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Lessons Learned Document

Project Name: Prepared by: Date (MM/DD/YYYY): ABC Software Application Upgrade John Doe 09/17/07

The purpose of this docu ent is to help the pro!ect tea share "nowledge gained fro e#perience so that the entire organi$ation a% &enefit' A successful (essons)(earned progra will help pro!ect tea s* +epeat desira&le outco es A,oid undesira&le outco es

1. Project Close- ut D!scuss!on

". L!st o# project$s b!%%est successes Description /indows support on ti e and responsi,e to all internall% escalated issues 1endor support outstanding Des"top 2 App Support on go)li,e on ti e and responsi,e to user issues Uni# support on ti e and responsi,e .3 support and coordination outstanding and alwa%s present 405 of ABC Software Application failures addressed on first point of contact Upgrade process for ABC Software Application Data&ase went 8uic"l% and s oothl%' &. L!st o# project$s b!%%est #a!lures Description ABC Software Application deplo% ent had :05 of all wor"stations listed as non)responsi,e Custo er announce ents inconsistent 1.9 access una,aila&le post)upgrade De,iation fro pre)upgrade 9et 6ffect on .ro!ect 9u &er of ABC Software Application cases on post)upgrade 3onda% reached :;' Additional support staff needed to handle e#tra load' Custo ers unaware of upgrade and or of application a,aila&ilit% +e ote Access to Application una,aila&le Additional ti e and resources used to address issues
.age 1 of :

-actors that .ro oted this Success Staggered shifts0 positi,e attitude and tea whate,er it ta"es to succeed willingness to do

1endor on)site support pro,ided0 good ,endor)client relationship Staggered shifts0 positi,e attitude and tea whate,er it ta"es to succeed Tea .resence of .3 ensured that the tea could channel all issues/concerns 6#tra support and 7T tea address an% issues willingness to do

willingness to do whate,er it ta"es to succeed was focused and

staff a,aila&le post)upgrade to

Upgrade process replicated prior to actual production upgrade

1. Project Close- ut D!scuss!on

preparation plan' Do ain 9a e Ser,ices changes not ,erified successfull%' 6#ecuti,e and Senior 3anage ent not a,aila&le during late night hours C. L!st areas o# potent!al !mpro'ement: Description Do ain 9a e Ser,ices not updated i ediatel% on so e des"tops post Do ain 9a e Ser,ices change Did not ta"e ad,antage of ,endor support during free o ents0 especiall% post)upgrade 9o secondar% Uni# resource a,aila&le to assist pri ar% resource Coordination with <ospital)7T ust happen during earl% stages of the planning process De,elopers &egin code igration/routines testing directl% after upgrade and thin client testing dee ed successful to cut down on application downti e Code free$e isco unication' 7nternal co unication &rea"downs occurred &etween 7TS groups' 7ssue Trac"ing different per group D. (nter ot)er comments: >,erall 7T tea dee ed the pro!ect a success' .ossi&le 3itigation Do ain 9a e Ser,ices +esetting on Des"tops Additional ti e and resources used to address issues' +e ote connecti,it% to application una,aila&le' <igh)le,el decisions could not &e ade

Dedicate resource to wor" on issues post)upgrade

.ro,ide secondar% Uni# resource +each out to <ospital)7T earlier

+e8uest 7T resources to &e a,aila&le earlier to &egin wor"flow testing

Sign)off fro

not onl% 7T 3anager0 &ut also resources

=round rules that all issues/concerns/re8uest need to &e co unicated to .3 9eed centrali$ed issue trac"ing s%ste

.age ? of :

*. Project Lessons-Learned Document / +!%natures

Project Mana%er: John Doe

7 ha,e re,iewed the infor ation contained in this .ro!ect (essons)(earned Docu ent and agree* Name ,!tle +!%nature Date

The signatures a&o,e indicate an understanding of the purpose and content of this docu ent &% those signing it' B% signing this docu ent0 the% agree to this as the for al .ro!ect (essons)(earned Docu ent'

.age : of :

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