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Relationship/How We Met: As your college counselor, I have been fortunate to work with you in amazing ways. I am glad that you are shouting from the mountain tops that ulane is the right place for you. !nward and upward. School $est %riend, &D' (eadership Seminar ,e met at the &otre Dame (eadership Seminars in the summer of -./0. ,hile learning about modern conflicts in the 1lobal Issues Seminar, we became friends and have kept in touch ever since.

Comments (optional):

Dee-Dee Sanders rent "owelson #harles $urgess

*arielle *agnin y %alcon +odriguez

"ranav *enon

)mily is basically my first true friend that I have ever had. I met her for the first time at the kumon center that her mom ran in Anthem, Arizona and then we got to know eachother over the ne2t si2 years. !ur friendship has truly grown into something wonderful.

)mily is a rockstar. At &otre Dame, I met a lot of e2ceptional people from very different backgrounds, but only befriended some of them. )mily was one of those. She will always be a person whose dedication I admire and I wish her the best of luck in her college admissions process. !ver the years I have had the privilage of seeing )mily for who she truly is and not simply this polite and shy girl. 3er dedication, her love for learning, )mily4s determination to be the best she can be are a few of the things that make her a great friend, daughter, volunteer, soccer player, piano player and student. here has never been a single instance where I have seen )mily give up, whether it be a impossible math problem or endless chores in her house. ,ithout a doubt, )mily displays some of the best leadership 5ualities that I have seen, she has the amazing ability to make those around her better while also being bettered by others. She 6umps at any opportunity to help someone, whether it be with a chemistry 5uestion or a sick child in a hospital. )mily is one of the few people these days that truly stands up for what she believes in and when she loves something she never lets it go. ,hich is why when she says she loves ulane, she means every word of it. ulane is her passion and she is an e2cellent candidate for your program. )mily and I connected right away when we were put in a group together and even though we live many many miles apart we still talk almost daily and I think that we will continue to be friends for a long time. I will always be grateful that )mily and I got put in the same group not only because her hard work and focus helped us create a winning presentation, but also because she4s one of the most talented people I4ve ever met. )mily4s got spunk and charisma that is hard to find anywhere else. It would be a disservice to ulane 'niversity if )mily doesn4t get the Dean4s Scholarship. )mily is a wacky, energetic, fun, and impressive individual. Any university would be honored to host her as a student. 1reat pro6ect- informative, interesting, and thoughtful. &ice to learn about ulane.

Daisia 7ackson &icholas David "aul #ourtney *ichael 1attas 7oshua ,right *arie 9awase 3u2ley

)mily and I met at a very selective /. day educational leadership building camp at &otre Dame this past summer called (eadership Seminars. She was in my group for a final presentation we had to do for the camp and our group got first place in our seminar8 &otre Dame 1lobal Issues the dinner table on the /st night ,e met at a /.-day leadership seminar last summer. I met her at one of my high-school football games &iece

I had met )mily Starbacker through %acebook. She was introduced to me by a very close friend of mine. *y friend perceived her as a very intelligent girl, who is considering to be a doctor when she gets older. he first conversation I had with )mily was a very delightful e2perience. ,e had talk about our lives and the usual stuff you ask when you first met someone. ,hen I talked about the troubles in my life she gave me comfort and a outer prospective on life in general. his helped me cope with the troubles bestowed upon me. I4m only friends with her and I4m glad to known such a amazing person.

homas Della :oppa &ancy 9awase Anna Sklorz $rendan 7on Adame Ibrahim Adewole

aunt I was your first Au "air in /;;<. 1lendale "reparatory Academy $ank of America4s Student (eaders Summit in D# -- back in 7uly.

