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00:13:19 *** You have joined #hrrrrn *

00:13:22 <PockiiChuu> dhajkdw

00:13:23 <Black-Ratchet> . . .
00:13:23 <PockiiChuu> Wbwb.
00:13:28 <Black-Ratchet> wb Oni
00:13:29 <Muirlyn-MacTireRi> Oni did you disconnect?
00:13:29 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> tanks
00:13:36 <Black-Ratchet> try and behave, please
00:13:37 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> y
00:13:37 <Blue-Violin1230> :I
00:13:39 <Blue-Violin1230> get out
00:13:45 <Muirlyn-MacTireRi> NO U WINTER
00:13:48 <xxshadowdemonxx666> be niec!
00:13:52 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> :(
00:13:52 <Black-Ratchet> Blue, be nice to our guests
00:13:54 <xxshadowdemonxx666> *
00:13:56 <xxshadowdemonxx666> * bnice
00:13:57 <Muirlyn-MacTireRi> yeah !
00:13:58 <xxshadowdemonxx666> *nice
00:14:08 <DaniAleksandra> o.o;
00:14:09 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> shado
00:14:11 <Blue-Violin1230> im sorry
00:14:12 <xxshadowdemonxx666> ys??
00:14:16 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> ho i jon chat
00:14:21 <xxshadowdemonxx666> uhh
00:14:24 <okaminoriley> Dear, when your spelling is in the border of text talk, I am gritting my teeth...
00:14:26 <PockiiChuu> How, Join*
00:14:29 <xxshadowdemonxx666> \join damedrp
00:14:33 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> oh
00:14:39 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> \join damedrp
00:14:51 <Blue-Violin1230>
00:14:52 <xxshadowdemonxx666> dat ddnt wrk
00:14:52 <PockiiChuu> ...
00:14:53 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> ..did it werk
00:14:54 ** Bell-Cat has joined
00:15:01 <Black-Ratchet> hola Bell
00:15:01 <xxshadowdemonxx666> hi bell cat!!
00:15:05 <PockiiChuu> /join dammedrp
00:15:07 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> hi bell-cat
00:15:13 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> wat is dat
00:15:20 <xxshadowdemonxx666> do wat pokii rote
00:15:25 <Black-Ratchet> yes
00:15:26 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> oh
00:15:31 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> /joindamedrp
00:15:36 <Black-Ratchet> . . .
00:15:42 <okaminoriley> so help me god...
00:15:43 <xxshadowdemonxx666> almot!
00:15:44 <xxshadowdemonxx666> alost*
00:15:46 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> ... y it no werk

00:15:46 <xxshadowdemonxx666> almos*

00:15:48 <xxshadowdemonxx666> *almost
00:15:49 <DaniAleksandra> . . . . .
00:15:51 <SoveriegnofSilence> 2 m's sweetness
00:15:57 * DaniAleksandra is slowly dying over here
00:16:00 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> o k
00:16:13 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> /joindammedro
00:16:22 <PockiiChuu> hdajkhdjw
00:16:22 <xxshadowdemonxx666> so clos0
00:16:25 <xxshadowdemonxx666> close*
00:16:30 <Blue-Violin1230> ...........why doing you just click the link up top?
00:16:32 <Blue-Violin1230> *dont
00:16:34 <Blue-Violin1230> god
00:16:35 <xxshadowdemonxx666> u ned spce in dere!!
00:16:42 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> /joindammedrp
00:16:44 <Blue-Violin1230> im writing wrong words now
00:16:45 <Black-Ratchet> the typos are contagious }:Y
00:16:46 <xxshadowdemonxx666> spac!!!
00:16:48 <PockiiChuu> Why doing. Ahahdajkwdhwa
00:16:53 <DaniAleksandra> There's a link at the top of the bloody room
00:17:00 <DaniAleksandra> Just click it already.
00:17:03 ** lepus-americanus has joined
00:17:06 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> /joinspacedammedrp
00:17:06 <xxshadowdemonxx666> hiiiiiiiiiiii
00:17:06 <Black-Ratchet> Oni. Clicka da linka
00:17:09 <Bell-Cat> Hey guys~
00:17:10 <lepus-americanus> hello! C:
00:17:17 <Blue-Violin1230> CLICK THE DAMN LINK WHERE THE LOGO IS
00:17:19 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> oh....k.....
00:17:19 <ten-chan> guys be nice.
00:17:19 <Black-Ratchet> . . . hi there, Lepus
00:17:25 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> hi lepus-americanus
00:17:34 <xxshadowdemonxx666> eah!!!!! wat ten-kun said@
00:17:38 <Black-Ratchet> YAY
00:17:39 <ten-chan> I think you'd know better blatchet. So dissappoint
00:17:43 <okaminoriley> I'm gonna escape this chaos before I decide to shoot myself in the knee.
00:17:43 <Black-Ratchet> YOU MADE IT ONI
00:18:01 <xxshadowdemonxx666> ok oni we gona rp nao!!!!!
00:18:02 <Blue-Violin1230> i wish we had a medal for people
00:18:02 <lepus-americanus> < O >
00:18:22 <Black-Ratchet> sorry Ten. It's late
00:18:25 <Black-Ratchet> {:Y
00:18:47 <Blue-Violin1230> i have a scar on my belly button
00:19:24 <lepus-americanus> how'd did that get there? O:
00:19:28 ** xxshadowdemonxx666 has been made a member of Captains by Blood-and-Spice *
00:19:29 <okaminoriley> yellowflowerevy lets move to notes...
00:19:30 <Black-Ratchet> from attempted Seppuku, Bestest Friend?
00:19:37 <xxshadowdemonxx666> YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
00:19:48 <yellowflowerevy> oh okk

