British Army - SAS Squad PDF

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Squad Value: 415 points Breakpoint: 2 No.

Model 1 3


VT 5 4 Weapon Thompson M1 sub-machine gun, N36 Mills Bomb grenades N.4 Mk.1 Enfield rifle, N36 Mills Bomb grenades Characteristics leader, trained with bayonet trained with bayonet


SAS Commando Sergeant SAS Commando

1 Jeep (Twin Vickers K) VARIANTS: All SAS Commandos armed with N.4 Mk.1 Enfield rifles can replace their rifles with Thompson M1 submachine guns for +5 points each. All SAS Commandos armed with N.4 Mk.1 Enfield rifles can replace their rifles with Mk.V Sten sub-machine guns for free. One SAS Commando per Squad can replace his N.4 Mk.1 Enfield rifle with a Bren light machine gun for +30 points. Up to two SAS Commandos per Squad can become Assistants to the Bren for +10 points each. Up to two SAS Commandos per Squad can buy the Infiltrator characteristic for +15 points each. The Sergeant can buy binoculars for +10 points. You can make the entire Squad Seasoned fighters for +50 points. You can buy up to 2 Wait Actions for +40 points each. SPECIAL RULES: * The cost of the Jeep (Twin Vickers K) is included in the Squad Value. To purchase Vehicle variants use Support Points normally (you cant buy them with Squad Points).

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