1reat 6ob, )mi8 9eep it up8 => his website shows some great dedication8 ?ery impressive, hope it helps8 1reat pro6ect8 %ull of information and awesome photos. his is absolutely beautiful8 I never knew about this university until now8 It is very visible that you love this place, and I know you will get this scholarship. 1reat 6ob, and blessings to you8 -(amar

(amar *. Allen 9atarzyna 9urek :ain Ali 9ayleigh Arcos Andrew $adinelli $randon $arrett Stephanie $riou2 *icaela $rittany $yrne Angelica Arellano 9atelyn $rown $reanna $urkizer #ourt $urkhart Anthony $uckley 7ason Aldridge Da2en 1age $rems (ais #arbonari $rito #aitlin ?ictoria #hatel

I met )mily in ,ashington, for the -./0 $ank !f America Student (eaders Summit. %riend of the family &otre Dame (eadership Seminars $ank of America Student (eaders -./0 ,e last summer as part of a leadership seminar. School %riends I met )mily in middle school. 3er brother was in my grade. She is always smiling and such a nice girl. hrough school Summer program ,e have played on the same high school soccer team for three years8 hrough glendale preparatory academy %riends@School %riends@)lite #hoir at 1lendale "rep $ank of America Student (eaders Summit in ,ashington D.#. ,e met at our high school ,e met at Space #amp this year8 ,e were in the same team. At 1lendale prep and in the elite choir there.

)mily is an awesome friend and will add uni5ue character to ulane. =>

Awesome opportunity, )mily8 "raying for blessings and success => 1reat student A person overall8

She is a very hard working student and a great leader of our school and a very nice person. )mily is a very strong student and is very devoted to her studies. She also has a deep concern for her fellow peers.

)mili #abrera &olan Anderson *iller #arbaugh *c9ay Allen 9atherine $uckley ?arun +a6a *oses #hen 9atherine $owien )mily $ichsel Caritza Anaya

#ollege tour %riend@#hoir ,e met at the ,itherspoon Institute4s summer program at "rinceton 'niversity At a summer ethics camp at "rinceton 'niversity. school "ranav4s cousin. 3oneywell (eadership #hallenge Academy In high school at 1lendale "reparatory Academy !n a college visit )mily is a good friend of mine. ,e met over the summer when we were hired as $ank of America inters Stayed up until B am talking about literally everything. 1reat person, 5uick wit. Deserves this scholarship.

Amie #hien

Summer *athematics "rogram for 3igh School Students at the 'niversity of 'tah

)mily is an e2tremely intelligent and bubbly girl who commits herself fully to anything that steals her interest, investing both time and effort to do the best she can. Such determination and positive attitude will take her far. All the best my dear8 he idea to share ulane with the world is wonderful and a very good thought. I study architecture in %rankfurt@*ain G1ermany> and its fascinating to get to know more about places around the world, especially in the '.S.

I was )milys Au "air in -..D@-..< &ina (ueer (uke Ayala %ranziska ,olfgramm +icky #hiang )mma #arlson :ak #omstock $ridgette #larke Stefanie Doughty Skyliana Dosier (ucero )scalde *arry 1enna )llefson She is like a little sister for me and IEFm so glad that I know her8 I have graduated from high school already, but we went to the same high school and were also friends from church. I4ve been your very last Au "air. => )mily was my supervisor for a summer internship I worked this past year for #ommunities in Schools At the &otre Dame (eadership Seminars %riends %riends@ ,e met at the *oral (ife and #lassical radition Seminar run by the ,itherspoon Institute at "rinceton 'niversity #lass mates we met our freshman year of highschool at 1lendale "repatory Academy. friends, we met on space camp=> ,e were friends at school. +otary ambassadors to 7apan for three weeks during the summer of -..;. ,e represented one of the +otary International #lubs in %ullerton, #A to their sister city in %ukui, 7apan. 1ood luck with the survey,I think ulane is a great choice8

!h )mily, you4re so gifted...

his is such a fun and creative pro6ect, which does not surprise me coming from you. 1ood luck with everything8

revor Dowds

9rystal de ?era 1arrett %ineberg "atrick 1elbach Andrew %errel 1arcia )lise 3ammer )lizabeth 3artnett 9alyn 3ertig 'inta #ook Shae 3arrold Ashton 1ould :ack 3ubbard ,yatt %isher Daulton 3opkins *elissa Derr