00:19:53 <Black-Ratchet> Grats, Shadow }:U

00:20:01 <xxshadowdemonxx666> THANKIES!!!!!!!11
00:20:12 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> omg
00:20:14 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> lucki
00:20:19 ** Oni-no-Kage-hime has been made a member of Captains by Blood-and-Spice *
00:20:21 <PockiiChuu> Ffff
00:20:22 <PockiiChuu> LEPUS.
00:20:25 <PockiiChuu> ...
00:20:27 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> omgomgomgomgomgogmogmg
00:20:29 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> no wai
00:20:29 <PockiiChuu> Wait what.
00:20:34 <Blue-Violin1230> ........................
00:20:37 <Blue-Violin1230> ..........
00:20:37 <Blue-Violin1230> ....................
00:20:37 <xxshadowdemonxx666> WOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
00:20:37 <Blue-Violin1230> ....................
00:20:37 <DaniAleksandra> . . .
00:20:38 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> no waaaaaaaaaaai
00:20:39 <Blue-Violin1230> ...................
00:20:39 <PockiiChuu> .......................
00:20:40 <Blue-Violin1230> >:I
00:20:43 <Blood-and-Spice> [link]
00:20:56 <snagerdra> :U oh my gosh, Oni-no-Kage-hime will you be my bro now
00:21:01 <lepus-americanus> POCKII
00:21:10 <xxshadowdemonxx666> YESSSS!!!!!!!!11111
00:21:12 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> yaaaaaay
00:21:20 <xxshadowdemonxx666> CONRTGERATS ONIII!!!!!!1
00:21:29 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> omg congrets shadoooooo
00:21:33 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> !!!11!1
00:21:42 <Black-Ratchet> Welcome aboard, you crazy kids
00:21:42 <xxshadowdemonxx666> *HUGS*
00:22:03 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> dis is awsum -hggz00:22:08 <PockiiChuu> ..........
00:22:13 <lepus-americanus> < Q >
00:22:17 <DaniAleksandra> . . .
00:22:17 <PockiiChuu> Congrats..
00:22:18 <yellowflowerevy> okaminoriley: sent
00:22:24 <okaminoriley> ............................................ *looks at the date*
00:22:33 <PockiiChuu> o u o
00:22:50 <xxshadowdemonxx666> :DDDDDDDDDD
00:22:59 <Blue-Violin1230> all of you can leave now
00:23:08 <Black-Ratchet> fine {:C
00:23:09 <lepus-americanus>
00:23:13 ** Black-Ratchet has left
00:23:14 <PockiiChuu> ...
00:23:16 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> dats not neic
00:23:16 <PockiiChuu> LDAJW LOL

00:23:26 <PockiiChuu> RANDREW.

