >60= F Students grades will be based on: 10% Classwork 10% Homework 15% Quizzes 15% Participation/Class behavior 30% Tests 20% Projects/Research Paper Sunny Hills High School Room 1138 Phone 714-326-3827 Email It is my job to do my part in helping each student reach his or her maximum potential. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns and I will be happy to discuss them with you.

Contact Information

Translation provided as appropriate

Rewards and Discipline

As the class progresses, a class with good behavior and a solid work ethic will be given the opportunity to participate in more outside the box methods of learning with fun assignments designed to make us both laugh AND learn! The opportunities will only be given to classes who prove themselves capable of behaving properly in such an occasion. In addition, students who are displaying positive behavior or a strong work ethic may be given extra credit at the discretion of the teacher. For discipline, I will follow the schools discipline policy. If a student is making poor behavior choices in class the following consequences will result (in order): Warning (2 times) Detention Office referral (Saturday School)

Depending on the severity of the behavior, steps may be skipped at the discretion of the teacher. Cheating is considered an academic ethics violation. ANY student caught cheating will be referred to the office. Cheating includes: Copying others homework/classwork Copying off of another source without proper citation Looking at someone elses test or work Using cheat sheets.



Students needing more help will be accommodated to the best of my ability. I am available for extra help during lunch on Wednesday and Thursdays. If students need help at a different time, they may contact me to schedule a time. This school also offers peer tutoring during certain lunch periods (see me for more information). The department has also created activities and lesson reviews online for extra support. If you are having trouble, we will work together to find a solution!

Please sign and return the sheet below, stating that both a parent/guardian and the student have read and understand the above information.


-----------------------------------------------------------------------Student Name:_______________________________________ Period:______

I have read and understand all the expectations for me. I will be an active learner in class this semester and will put forth my best effort in this class Student Signature:_________________________________ Date:__________

I have and understand all the expectations for my student. I will make sure my student has completed all necessary assignments on time and is ready to learn in class each day Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________ Date:___________

555.555.5555 555.555.5555 555.555.5555

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