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AET Chart Tools AET Chart Tools is an Excel add-in designed to make working with charts easier.

The Chart Selecter tool allows you see all charts in the active workbook and select them without having to scroll to where they are. Its very convenient i you have a lot o charts. The Series !ind and "e#lace tool hel#s you edit series values or cell re erences in the active chart$ all charts on the active sheet$ or the entire workbook. Its a great time saver. The %orkbook Chart "e#ort tells you details o all charts in the workbook. In ormation includes the Sheet &ame$ Chart &ame$ Chart Ty#e$ Series &ame$ Series !ormula 'range re erences and series number($ Series Axis Ty#e and Series Chart Ty#e. The Ex#ort Charts as )ictures tool allows you to ex#ort whatever charts you want rom the active workbook as *I!$ +)* or )&* iles. ,sing )review on %indows Ex#lorer right-click menu$ you can browse through the charts you have ex#orted using the navigation arrow buttons at the bottom. -y themselves$ or used in combination$ these chart tools are guaranteed to make you a #ower user. En.oy/ Installing the add-in Save the add-in to a suitable location$ then #ush your keyboards Alt 0 T keys 'simultaneously($ then the I key to show the Add-Ins dialog box. I not already visible in the list #rovided$ navigate to where the add-in is saved with the -rowse button. %hen ready$ tick the add-ins check box and close the Add-Ins dialog box. !or Excel versions 12 3 4556$ you can access them on the Tools menu at the to# o the screen. !or Excel 4552 3 4575$ you can access them on the Add-Ins tab. Disclaimer This add-in is ree and may be used as you wish. )lease eel ree to change any #arts o the code to suit your own #re erences i you have su icient ex#erience. I take no res#onsibility or any loss or damage rom using the add-in. I you do ind a 8bug9$ #lease let me know by email and I will try to solve the #roblem. -est "egards$ Andrew Engwirda "edcli e$ Australia August 75$ 4577

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