00:23:26 <PockiiChuu> -Holds Lepus.00:23:32 <lepus-americanus> ALL OF MY DREAMS-00:23:37 <xxshadowdemonxx666> nooo black-eratchert!!!!!
00:23:44 ** Bell-Cat has left [connection closed]
00:23:44 <lepus-americanus> MY DESTINY
00:23:44 <PockiiChuu> -HOLDS YOU AND YOUR DREAMS.00:23:51 * DaniAleksandra is stunned speechless.... o.o;
00:23:54 <Blue-Violin1230> ...ahah eratchert
00:23:55 ** Black-Ratchet has joined
00:23:58 <lepus-americanus> SOB there is no point in life Q__Q
00:23:59 <yellowflowerevy> okaminoriley: huh?
00:24:05 <lepus-americanus> lool
00:24:07 <PockiiChuu> FFFF LEPUS.
00:24:10 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> black-ratchet <2
00:24:11 <PockiiChuu> THERE'S ME.
00:24:13 <PockiiChuu> /SHOT
00:24:16 <lepus-americanus> CRAISE FOREVER
00:24:16 <xxshadowdemonxx666> QBWB
00:24:19 <xxshadowdemonxx666> QBWEV*
00:24:20 <xxshadowdemonxx666> WBW*
00:24:21 <xxshadowdemonxx666> WBWB*
00:24:24 <lepus-americanus> /holds you forever
00:25:48 <yellowflowerevy> OO;;;
00:26:01 <yellowflowerevy> *hugs all* no be sad
00:26:11 <xxshadowdemonxx666> *HGUS ALL 2*
00:26:42 <Blue-Violin1230> .....
00:26:56 <xxshadowdemonxx666> *GHUGS BLUE_VLION@#)*
00:26:56 <xxshadowdemonxx666> ...

00:17:31 *** You have joined #DAMMEDRP *

00:18:00 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> oni u go firs bc im bas at strting....
00:18:11 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> oops i men sadow
00:18:15 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> im tried
00:18:36 <xxshadowdemonxx666> Shadow: </n> sitin in cadfeterisa eatgn caek
00:19:18 ** DaniAleksandra has joined
00:19:53 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; -crtweel in caeftera and seyz hullo to shado
00:22:35 <xxshadowdemonxx666> <v> Saodwq::: </b > satres at zoe unhappii watrcing hrr boobies
00:22:55 ** okaminoriley has left [connection closed]
00:22:57 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe's bobbys -jiggl00:23:26 <xxshadowdemonxx666> sadow: stars ansd strts droollngin
00:24:05 <xxshadowdemonxx666> black-ratcherks cum bak to oder roum!!11
00:24:35 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> oh yey y we not captan in dis rum
00:25:15 <xxshadowdemonxx666> i dun no oni blood-=and-spoice promte us!!!!1
00:25:30 <xxshadowdemonxx666> wiatr blo-dands-pice nst hre
00:25:40 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> stpd blad.....