It all started at the eighth grade winter concert when I first saw her. At that moment, I knew I wanted to befriend her. ill this day )mily Sarbacker has been my closest friend. %riends from a young age. he ,itherspoon Institute H*oral (ife and the #lassical raditionH Seminar at "rinceton 'niversity %riend@met at 1lendale "reparatory Academy At school, I know your sister. )mily and I met on a foreign e2change program in 7apan as ambassadors for +otary International. hrough 1lendale "reparatory. 'niversity of 'tah Summer *athematics "rogram %riends@ we met through school and mutual friends. ,ent to high school together $ank of America Student (eaders - A: *arket for life8 $ank of America Student (eaders ,e met through our parents when I first moved to Arizona. *utual %riend Interesting school, seems like a lot of diverse ma6ors for a liberal arts college. I hope you get in8

)mily is a great person and has always been so kind and caring for everyone she knows. )mily is the best8

3annah 7osephson 7ohn $en6amin 9eller *eghan 9eller ?iante +. Dile-$asnight

)mily and I went to school together at 1lendale "rep. 3er brother and I became good friends so we all hung out in a group together. ,e met through our school, 1lendale "rep. )mily and I are friends from school. !ne week was long enough to show how vastly different )mily Sarbacker was from other students her age. In 7uly -./0, hundreds of students from across the 'nited States traveled to ,ashington, D.#., to meet each other at the $ank of America Student (eader #onference. I, like )mily, was admitted into this program. She and I met during one of the conference4s business sessions. ,e talked about various things, like where we were from and how life is like back home. %rom that interaction alone I knew she was different. As the conference progressed throughout the week, )mily stood out as an individual that dedicated her time and effort to bring solutions to any issue. he compassion and understanding nature she had shown towards her peers set a high e2ample on how powerful people can overcome any difficulty together. $ut what was most notable was that )mily always wanted to improve herself. She wanted to better herself as an individual and as an intellectual.

)ven though )mily and I aren4t the closest friends anymore, I will always remember her amazing work ethic. )ven more so I4ll remember her always very willing to help a friend, myself included, out whether it was on home work or 6ust having a tough time.

hough I only met her in person for only one week, she certainly left

*ara 9ettle

an impression that would last for a lifetime. $ank of America Student (eadership Summit )mily, 1reat that you4re going to college8 &owadays it4s hard to find a 6ob if you didn4t go to college after high school. #ollege is really e2pensive I know, so I really hope you get this scolarship8 Cou deserve it. 1reetings,

7onas ?erlIJ

,e met at 3oneywell4s leaderdship challenge at spacecamp8

7onas from $elgium )mily, you are a great and funny person. In the short time we met in D# you were very out going and passionate8 ,hat made you stand out was that no matter what your belief was you were able to stand and represent it. he best part about meting you was that you were very kind and e2cepting of anybody, I 6ust said HhiH and once we started to talk you were 6ust overall friendly and willing to hold a conversation. 1ood luck with everything8 his school looks amazing, glad you made this website, so I could go more in depth about what the school beliefs are and what the school, as a whole, was. 1reat 6ob8 Cou are an amazing leader8 And you have inspired me so much in the time I have know you8

Ale2 9arshis *adeline 9ummeth #asey 9ennedy $rittany 9vittem-$arr

,e meet at the $ank of America Student (eadership conference in ,ashington D#. I went to school with your brother when we were young and you and my brother have been friends for a whole. %riends - met at 1lendale "rep %riend@1lendale "reparatory Academy

Austin 3arcarik

hrough the $ank of America Student (eaders "rogram

)mily is an e2ceptional leader, and she would be a great addition to ulane 'niversity As I see student in ulane 'niversity re5uires to two public service pro6ect before graduation and I believe serving other people is one of your passion and that is why you have chosen as a Student (eader, therefore this is defiantly a great fit for you. I wish you luck with your college endeavors. )mily is a very intelligent, hard-working, and caring person. After our academic e2periences together and her obvious love for ulane, I would personally recommend her to all honors that she is eligible to receive.

Setareh (otfi

I met )mily during $ank of America Student leader summit at ,ashington D.#.