00:25:47 <xxshadowdemonxx666> bkiid-and-spoide*

00:25:52 <xxshadowdemonxx666> blood-apc-spice*
00:25:57 <xxshadowdemonxx666> blood-and-spice*
00:26:25 <snagerdra> Blood
00:27:42 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe seys hi agan an sis nex to shadooo
00:28:10 ** xxWisteriaWitchxx has left
00:28:12 <xxshadowdemonxx666> sadow loks awaii frem zoe he dnt leik hr
00:29:00 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe crey
00:30:02 <xxshadowdemonxx666> soadow dnt caer
00:31:00 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe crey moar
00:31:43 ** Blood-and-Spice has joined
00:31:50 <xxshadowdemonxx666> sadow trns 2werds hr " go die "
00:31:59 ** wonderwart has joined
00:32:23 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe wid teer down fase she seys 'y u men'
00:33:35 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shaow stil dnt curr " go die fattii "
00:34:37 ** Omegatutumon has joined
00:34:38 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe giv shadoo hug even if hee men
00:35:18 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *runs into meet them because he is attracted to rainbows* wow!
00:35:59 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadw pusehs zeo awya. sees ronenie nd gits happiii.
00:36:05 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe skip ovr to ronny and giv him hug 'helo'
00:36:24 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *knows y* B ) hello.
00:36:45 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *shoves Zoe* NO put some clothes on
00:37:02 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe creys
00:37:05 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadow flis ovr 2 ronnii " hiiiiii "
00:37:26 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; i am womn an you dun tel me wat do
00:38:12 <snagerdra> Ronnie: :U you're right, i only tell demons what to do. :T *pets Shadow*
00:38:36 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; gud
00:38:49 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadow raps hiz 9 tials rond ronnii and prrs
00:39:00 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: -Walks into the room.- .....
00:40:02 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; skiip 2 ruhn and giv hi hug
00:40:47 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ............ -Eye twitches.- Hi...
00:41:02 <snagerdra> Ronnie: LOWER, demon. BU lower.
00:41:06 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; y r so cuut
00:41:15 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadw goes lowr
00:41:33 <snagerdra> Ronnie: yes. now. :U use your demon powers to amuse me.
00:41:48 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: .... What.
00:42:08 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; wan to b mai bfrand
00:42:38 <xxshadowdemonxx666> aashow " bt deamn powrs kell poepel "
00:42:43 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadoW?*
00:42:46 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ..... What.
00:42:58 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; wan to b mai boifren
00:43:02 ** DaniAleksandra has left
00:43:47 <Omegatutumon> Marina: *walks in to the room*
00:44:21 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: Y--Wha--Okay.. -Stares blankly.00:44:49 <snagerdra> Ronnie: ... isn't your element RAINBOWS? 8U make ranbows
00:44:50 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; i luv so muc she hug him tigh
00:45:15 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadw" nuu eetz distoyng poepel !!!"
00:45:20 <Omegatutumon> Marina: *walks out of the room*
00:45:35 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ....... Right. Okay... -STARES AFTER MARINA.SAVEME.-

00:45:38 ** sweetcherryblossom has joined

00:45:45 ** mmode has joined
00:45:52 ** mmode has left [connection closed]
00:45:54 ** Maple-kun has joined
00:46:12 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoel r u ok
00:46:21 <snagerdra> Ronnie: BU well that's boring. go make me some soup maybe.
00:46:22 ** lepus-americanus has left [connection closed]
00:46:44 <Omegatutumon> Marina: *notices Rheine's stare of distress. Goes back in and pulls him
out* 8I
00:47:25 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadwol but fcaek iz baetttr u sur u dnt wnt dat?
00:47:28 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; slaps demun bc she is meen an tkin away he r bfrand
00:47:30 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadw:*
00:47:32 <xxshadowdemonxx666> hadow:*
00:47:35 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadow:*
00:47:46 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> brb
00:47:55 <Omegatutumon> Marina: *slap'd* .... What is---- 8I
00:48:10 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ... -Stands there, scarred for life.00:49:22 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; ....bfrand do u luv mee
00:49:58 <Omegatutumon> Marina: ....... I can't save you. *stares at Rheine*
00:50:20 ** SoveriegnofSilence has left [timed out]
00:50:22 <snagerdra> Ronnie: i couldn't understand your demon-talk, TRY HARDER
00:51:04 <xxshadowdemonxx666> hadow bits ronnii nd grols
00:51:06 ** sweetcherryblossom has left [connection closed]
00:51:33 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ... I have to go see a man about a dog... -Turns and starts walking out
of the room.00:52:14 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; i liek duggs!!1!1 <2
00:52:29 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: About a cat. -Walkwalkwalk.00:53:18 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; i liek catz mor
00:53:32 ** SoveriegnofSilence has joined
00:54:05 <Omegatutumon> Marina: .... Stop talking please 8I
00:54:14 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; no
00:54:40 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *slaps shadow* you cut that out or else!
00:54:55 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shdow lieks dat. " do dat agin "
00:55:03 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: About a.... bird...
r* >:U
00:55:38 <Omegatutumon> Marina: rheine. make your girlfriend stop talking.
00:56:30 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: She's not m--.... -Stares blankly at Zoe.00:56:53 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadoe strts prrin evn loder
00:56:58 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; no u stup talk
00:57:32 ** SoveriegnofSilence has left [timed out]
00:57:36 <snagerdra> Ronnie: FFFFFF *claws at Shadow's ears*
00:57:54 <Omegatutumon> Marina: ... :I *stares at Zoe*
00:57:56 ** wonderwart has left
00:58:16 ** SoveriegnofSilence has joined
00:58:30 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shdow: jmps of da grond liftng ronniii up wit him an flyz arond
00:59:46 <Blue-Violin1230> *Shadow: jumps of the ground lifting Ronnie up with him and flys
01:00:02 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *off
01:00:19 ** wonderwart has joined

01:00:21 ** Jazzikinns has joined

01:00:39 <Double-AA-202> ....
01:00:44 ** SoveriegnofSilence has left [timed out]
01:00:45 <Double-AA-202> omg what is that font colour
01:00:51 <Double-AA-202> i have been drawing whaT HAVE I MISSED
01:00:53 ** SoveriegnofSilence has joined
01:01:02 <Black-Ratchet> Batteries keep the OOC chatter in Hrrrrn))
01:01:09 <Double-AA-202> OH OOPS ]]
01:01:14 <Black-Ratchet> n00b ))
01:01:49 ** faithom has joined
01:01:51 ** Nyyrikki has joined
01:01:55 <snagerdra> Ronnie: weee, take me outside, Shadow!
01:02:29 ** Nyyrikki has left [connection closed]
01:02:49 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadw breks ot windw nd flyz arond
01:03:24 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zpe; u hab to do whu i seys bc i am human capn
01:04:19 <snagerdra> Ronnie: >: o now sing me the song of your people as we pick russian apples
01:04:21 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ................... I quit.
01:04:44 <Omegatutumon> Marina: .... But we are demons.
01:05:17 ** SoveriegnofSilence has left [timed out]
01:05:43 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; bt u r stpoopid
01:05:54 <xxshadowdemonxx666> ahsdow sttrs siging ooprah
01:06:11 ** SoveriegnofSilence has joined
01:06:51 ** Blue-Violin1230 has left [connection closed]
01:07:16 ** SoveriegnofSilence has left [connection closed]
01:07:40 <snagerdra> Ronnie: >: O i expect you to know hwo to tap dance, roller blade and play viola
by the time we land in England!
01:08:02 <Omegatutumon> Marina: ... No I am not.
01:08:33 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; but i am catpan so u r
01:08:48 <Omegatutumon> Marina: So you made me dumb?
01:08:57 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadw: " OK!!!!!!!! "
01:09:02 <Omegatutumon> Marina: or rather...
01:09:10 <Omegatutumon> Marina "Stpoopid'?
01:09:17 <snagerdra> Ronnie: what country are we in now, Shadow!?
01:10:05 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shdoW: "UH,,,, JAPAN!1"
01:10:24 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; yes
01:10:32 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *hits with apples * you are going the wrong way
01:10:51 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *apple jack plushies
01:11:03 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shawdo: " WERE U GIT APPELS???? " trns arond
01:11:16 <snagerdra> Ronnie: >:o we picked them i told you that
01:12:36 <Omegatutumon> Marina: That isn't nice of a captian. To make their underlings stupid. It
would be your fault that we would lose in a war.
01:12:45 <xxshadowdemonxx666> ashdwo: " oh,,,,, i frgot " maeks et 2 englsand
01:13:08 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *walks barefoot across abbey rode* :U this is the best day of my life,
01:13:18 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: -Just stands there.- ...
01:13:33 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; noo it wud b ur falt bc ur stppopid
01:13:57 ** SoveriegnofSilence has joined
01:14:03 <snagerdra> Ronnie: >: U now lets go back to the cafeteria *walks into cafeteria*
01:14:18 <Omegatutumon> Marina: I'm done here. This arguing is pointless. :I