7amal Dontae 9no2 *aloney %oster Sara $lalock &g !livia (ucas 7ennifer 3amano kevin Andrew !lson Anthony *innah 9hoa &guyen Andy (evis Sridutt &immagadda

his previous summer, we were both selected to attend a precollege program at the 'niversity of &otre Dame. )mily and I were both participants in the 'niversity of &otre Dame Summer (eadership Seminar. I met )mily at the 'niversity of 'tah Summer 3igh School *ath "rogram in -./-. ,e were pupils in the same cryptography class. $ank of America Student (eadership Summit +elative space camp #olleagues at 1lendale "reparatory Academy Social *edia $ank of America student leadership conference -./0 ,ent to the same school, and played on the soccer team together. ,e met through the $ank of America Student (eaders program leadership summit in ,ashington D.#., which was a week-long conference for --. service-minded high school youth from around the nation. I interned in the Seattle, ,ashington market while she was from the "hoeni2, Arizona market but we shared similar service shifts and social groups at the conference.

his site was very informational and shows a passion for the topic. $est of luck )mily8 So e2tremely proud of you8 ,ell, she was awesome enough to actually merit a response from me...that in itself is pretty big. She is amazing and intelligent. I really like the simple setup of the pages, and your pictures are amazing8

,hen I first met )mily, I was surprised by how friendly and open she was. *ost individuals are fairly afraid of opening up to complete strangers and being themselves. )mily is completely authentic, and this is a very good thingK her eagerness to get to know other people displays itself very clearly in her service endeavors. I remember working with her at the #apital Area %ood $ank doing a packaging and bagging shift for canned goods. &ot only did she invest herself in the work, but she also invested herself in the people she worked with. his is why I was really impressed by the 6ob she did with this website. &ot only does she seem passionate about ulane, but she wants to promote its 5ualities to all her friends and colleagues. She wants to be a ulane "elican, and she4s e2cited to show it. She4s e2plored the public service opportunities available at ulane in her H,hat is ulaneLH pageK she understands her niche within her community regarding service and how the resources offered by ulane will allow her to leverage e2traordinary e2periences. his pro6ect is truly amazing because )mily doesn4t 6ust want to

be a ulane student. She speaks, believes, and acts like a ulane student already. *ichelle )mter ,e met nine years ago when you became friends with my son Andrew in the third grade. )mily will be a welcome addition to any university student body. She is intelligent, cheerful, and a natural organizer. She attracts people with her positive attitude and her love of having fun. I think this pro6ect is an e2ample of what motivates her= sharing.

Douglas *. &orris III #hris &owlin Deepa +a6an 9atharina 9unz $en6amin (e

)mily is my first cousin once removed. %riend@bank of america student leaders conference $ank of America Student (eaders #onference ,e met in 3untsville in the Spacecamp. School

1ood luck. I think in Hwho has been hereLH "ut yourself as the person in ulane4s history to give the most back to society. 7ohn kawase &icholas Del1audio 7oel 3eimlich 7oal (ara 'ncle %riends from a &otre Dame "re-#ollege "rogram I am friends with )mily4s younger brother $en. ,e also go to the same high school. ,e met on a college trip in the summer through the 1reat 3earts schools.

1ood luck )mily8 )mily,

*ichele *orano 3olbrook Daniel *anning

,e met through 1lendale "rep8 ,e went to the same high school for couple of years.

I am very impressed with your hard work and dedication to ulane 'niversity8 ,ishing you the best in all that you pursue. 1o 1reen ,ave8

*ackenzie )isen (ily *anning #alen %iredancing (eah Camamoto #lara Dosier Andrew )mter Daniel (auer 1abriel 9lein

$ank of America Student (eader Summit ,e went to the same school for a number of years *et at 1lendale "rep )mily is my niece. I fell in love with her the first time I saw her and have never stopped8 School )mily and I met in third grade, became best friends, and have been very close ever since. %riends@ carpooled to school together. #lassmates@ %riends )mily and I met at 3oneywell (eadership #hallenge Academy at the '.S. Space and +ocket #enter at 3untsville, Alabama for one week in *arch -./0.

1ood luck )mily88

Cou are so amazing888 )mily is an incredible person, a motivated learner, and any school would be lucky to have her.