01:14:48 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; ok

01:14:55 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shdow wlks wit him smlin " u wnt caek???? '
01:15:23 <snagerdra> Ronnie: >: U no i still want soup. *gives him the apples* go maek som
01:15:51 <Omegatutumon> Marina: You don't have to listen to her, Rheine. She will make you
stppopid. Its contagious.
01:16:22 <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *strolls into the cafeteria for his nightly cup of coffee, nodding at
the other recruits* . . .
01:16:31 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadw goez 2 maek caek suup
01:16:56 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *nods to Jenner*
01:16:59 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; grab bfrand arm an mak out wit him
01:17:39 <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *bows to Ronnie* Good evening. *walks past to coffeepot*
01:17:48 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ... Ri---DHAJKWE -FREEZES HER TONGUE AND SHOVES HER
AWAY. IT'SLEONALLOVERAGAINHDAJKWEH01:18:25 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; is hurd and creys
01:19:11 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shdow seez funni lokign humon deamun nd follws him ( dats
jennr )
01:19:37 <Omegatutumon> Marina: Run poor fool. *takes his arm and runs*
01:19:39 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> omg ur bloo match mai bloo shadooo
WITH MARINA.01:20:26 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; fells and brakes uncle
01:20:44 <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *bows to the mysterious new demon recruit* Good evening.
01:20:48 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> oop
01:20:56 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> *ancle
01:21:14 <Omegatutumon> Marina: :I You need to pick a better mate next time.
01:21:38 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *points at Zoe* YOUR FIRST DAY IS EXACTLY LIKE MINE!
01:21:44 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shdaow bws bck at jennr " ur funni lookng "
01:21:54 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; halp
01:22:15 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *picks her up* there is only one thing to do. we have to find a healer
01:22:44 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; her hur sparkles and luk at ronni 'tank u'
01:22:54 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: .. Mate? She's not my mate.. W-- -Stares at Marina blankly.01:23:13 <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *frowns slightly at Shadow* . . . I beg your pardon?
01:23:28 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadw: " UR FUNNY LOOKNG "
01:23:31 <Omegatutumon> Marina: She said she was your girlfriend.
01:23:36 <xxshadowdemonxx666> * he tells
01:23:37 <xxshadowdemonxx666> yells*
01:23:41 <snagerdra> Ronnie: you should know i only make love to someone after three dates. and
gender re-assignment surgery. >:T
01:24:08 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; wat is dat
01:24:18 <snagerdra> Ronnie: >:U google it
01:24:19 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ... S-- What does that have to do with being my mate. BI ..
01:25:00 <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *sips his coffee* I get that rather a lot. Thank you for your insights.
01:25:29 <Omegatutumon> Marina: mate and girlfriend is in the same catagory, right. o - o
01:26:12 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; wat is dat
01:26:22 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shdow: " ur welcom. were did mii partnr go,,,,,,,,, "
01:26:41 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ... No?
01:27:26 <Omegatutumon> Marina: ... Sure.
01:27:45 <snagerdra> Ronnie: >:U *takes her to the lybrary and puts her in front of a computer* there.

now google it.

01:28:11 <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: . . . partner?
01:28:25 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadoe: " yuz partnr '
01:28:33 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; go on interret an goggle kittehs
01:28:33 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; go on interret an goggle kittehs
01:28:52 ** yellowflowerevy has left [connection closed]
01:29:25 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ... Okay then... Thanks for helping me.. -Stare.01:29:50 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *googles a synonym for 'kittehs'*
01:30:16 <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: I . . . do not know. What do they look like?
01:30:26 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shdow: " rainbws liek miiii!!!!!!! "
01:30:37 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; i lik catss do u
01:30:39 <Omegatutumon> Marina: You are welcome. But you owe me.
01:30:58 <snagerdra> Ronnie: : P not these kind. *disables image blocker and runs*
01:31:10 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ... What do you want?
01:31:17 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; wat is dat
01:31:33 <snagerdra> ( <3 zoe)
01:31:51 <snagerdra> ( i must draw you)
01:32:04 <xxshadowdemonxx666> DRW SHADOE 2!!!! 00
01:32:09 <xxshadowdemonxx666> ))*
01:32:14 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> omg i luv u snagerdra
01:32:29 ** SoveriegnofSilence has left [timed out]
01:32:31 <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *looks around room* . . . there does not seem to be anyone
matching that. . . description in here. I suggest you seek them out.
01:33:04 <Omegatutumon> Marina: Nothing. At the moment. If i need something, I'll call you.
01:33:25 ** SoveriegnofSilence has joined
01:33:43 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *goes back to Shadow* shadow, i'm leaving the DAMMED soon.
thought you should know.
01:33:45 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadoe: " O K ' strts flyng ot room rianbws behnd hem
01:33:51 <xxshadowdemonxx666> SHDOW" SRTOPS
01:33:57 <xxshadowdemonxx666> " NO RONIII Y "
01:33:58 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: .... Right then... I'm going to go.. get.. some coffee..
01:34:06 <snagerdra> Ronnie: STRORP YERRIN AT ME
01:34:24 <xxshadowdemonxx666> " DNT LEVE I JST GOT HERE :((((((((((((((((((("
01:34:38 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; go n fin shadoo
01:34:46 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *drops an apple dramatically* : (
01:35:01 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadot: *CRIEZ*
01:35:07 <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *eyes his coffee suspiciously* . . .
01:35:14 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadW: *MENAL BRKDON*
01:35:28 <Omegatutumon> Marina: If you were wise, you'd be in your room.
01:35:32 ** SoveriegnofSilence has left [connection closed]
01:35:34 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *also mental break down*
01:36:19 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ... I'll go there straight after getting a cup... Too many rainbows
running around..
01:36:43 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadoe: "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
01:36:54 <snagerdra> Ronnie: BECAUSE NO ONE LOVES MEEEEEE
01:36:59 <Omegatutumon> Marina: Don't be "stpoopid". - _ 01:37:50 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; fin shadooo and hg him bc he sad
01:37:59 <Black-Ratchet> Jenner: *quietly walks into the kitchen, climbs into a cupboard, and waits
to die*

01:38:05 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shador: I LOVVVV UUUUUUUU

01:38:15 <xxshadowdemonxx666> " ZEO GIT OF MI"
01:38:19 <xxshadowdemonxx666> OFF*
01:38:32 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; no i luv uuuu shadoooo u r mah bes fran
01:38:53 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shsdow: 'no zeo i hat u go die "
01:39:18 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; ok i go tak to bf bc u are a meeneee she go an hug ruhn
01:39:36 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ... You don't look like you're going back to your roo-- DHAwkjeh
-Jumps.01:39:38 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadoe: " gud sty awy " hugs ronnii
01:40:14 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; i luv u 4vr bf
01:40:28 <Omegatutumon> Marina: .... I: You should be mean to her to make her go away.
01:40:59 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ... Get off of me. -Glares at Zoe.01:42:07 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *hugs back* *blloo bloo bloo bloo*
01:42:08 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; u luv me 2?? omg im sosososo happpy
01:42:40 <Omegatutumon> Marina: ... should I leave you two alone?
01:42:50 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; yes pls
01:42:55 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ... When did I say tha-- No. Stay.
01:42:57 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> *plz
01:43:03 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shdoe: u wan go in kitcen git fud??
01:43:13 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; u sad jus nao
01:43:49 <Omegatutumon> Marina: What should I do then?
01:44:08 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: No. No I didn't. -Stares at Marina- Make her go away.
01:44:38 <Omegatutumon> Marina: ...... I: Then you owe me twice.
01:45:27 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ... Nope. Never mind. You can go. Both of you can go. BI
01:45:40 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; bf
01:45:49 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; i wil nvr leaf u
01:46:16 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; bc u r my solmaet
01:47:07 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: I am not. Your mate. BI What is it with people here.
01:47:27 <Omegatutumon> Marina: Okay. Good luck with your mate. *waves at the two*
01:47:30 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; ys u r dun be stupoopid
01:47:55 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: No. Stay away. -Starts walking to the Mess hall.01:48:44 <snagerdra> Ronnie: DID YOU MAKE THE SOUP?
01:49:42 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; fullw ruhn come bac bf
01:49:44 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shawod: YES!!!! *shws boild caek*
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01:51:48 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: -Freezes her in place and makes a dash for the kitchen.01:52:26 ** Maple-kun has left
01:52:51 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; grab runs han and seys y u run bf
01:52:53 ** Asteru has joined
01:53:26 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: -Pries her hand off and runs kthx in the kitchen kthx.01:54:16 ** snagerdra has joined
01:54:58 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; bf cum bac i luv u 5evr and evr
01:55:40 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: -Climbs into the fridge. Eats fish while waiting for death01:56:06 ** wonderwart has left [connection closed]
01:57:14 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; smash opn fridg an crey y u no luv me bf
01:58:10 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: ... Because you're fat. -Shoves her out of the way and makes a dash for
the mess hall.01:58:39 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; no bf dun go....u drop fish
01:59:10 <PockiiChuu> Rheine: -Runs forever.- You can keep it. dhajkweh
02:02:36 ** Goddess-Anubis has left [timed out]
02:02:40 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; creys
02:03:34 <snagerdra> Ronnie: i feel asleep, where is shadow
02:04:45 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadoe: cryn en corn bc ronnii dosnt liek caek suup
02:05:20 <snagerdra> Ronnie: damn straight i hate/love that soup . i am bipolar i don't know what my
feelings are doing
02:05:41 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadoe: :'''(((((( stys en corn
02:07:17 <snagerdra> Ronnie: my depressions are too strong, i need dat soup, shadoe. tell me where it
02:08:01 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; go n steel caek sup
02:08:03 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadoe: it en da kitcen onda stove :''O
02:08:20 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadoE: OHGM NO ZEO I HAT U GO AWY
02:08:47 <Asteru> *suddenly, Nona realizes she was accidentally in the soup!!~! She oozes out of the
pot but realizes she is stuck in an oven ):*
02:09:20 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; grab nono and hug her
02:09:27 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadoe cookd nona en suup on purpoos
02:09:27 <Asteru> Nona: oh no i am in an oven what will i do oh hello you are hugging me
02:10:36 ** Omegatutumon has left [timed out]
02:10:48 <Asteru> Nona: *Nona bubbles and marvels at zoe's rainbow hair. What an exotic human!*
02:11:02 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; u r cute wat is ur naem
02:11:47 <Asteru> Nona: This one is called nona. *she puts out her appendii to touch zoe's beautiful
face. * What is this human called?
02:13:30 <snagerdra> ROnnie: that is rainbow-broken-ankle girl and you have ruined my antidepression soup. *steals her* but i love you anyway gosh you are adorbs
02:13:31 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; my name is raevn sakkra ayamee elixabet morgona veronka chair
alece brown da third but call mee zoe or iill hit u
02:14:09 <Asteru> Nona: .....raven sakkra ayumee morgana elixabet... chair alice brown three but call
me zoe or i'll hit you....
02:14:34 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; u r squisssy
02:14:40 <Asteru> Nona: Oh dear i am being held by someone else now *she bubbles excitedly. so
many new people!*