Ale2andra ( (eguia

)mily and I became great friends she is a sweet, intelligent, and outgoing girl. I4m glad we are friends. ulane would be very fortunate to have this gifted, bright and talented young lady. )mily has a beautiful character and disposition as well. A real asset for any school. I am very impressed with this idea and pro6ect as well8

1il Donatelli ,illiam G(iam> +obert 7oseph 9nippenberg *arie 3elmerding essa 1riego 9ristoff )ric %iredancing 7ordan &olan 9andie 9erezman $rendan *c1lone +ene (autenshlager

)mily4s former music teacher I met )mily at "rinceton for a *oral (ife and #lassical radition seminar. ,e met at the Space #amp in 3untsville. School %riends. *et at 1lendale "reparatory Academy. hrough her brother $en that I played hockey with. 1lendale "rep %riend@,itherspoon institute summer program #hildhood friends from 0rd grade. ,ell, we met in 3untsville Alabama ; or /. months ago for an Spacecamp,because our parents work for 3oneywell and they send their kids so they can learn more about their 6ob or things related to space. And we were in the same group, we spend most of the time together but unfortunately I didn4t talked to much to )mily so feel regretful because we had / week to know each other but it didn4t happened =G And also she is a really nice, funny,gorgeous and lovely person => %riend. %riends => ,e met at the ,itherspoon Institute4s *oral (ife and #lassical radition Seminar at "rinceton 'niversity. Summer Seminar through ,itherspoon Institute at "rinceton 'niversity

She has always been a great student willing to learn from what I remember, and always open to make new friends. Seems like a ,!&D)+%'( school8 => ?ery beautiful8 ,ell done8 1ood luck )mily8

)velyn 1alaviz Amaya yler (ago

:oe (evert )lizabeth 3ofer

&ikolas *endozaStrayer 7ulie 7ones 9aleb 9eown "az (eos *athea 7ohnson Soobin !h "reben &ilsen &oah 9ersting 7onathan $ates (e2ie ?anderveen (ogan $radley 9nott Safa 9hawa6a )ugene 3ammer Diana %urukawa 9ine$ritt 7ohnson &eeta "atwari Andrew "idduck 1avin "ak *ichelle (auren "orter Danielle "artyka 9ris +apeta 3iro 'eda 1abby *arrama 3annah +ull

,e both attended 1lendale "reparatory Academy since we were in <th grade. She is a great individual, who works hard, in and out of school. Setting an e2ample for all the people around her. &otre Dame Summer Scholars "rogram hrough a friend %riends. *et during a summer seminar at "rinceton 'niversity with the ,itherspoon Institute. ,e have gone to the same school for M@B years. )mily is a great leader to me and at my school. &otre Dame (eadership Seminar8 Space #amp #lassmate@"eer +elative Gthrough my cousin 7ohn 9awase> I have been going to school with )mily since seventh grade School friend %ellow $ank of America Student (eaderK we met during a glorious summit week in ,ashington D#. 1lendale "reparatory Academy )mily and I met this summer at a national conference run through our internships with $ank of America. ,e are colleagues from the same school. we met at a leadership seminar. #ryptography class at the 'niversity of 'tah &ational Science %oundation "rogram $ank of America Student (eadership #onference 1lendale "rep ,e met at the &otre Dame Summer 1lobal Issues (eadership Seminar. %riends with your brother %riend of 'ncle )lementary school in third grade. -./0 $ank of America Student (eader "rogram ,e went to high school at 1lendale "reparatory together for 0 years. ,e were student leaders together as well as on the same soccer team. School@%riends &otre Dame Summer roomates ,e go to the same high school. 3ugh school %riend from school #ollege ?isitation rip

1reat work8 1ood luck with the scholarship, )mily8 $est of luck )mily8

Cour collection of ulane looks very thorough8 I wish you luck for your scholarship8

Sounds like ulane is a great school888

Someday, I would love to visit the city. 3ope the best for you8

$rianna +afidi Ashlie +obinson 7ordan +yan )mileigh +afidi Angela Saltz 9ate Simtion 1isele Smith

his website looks great8 1ood luck with your pro6ect8 $rilliant idea =>

3annah *elinda "eapenburg 7acob +obert Soulliere *akenzie Self 7essica inlin Shyheim Snead revor yson Angelica #aroline ,alker

,e go to 1lendale "reparatory Academy. *y brother is one of her mentees. ,e do not know each other well, but I do know her sister, #laire. ,e met through her sister #laire she helped me in school. It was gladly appreciated ,e met at school and have mutual friends, played soccer for seasons together ,e attended the same high school. -./0 $ank of America Student (eaders "rogram8 *iddle School At the &otre Dame (eadership Seminar hrough 1lendale "reparatory Academy.

I think )mily is an absolutely phenomenal role model. She inspires me to do better in school, and work as hard as I can.

,e had a lot of fun at the dance on the last day8 Sounds like a very good idea that you4ve put together. I have heard of ulane but didn4t really know much about it. 1ood luck with your decision8

Sherman 'yeno 9aileigh ,alker Stephanie Cu 7acob ,right Amanda ,ynn 1wen Sullivan

#ousin #lassmate School Sports at 1lendale "rep. %riend from high school. As classmates since <th grade. I met )mily at the $ank of America Student (eaders Summit last summer. )mily4s passion and intelligence really struck out and I am absolutely honored to be friends with such an amazing person. )mily4s optimistic nature, humor, and intelligence makes her an incredible friend.

)mily is not your ordinary applicant.

9evin ,u

She4s genuinely passionate about changing the world around her for the better and she has been a continuous source of inspiration since I met her. he website has helped me really understand ulane more in depth. Although I have already been accepted, this has made me want to attend the school so much more8 his is all very interesting information and statistics. ulane seems like a great school that can offer a lot to those attending. Sounds super cool )*I(C +!#98 ,ishing you the best in your future endeavors. %rom the ten days that I was privileged to spend with )mily during our summer program, I learned that she is both smart and fully capable of using her intelligence to complete any task that is foolish enough to challenge her. )mily is someone that knows where her priorities lie and is able to build fast and strong relationships with whomever she meets. %rom this, I know that she is destined for greatness, and that any college would be lucky to aid her on that 6ourney.

+ichard Cee Ashley :epeda Isaac $ryan *araspini yler :ehrung 9evin Sard6a

$ank of America Student (eaders Summit %riend- ,e met at the college prep summer program at the 'niversity of &otre Dame. %riends forever 1lendale "rep $ank of America Student (eaders "rogram

7oseph Andrew Nuinones 7oseph +iebe

)mily and I met during the summer of -./0 for the &otre Dame "re-college (eadership Seminar, 1lobal Issues= owards a 7ust "eace. School

Austin ,ild 3aley ,oods

%ormer classmate ,e met in high school. ,e go to the same school but we didn4t officially meet until the very first Athletic %ield Day at 1lendale "rep when we were on the same team. hrough friends I met )mily at the $ank of America Student (eader Summit in ,ashington D.#. She was very energetic and passionate about social service. She is an outstanding student and is very deserving of the scholarship with ulane, her favorite university. ,e both attended the &otre Dame4s "re-#ollege "rogram 1lobal Issues= owards a 7ust "eace this previous summer. &otre Dame (eadership Seminars, Summer -./0 )mily and I met in the fall of -..P at a public charter school that had recently opened it4s doors for the first time. As e2pected, the class sizes were fairly small per grade level. So, despite the fact that we were in different classes, it wasn4t long before I bumped into her cheerfully outgoing personality between class periods. ,e 5uickly befriended one another and since then have shared many precious childhood memories both within the classroom and out in the world. 3er positive attitude and commitment to all that she sets her mind to set her apart. 3er heart for those around her is 6ust as big as her personality, and anybody who meets her is blessed to have done so. School and family friend ,e were schoolmates. &otre Dame (eadership Seminar, 7uly -./0. ,e were partners in a group researching &orthern 'ganda. School %riends from 1lendale "reparatory Academy ,e are classmates at 1lendale "rep %riends. ,e met at school. %riends at 1lendale "rep ,e went to high school together8 Dads are friends. %riend, ,e went to the same high school. I was )mily4s babysitter when she was P. $ank of America Student (eadership Summit in ,ashington, D.# in the summer of -./0. $ank of America Student (eaders #onference %riends at school

Interesting school, I had not previously heard of it. Although I have looked into only one school in my searches.