02:14:46 <snagerdra> ROnie: it's MY squishy!

02:15:42 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; meenie she slap ronni
02:16:23 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *shocked* *does not drop Nona* bitch, i HELPPED YOU LEARN
02:17:32 <Asteru> Nona: *she bubbles excitedly, her sensors all curled up* oh no please do not
squeeze me so tightly. *she pushes against ronnie with her appendii*
02:18:40 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; u r stupoid
02:18:42 <snagerdra> Ronnie: :U you remind me of that slug demon. but cuter~ <3 *holds more
02:20:46 <Asteru> Nona: *her sensors relax and she stares at zoe. for some reason she feels strange
when she looks at this human. like she is gaining some sort of bizarre mental disorder. her circulation
pulses faster and her sensor tentacles feel all tight. what kind of power is this?? and her hair is so
flowing and attractive like the goopiest of high level wraiths*
02:21:17 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; her har spurkless
02:22:51 ** Black-Ratchet has left [connection closed]
02:24:47 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *puts Nona on his shoulder and gets himself out some soup*
02:25:01 <Asteru> Nona: *nona slides off of Ronnie's shoulder and wraps herself around Zoe and hugs
her hair* For some reason i am experiencing new feelings
02:25:50 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoel i will naem u skwishy
02:26:28 <Asteru> Nona: no thank you i already have a name it is Nona.
02:27:45 <snagerdra> Ronnie: no, Nona, come live with Ronnie! <: U *picks at her* *thinks its his
02:28:39 <Asteru> *Nona curls up into a little ball*
02:28:53 <Asteru> Nona: are you my new human partner
02:29:15 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *heart breaks* </3
02:29:18 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; no shadoo is mai parter he is men tho
02:29:49 <Asteru> nona: what is the other human's name i do not think he told me
02:29:59 <snagerdra> Ronnie: yeah, please come to Ronnie. that's me. :,(
02:30:17 <snagerdra> Ronnie: *srs face* Ronnie. Ronnie Clines.
02:30:32 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; he is meeie face
02:32:23 <Asteru> Nona: what is a meanie face
02:33:33 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; he is meen
02:36:22 <Asteru> nona: oh
02:36:25 <Asteru> Nona: Ronnie are you mean
02:37:20 <xxshadowdemonxx666> shadoe: Ronnii iz nt meen u r
02:37:41 <Oni-no-Kage-hime> zoe; a les im not stupopopid liek u
02:37:51 <Asteru> Nona: "stupopopid...."

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