)mma ,elch-*urphy Simone +ossi

Angela :hou Ailsa Oing 7effrey (ee

I really like the layout of this website--it4s easy to navigate, informative, and all-around very well done. 1ood luck, )mily8

)zra "atocs &oah *atthew #ook $rian Shea Sarah omas *organ 7ohn ,omack $en6amin inlin &eal aboy Sara &icole Strand 7ordan odd *ah6abeen Nazi 3unter hompson Shianne ,illliams *argaret 9repa Ale2andra "lepler :achary +anen 7illian odd

Cou are 6ust a great person to hang out with. Cou are smart, witty, caring, and cunning.

1ood friend.

)mily, not only is an amazing student but also has a amazing character. She would be a great addition to any campus.

*att ,illiams (indsey ,oods 7aime Sarbacker 1abrielle "etito $onnie 1ibbons

,e met on the 3oneywell (eadership #hallenge Academy *et in middle school at 1lendale "rep. #ousins ,e met at the summer &otre Dame (eadership Seminar8 %riends who met at a "rinceton seminar.

he school seems like a beautiful place for education8 I had a great time getting to know you for those /. days8 )mily is a very intelligent person8 She is such a great role model to me. She gave an amazing speech@introduction to the new campus at the beginning of the -./0--./M year. )verybody loved it.

1entry *ower #arly Sarbacker Abigail Anderson $lake Somsen "atrick *ichael (e$lanc 7uliana (ee #arly Stagg $obby *anyeah Sophie Dingman &oah homas Stewart

I have gone to the same school with )mily for the past 0 years. )mily and I are cousins School. !n a field trip (eadership Seminar= 'niversity of &otre Dame %riends from school Summer (eadership Seminar => %riend boys and girls club cousins ,e met at 3oneywell (eadership #hallenge academy )mily and I were roommates at the 0-week-long 'niversity of 'tah Summer *athematics "rogram for 3igh School Students. I was entering my senior year, and she was entering her 6unior year. She was one of the youngest students in the program, but she e2celled with the same math the older students did. School ac5uaintances #lassmate during freshman year of 3igh school. ,e met and became friends at the 3oneywell Space and (eadership camp in spring o -./0. ,e met four years ago when I first came to glendale preparatory academy. )ver since then we have been close friends and emily has always been there for me since. $ank of America Student (eadership Summit At "rinceton4s ,itherspoon Institute4s seminar on *oral (ife and the #lassical radition ,itherspoon Institute4s *oral (ife and the #lassical radition Seminar

)2tremely well-put together and informative website.

She is super smart and helpful

?eronica "idduck Daniel *obley Andrew 7oesph ,alker 7ustine Saugen

)mily is a very motivated student in and out of the classroom. She is hardworking and involved in her school clubs. )mily has the skills, motivation, and accomplishments to be a great asset for ulane.

:ach Smith Daria Stachowiak Dina +oche Stephanie +euter

1reat 6ob the pro6ect. I can definitely see why you love ulane and you deserve this scholarship888 ,ishing you the best8

7enna (imoges &icholas #ohn

!ur parents became friends in college and we have been good family friends ever since. )mily and I have been friends for the last few years, and I have known her since Dth grade.

Cour pro6ect and website both look amazing8 Cou4re definitely going to do great things in college and I think ulane would be honored and blessed to have you as one of their incoming freshman. 1ood luck with everything )mily8 QRS his website was e2tremely useful, and I now plan to take ulane 'niversity into consideration, as I begin to start looking at colleges.

*arilyn ,erner Sirina &atara6an Abigail %erguson Stephanie *. 1elardo 9irsten Salonga

,e met over last summer at &otre Dame (eadership #amp. hrough school ,itherspoon Institute program at "rinceton 'niversity this past summer. ,e met a 1lendale "rep4s inaugural tour. ,e had classes together for three whole years. $ank of America Student (eaders8 I was )mily4s ;th grade 3onors (atin III teacher. She was -- and is -- a rock star8 )mily and I were middle school friends. Cou go to my school.

1ood (uckT8

David +ing Allison 1race )nnis &oah +oundy

)mily is one of the most driven and professional students I have met8 ulane is awesome8 I still remember visiting it in high schoolK I had a blast. I also had a great professor from ulane. I love the fast facts8 She is a really hard working and smart girl, an incredible friend, and a fantastic person to be around.

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